» Thu May 19, 2011 12:27 am
This sounds mad, but if theres one thing I'd like to say to games developers about music its PLAY BANJO AND KAZOOIE ON N64
anyway yeah, anyone remember the music of that game, how it changed depending on where you where? Except smother than that- new instroments came in and instroments fell out as you played. In that game it was pretty cute- but in the only other game thats done something like it, Chaos Theory, it was EPIC. You'd be sneaking and you'd have this pracicly non existant ambient kind of noise... then youd trip on a rock and this tense but light kind of noise would come in as two guards turn around all like "Huh, what was that?"... then you'd pull out your gun and start firing, they'd return fire and suddenly theres a drum kit having a a musical seisure whilst a slap bass chunders epic in a drop D tuning. and if that sounds fail to you.. well your wrong it was epic.
But you can picture it right? Sweeping strings as you explore, then you spot a pack of wolves and the strings drop out and a tense woodblock percussion line comes in as you draw your bow and track them... then you fire and three of them come running at you as the forth drops and suddenly theres a full choir and orchestra playing as you run for your life through the trees! and all part of the same song, like the same melodies/ tune...
it would sure beat "peace full music whilst two guys rip eachother to shreds 5 meters from you... A MUD CRAB LOOKED AT YOU, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM TIME"