i wonder though if higher crimes will travel to surrounding holds. like i murder a noble and get caught in the process. will my crime be reported to the next closest holds?
Since there are 2 different types of jails, maybe one is for more serious crimes?
Do you think each of the nine holds will have 2 different types of jails?
Or maybe one kind of jail is for enemies of the state (i.e., Rebels in the Loyalist holds and a torture chamber for Loyalist dogs in the Rebel holds)?
If you don't mind, could you tell me or give me a link to where you got this information? THANKS :biggrin: :biggrin:
This is from the new Playstation magazine article
Medevil Crime Scene Investigation (MCSI). "Stop right there criminal scum!"
If there end up being bounty hunters or Regulators that track you from one hold to another a la FO3, I certainly hope the A.I. allows for a more complex process for them to track you, like spawning in a town you visited 3 game-days ago, etc.
Since in one of the interviews, Todd mentioned something to the effect that "some Radiant Story quests will involve NPC asking you to assassinate a character you have befriended or interacted with, and some NPCs will try to have you assassinated if you really piss them off" - I think it's possible there could be people following you all over Skyrim.