I know what I don't want...
All those anime and six mods.
It sickens me and makes me wonder why someone would want to force that in a great game like TES.
I sincerely hope that Skyrim's modding community won't be based on this, like it has been for Oblivion.
I can only think of maybe four or five actual "six" mods for Oblivion.
Unless you're considering companion mods that have "romance" dialogue (like Romancing Of Eyja), or overtly revealing Frazetta/Royo/Vallejo style clothing mods & bodies, to be six mods.
Also, by "anime" do you mean all clothing mods that look like the stuff you'll find in Asian RPGs & MMOs, or just the ones that actually copy outfits from animated shows? And Square-style hair mods....
Because, honestly, trying to lump all that stuff together under "anime" is kind of pushing it.... if you're looking for a single blanket term, Asian would probably be more accurate (still not completely accurate, but hey....

Original topic:
I'm going to have to see how the base game is before I have any ideas about gameplay mods that might be useful (since I don't have any "MW or Bust!" predisposition to "no compass" "no fast travel" etc mods...) And the in-game bodies look pretty good so far, so I don't necessarily see any obvious need for a body replacer.
More hair, eyes, skin textures, and pretty clothes will be a definite, though. Gotta look your best.

All of this after the first, unmodded, play, of course.