In Oblivion if you were knocked down by and opponent the game would zoom out to a third person view while you weren't pushed backwards and into the ground and it would wait until you were standing again before returning to a first person perspective. Now although this might seem perfectly fine imagine how much more immersive this would be if you simply stayed in First Person and you fell to the ground with the same view as you would have if you fell over in real life, rather than zooming out into third person. Now im not to sure how hard this would be to implement however it is seen in some FPS and yes im going to name the infamous cod. I'm simply wondering if it would be possible to have a first person staggering system in Skyrim and what you guys would think of this. This would also apply to other aspects of the game not just when you are knocked back or staggered in combat but it could also allow for other things for example:
You are fighting a giant when he grabs his huge club and whacks you fair in the side of the chest with it, now im not to sure about you but i don't believe that any human would simply be able to shrug of a blow from a creature as big as a giant, imagine if rather than just taking the blow you was thrown to the ground in a sideways motion and then had to regain your feat. That would be so epic to see in first person.
Now have a little bit of hope after seeing the gameplay trailer where the Dohvankiin (spell check) is running towards the cliff and it shows him almost lose his balance and fall over the edge in a first person perspective, this looked really good to me and gave me faith that maybe all movements will be seen in first person.
I may be expecting to much but i was just wondering what everyone elses thoughts might have been.