Maby we will have different types of wood bows? Laminated bows like the mongolian bow.(massive range and power untill 1800's no small gun could match it.) Or like a yew or oak long or shortbow? Along with a few types of the bows we had before like glass bows or elven bows. But having an ebony or steel bow is retarted. I am glad it is geting realistic.
That sounds like it certainly would be reasonable, but we probablly shouldn't assume too much from just one bow, because I think we've only seen one bow, I could be mistaken, but I suspect the bow the archer in the fall forest is using may be the same one as what the Khajiit has, and it's too early to assume that all bows are made out of wood just because this one bow appears to be.
Plain jane weapons

, one of the reasons I like low fantasy.
Not everything looks rediculous with crazy designs!
Meh, I like my fantasy to be "ridiculous" and "crazy", that's the appeal of fantasy comes from the fact that it's free to break real life rules as much as it wants, and when fantasy tries too hard to be realistic, it often just becomes boring, if I want historical accuracy, I look for history books, still, I don't mind a bit of logic to my unrealistic fantasy, ornately designed swords look good and can still have logic, bows made out of glass, on the other hand, just make no sense.
And Skyrim is not low fantasy, it's still pure high fantasy, just a somewhat more rugged take on it than Oblivion. Like in past games, the low level items look more simple, while we can safely assume that the higher level ones are a lot fancier, just look at the elven armor, or what may or may not be a glass sword, those don't look very plain to me.
Anyone notice the snake slaying statue behind it?
I think by now you can assume that people would have seen that, and it's been discussed before, it's just that people haven't been bringing it up here because this is about the bow, not the statue. And I believe that statue is a shrine of Talos since it looks like one depicted in concept art labeled as such. Though there's been speculation as to what the snake is, and for all we know, it may be that it's not a creature that exists in the game at all.