For me personally, I think I'm going to be an assassin/ or archer first, that is in my first playthough, then perhaps a mage. Most likely for the mage I'll focus on destruction spells, alteration or conjuration. I'm going to pick the race when I get to look at them all together with the descriptions, what about you all?
I am aware that classes are gone, but what you chose to be is still under the class ladder. Warrior, assassin, mage, archer, you tell me
I'll just play the game, try some different things at the start, and see which one I like the most and then continue on that road. Right now, I imagine I'll be a paladin with a 2-handed sword, because I've always leaned towards that build.
Human Battlemage, final race choice will be determined by racial perks/bonuses etc. Then either an Orc/Nord barbarian, Elf Nightblade or duel wielding Ranger.
Yeah i really wanna see what class has the best perks for being silent, or better with the bow. I think that probably takes out my chances of orc, although I will definitly have Orc be my warrior class. They are just too awesome. I'm thinking perhaps human or some form of nord for my assassin/archer playthough.
Also, what do you guys think of having a companion on your travels? I hate to bring FO into this but like dogmeat, or rex, or Faux, Lily, etc.
Perhaps if you befriend a traveler enough in a tavern, they will ask to join you on your adventure. Or if someone helps you out, but secretly the are spying on you, they will ask to be your companion? This could offer many sidequests of their own.
I'm having a hard time deciding what I'll play. My favorite class/race combination is a Dunmer Battlemage, however a Nordic Warrior is really sounding nice. So either one of those too.