EDIT the files are textures\characters\khajiit\female\footfemale.dds and footfemale_n.dds.
Are you sure? Without an ESP it will be "textures/characters/khajiit/
male.dds" for the females as well as for the males (default settings for Khajiit in the Oblivion.esm). That's the origin of this particular issue after all.
Don't know if EVE nowadays has a plugin to rectify this (satisfied TFF user myself), but originally the Exnem body and its derivatives didn't ship with one. Else this would have been a non-issue from the start and Robert won't have been forced to make male Khajiit use a file "RTfootmale.dds" instead in his plugin.
Both situations still cause a lot of issues to those unaware nowadays.