Do you think we will pushed into the whole dragonborn thing from the beginning of the game or do you think we can just ignore the whole main plot line and go off into the world and be whoever we want like in the last 2 ES games?
I liked how in morrowind if you didn't want to be the nerevarine you didn't have to, you could go off and do whatever you want and never touch the main quest. Do you think it will be like that in skyrim
In the most technical sense... Not really. The player is always Dragon-Born. But In Morrowind, the player was always the Nerevarine.
Do you have to follow, or even acknowledge that path? Absolutely not. Like in past Elder Scrolls games, the main plotline is a very small part of the game. What I am concerned about, is how they are going to direct the player into the main quest.
In Morrowind, you're slightly "Nudged" into the main quest. Nudge might even be too strong a word. Compare that to Oblivion, where the main plot is thrust into you, on fire and screaming it's intent, it's a lot harder to actually "Ignore" that main plot. As gpstr point out, you pretty much have to ignore a burning city and portals to hell, in order to not be the "Champion of Cyrodiil".
Hopefully Skyrim strides the middle ground, like Fallout 3. You're given a reason to explore the main quest, but it's up to the player to fabricate the motivation for themselves. The prologue does a good job of thrusting you out of the vault, without weighing you down with arbitrary feelings. The game never says "You like dad, go find him", as a matter of fact, being antagonistic towards your father is very much a possibility, allowing players to ground themselves in a "Screw him, I don't care where he went, time to check out that giant black thing with a spike on it's tail, maybe it wants to be friends" mentality.
So hopefully, with that in mind, we'll be able to be rather nasty to Esbern "I didn't need your help to escape" or the like. Even the option to openly reject the destiny, something along the lines of-> (Esbern:I see something in you, perhaps if you're willing to submit to the Way of the Voice, we can discuss it further) (Player: Piss off, I'm gonna go climb a mountain).
Here's to hoping.