[RELz] Nice To Meet You

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:39 am

[RELz] Nice To Meet You
A Realisitc and Robust NPC Naming Engine

Author: Syclonix



Isn't it strange that you psychically know every NPC's name in the game? Nice to Meet You is a realistic NPC Naming Engine which adds another layer of immersion to the game by allowing you to differentiate strangers from acquaintances, and even acquaintances from fellow guild members! How strangers and friends are differentiated is completely up to you. For example, you can have all strangers named by their race, acquaintances named by their name and class, and fellow guild members named by their name, guild, rank, and class. You can even choose to show the services each NPC offers (e.g. merchant, trainer, armorer, recharger).

For those who want something more immersive, Nice To Meet You includes several fully configurable realism features such as forgetting the names of NPCs you don't interact with regularly, permanently memorizing names of NPCs you do, hiding the names of all NPC's you haven't met yet, and even the ability to identify dead NPCs.

Putting it all together makes for a more enjoyable and immersive gameplay experience when interacting with Oblivion's native inhabitants. Did I mention there are a jazillion customization options? Don't worry, the mod comes pre-set with recommended defaults for the best gameplay experience.

Known Incompatibilities

None, except for Reneer's NPC Name Mod.


  • Do I need to start a new game to use this mod?
    No. Nice to Meet You works out of the box with existing save games.

  • What version of OBSE do I need?
    This mod requires OBSE v0020 or later. Get it http://obse.silverlock.org/.

  • Will this mod mess up my save game?
    Nope. All changes are automatically reverted when the mod is deactivated.

  • Will this mod conflict with any quests?
    Nope. Oblivion and (user-created mods) refer to NPCs by their FormIDs, not by their in-game names, so this mod won't interfere with your quests or anything like that.

  • Will this mod work with NPCs from other mods?
    Definitely. There's even an option to show user-created classes for NPCs.

  • Will this mod slow down my game?
    Nope! I've written it to be very efficient and I've benchmarked it several times. The results show no difference in frame rate while using the mod.

  • How do I configure the options?
    Just open the INI settings file in your text editor. All the options will be explained there.

Version History

  • 1.0, 06/03/2011 - Initial release.


All credit goes to http://tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=84012 for his http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26369 which was the inspiration for this mod. Thanks also to http://tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=644634 for teaching me how to script and to http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/53482-scruggsywuggsy-the-ferret/ and the team for OBSE!
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sexy zara
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:43 pm

Excellent work! :goodjob: You know, this reminds me of a very old project I had that was intended to do just this (and then also for ingredients/creatures/etc.) that never left the planning stage. Now I no longer have to feel bad about it. :P
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:32 pm

I like it very much, but I already have a suggestion for a new version:

  • An exception list or better compatibility with the Player Faction. (Vilja's called Player Faction's Vilja, the Warrior Alchemist Class)
  • Maybe you can put the .ini in the Data Files/ini folder? Just so we don't have thousands of inis floating in our Data Files.

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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:32 am

Excellent work! :goodjob: You know, this reminds me of a very old project I had that was intended to do just this (and then also for ingredients/creatures/etc.) that never left the planning stage. Now I no longer have to feel bad about it. :P

Thanks! BTW I tried implementing the naming system for creatures too, but it doesn't work the same way as it does with NPCs because renaming creatures renames the base ref for some reason. In the end I left this out because I figured:
  • NPC/Creature names are hidden when in combat
  • It's more plausible for Creatures/Flora to be labeled than it is for NPCs since the former are general whereas the latter are unique.

I like it very much, but I already have a suggestion for a new version:

  • An exception list or better compatibility with the Player Faction. (Vilja's called Player Faction's Vilja, the Warrior Alchemist Class)
  • Maybe you can put the .ini in the Data Files/ini folder? Just so we don't have thousands of inis floating in our Data Files.

You know I actually implemented an inclusion/exception lists for classes, I even set up a parser to convert some Vanilla class names to more suitable ones for in-game (e.g. "Arena Combatant -- Heavy Armor" -> "Heavy Armor Combatant"). But I only made an inclusion list for Factions based on the majpr/minor factions http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Factions. I also allowed the listing of factions which the Player belongs too, but I see now that that won't always work out nicely, hence "Player Faction's Vilja".

I cannot find an NPC named Vilja in the construction set so he/she must have been an NPC added by another mod or DLC. In this case you can disable the INI setting sycNTMYQuest.sShowModClasses to 0. That way you won't get weird sounding classes like "Warrior Alchemist Class", they'll just show up blank instead.

I'll see what I can do about the factions for the next release.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:46 am

Thanks for you quick response. I must have overlooked the mod-added classes setting while reading through the ini, sorry. BTW Vilja is a mod-added companion. (A very good one that is!)
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:38 am

You know I actually implemented an inclusion/exception lists for classes, I even set up a parser to convert some Vanilla class names to more suitable ones for in-game (e.g. "Arena Combatant -- Heavy Armor" -> "Heavy Armor Combatant"). But I only made an inclusion list for Factions based on the majpr/minor factions http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Factions. I also allowed the listing of factions which the Player belongs too, but I see now that that won't always work out nicely, hence "Player Faction's Vilja".

I cannot find an NPC named Vilja in the construction set so he/she must have been an NPC added by another mod or DLC. In this case you can disable the INI setting sycNTMYQuest.sShowModClasses to 0. That way you won't get weird sounding classes like "Warrior Alchemist Class", they'll just show up blank instead.

I'll see what I can do about the factions for the next release.

This looks like an excellent little mod but I'll hold off on installing it until I've sorted out my own issues with my game. I would advise you to go http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1165923-relz-companion-vilja-ver-30-thread-no-9/ if you want to learn all about Vilja. I'm sure you'll love her just as much as the rest of us do.

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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:51 am

Vilja looks very cool. I've bookmarked it to try it later.

To address the issue with Companion Factions I will most likely add an option to show/hide user-created factions that the Player belongs too.

Can someone who has the Vija mod or a similar companion mod tell me if that Companion Faction shows up in your Factions Screen? If it does, what is it called?
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kristy dunn
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:49 am

I whipped up a wizbain structure for this on my wiz pile page at nexus, if your interested.

Yeah, a ton of options, nice mod. Thanks :)

Metalio Bovinus
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:16 am

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Julie Ann
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:36 am

I whipped up a wizbain structure for this on my wiz pile page at nexus, if your interested.

Wow, thanks Metallicow! I appreciate you doing that. FYI I'll move the INI Settings file to the ini folder in the next release.


Hahaha sorry about that. As you probably figured out, that happened because the NPC is named "Necromancer", the faction is "Necromancers" and the class is "Necromancer". As you can tell, I didn't comb through every combination of NPC, faction, and class...

I think what I will do is check to see whether the Name and Class match, and if they do, I will remove the Name, since that indicates that the NPC is generic. I can also make more exceptions so that for example, any NPC named "necromancer" will not display their Faction of Class in their name.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:53 am

I've just turned off showing any faction and mod added classes for the time being. Plays really nice so far. I will just activate the faction option again in a later revision.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:09 am

Brilliant stuff as always! Keep up the bad work :thumbsup:

Now I no longer have to feel bad about it. :P
You know, those of us who remember the name of the project and all of its juicy details don't share the same view :P
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Amber Ably
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:10 am

Hahaha sorry about that. As you probably figured out, that happened because the NPC is named "Necromancer", the faction is "Necromancers" and the class is "Necromancer". As you can tell, I didn't comb through every combination of NPC, faction, and class...

I think what I will do is check to see whether the Name and Class match, and if they do, I will remove the Name, since that indicates that the NPC is generic. I can also make more exceptions so that for example, any NPC named "necromancer" will not display their Faction of Class in their name.

That's basically what I was coming here to report after going into a cave and being attacked by "Bandit, the Bandit". :)

But that led to me finally remembering to check out the ini and tweak the configuration, where I found
Unless otherwise specified, a value of "1" means Enable and a value of "2" means Disable.
However, in the actual default settings, you seem to be using 0 for "disabled" (the same as everyone else :D ). You might want to change the claim that "2 means disable" so that it doesn't confuse anyone.

Also, I found one case where the setting provided by default doesn't match the documented default value:
set sycNTMYQuest.sShowHostileClasses to 1 ; Default 0

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:39 am

Really good idea, I had a look at this in the CS actually, and you've got some nice, tidy scripting there. So well done on that :P
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:59 am

Another minor bug: With the settings
set sycNTMYQuest.sNameFormatLineBreak1 to 1 ; Default 0
set sycNTMYQuest.sNameFormatLineBreak2 to 1 ; Default 1
set sycNTMYQuest.sNameFormatComma to 0 ; Default 1
set sycNTMYQuest.sNameFormatArticle to 0 ; Default 1
set sycNTMYQuest.sNameFormatParentheses to 0 ; Default 0
NPCs' classes still have a space in front of them, even though they're the first word on a new line. So far, I've only seen bandits since adding this mod, so I can't say how this is affected by display of faction/rank if those are also enabled. (From the docs on these settings, it looks like faction/rank are the only things which would appear prior to class on the same line, so I'm assuming that race/services shouldn't affect it.)
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:14 pm

Nice mod but you might want to find a way to display only the name in the barter window, as the formatted string is http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/5798/2011060500001.jpg to fit in.
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Michael Korkia
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