This is my contribution to the field of vampirism overhaul mods. All that it
contains stems from a single proposition: For a vampire, Blood Is Everything.
All vampiric abilities are determined by your available pool of blood. They
are powered by expending that blood and how you manage your blood today
determines how much you will need to get through the day tomorrow.
Since the blood model is so central to this overhaul, that's where I'll start.
When a vampire first encounters this mod, it sets his maximum blood supply to
100, current blood supply to a random value in the range of 10-20, and blood
waste rate to 1. Each time you consume blood, your maximum blood level is
increased somewhat based on the amount consumed. Your waste rate is also
increased based on your current blood level and the amount consumed - if your
blood supply is empty, the waste rate won't increase at all; if you're at or
near your limit, the waste rate will increase substantially. Your maximum
blood level never goes down, while the waste rate is reduced by 0.01 for
each 15 real-world minutes of play during which you do not feed on blood,
modified by your current vampirism stage (see below).
While there is no fixed "you must feed every X hours" rule, maintaining your
existence as a vampire uses up 2 blood per game hour, multiplied by your waste
rate. This means that an older vampire who constantly gorges himself on blood
(and thus has a high waste rate) will go through blood quickly, but will also
have a larger pool of blood to draw on. Another, equally-old, vampire who has
instead chosen to live off a minimum of blood will find that, though he can't
maintain as high of a blood level, he will also use it much more slowly,
allowing him to survive on just the occasional rat or wolf. Note that, in
either example, the vampire's age does not figure into this directly, it just
provides more time for the maximum blood pool to grow and the waste rate to
increase or decrease. Age is nothing. Blood Is Everything.
There are currently 5 stages of vampirism defined, dependent solely on your
blood level:
* Gorged on Blood (75-100% of maximum blood level) - This stage combines the
benefits of the vanilla stage 4 vampire (+20 to stats/skills, 20% Resist
Normal Weapons) with the 20% Weakness to Fire of the vanilla stage 1.
Feeding while Gorged on Blood will provide the most recovery of health,
magicka, and fatigue, but it will also produce the greatest increase in blood
waste rate and, with such an abundance of blood, you have no need of
efficiency, so your blood waste will decrease at only 10% of the normal rate.
* Sated on Blood (50-75%) - This combines the vanilla stage 3 benefits and
stage 2 weakness. Blood waste decreases are 50% of normal.
* Hungry for Blood (25-50%) - As you've probably guessed, this has vanilla's
stage 2 benefits and stage 3 weakness. Blood waste decreases at the base
* Thirsting for Blood (1-25%) - Still sticking with the pattern, we now
have vanilla's stage 1 benefits and stage 4 weakness. Blood waste decreases
at the base rate.
* Blood-Starved (0 blood) - When you have no blood, your magicka regeneration
stops, your Weakness to Fire increases to 75%, and you become susceptible to
Sun Damage. Additionally, all normal blood costs must still be paid, but, as
you have no blood, this takes the form of physical and mental deterioration -
every five points of blood which you need but do not have will be translated
into a point of damage to a random stat. On the plus side, feeding will
result in almost no increase to blood waste and your waste rate will decrease
50% faster than the base rate.
And, yes, you read that right - Blood-Starved is the only stage which includes
a Sun Damage effect. However, all stages include Solar Desanguination: So long
as you have blood, sunlight doesn't damage your health, it drains your blood
supply. As with standard Sun Damage, Solar Desanguination's effects are
reduced in bad weather, at dawn/dusk, and when underwater. The amount of blood
lost to sunlight is also multiplied by your blood waste rate.
Unlike in previous versions, your ability to appear normal is no longer tied
directly to being in a Thirsting for Blood state and is no longer based on
maximum blood level. Rather, it is determined by your blood waste rate. With
a waste rate of 1, you will be be consumed by hunger and forced to display your
fangs if your current blood level is 25 or less. This level is adjusted by one
point for every 0.02 difference in blood waste rate - if your waste rate is 2,
the hunger will take you if you have less than 75 blood. Conversely, if your
waste rate is 0.5 or less, you will be able to conceal your vampiric nature for
as long as you have any blood at all. Maintaining control while completely
Blood-Starved is more difficult, requiring blood waste to be below 0.25.
To avoid issues with leveling, all stat-affecting or togglable vampiric
abilities are implemented as diseases. If you are affected by a Cure Disease
effect, your vampirism will reassert itself within a matter of seconds, but any
togglable abilities will have been turned off. This process also reduces your
blood level by up to 10 points as your vampirism un-does the damage (or
the repairs, depending on your viewpoint) inflicted by the Cure Disease.
* Bare Fangs - As in most vampirism mods, you retain your normal face under
normal circumstances, but must change to a vampire face to feed on sleeping
NPCs. Use the Bare Fangs power to show or hide your vampiric appearance.
While your fangs are visible, most NPC vampires will be friendly, but non-
vampires will refuse to talk to you and may attack on sight.
Feeding on sleeping NPCs will damage them for 10-15% of their current health
and provide 2 blood per point of damage inflicted. Blood waste will only
increase a tenth as much as it normally would for gaining that amount of
blood, but you can only feed on sleeping NPCs once per game hour.
* Blood Immortality - This is an automatic ability which is triggered when you
fall below 25% of maximum health or 10% of maximum fatigue. When activated,
it instantly regenerates your body at a cost of 2 blood per point of health
or 0.1 blood per point of fatigue. Unlike all other abilities, Blood
Immortality will only function when you have blood available and cannot
substitute stat degeneration for blood.
* Blood Power - This lesser power toggles the Blood Power ability, which
provides Restore Magicka 2/second while in effect, at a cost of 1 blood per
* Blood Reconstruction - The physical counterpart of Blood Power, this restores
1 health per second at the same cost in blood.
* Blood Scent - This toggle provides the ability to smell the blood of the
living (Detect Life 100). Use of this ability is free.
* Corpse Feed - This ability allows you to drain the blood from freshly-killed
bodies to sustain yourself. Be aware, however, that overkill splatters the
blood, rendering it unavailable, and allowing the corpse to grow cold will
rapidly reduce the amount of benefit you can gain from the blood that is
Corpse feeding provides blood equal to 10-25% of the target's maximum health,
minus any overkill from weapon attacks, minus 25% per real-world minute passed
since death. Magical overkill does not reduce available blood. You cannot
corpse feed while combat is ongoing and can only feed on the corpses of
recently-living creatures, not undead or atronachs.
* Embrace of Shadows - Currently identical to the vanilla power, at a cost
of 10 blood. This will be converted to a toggle (probably using Chameleon
rather than Invisibility) in a later version of Blood is Everything. This
ability is only available when you are Gorged on Blood.
* Hunter's Sight - Unlike the vanilla Hunter's Sight, this version is a toggle
and includes Night-Eye only. (For Detect Life, use Blood Scent
instead/also.) Using this ability costs 1 blood per minute.
* Reign of Terror - Identical to the vanilla version, at a cost of 20 blood.
This ability is only available if you are at Sated on Blood or higher.
* Vampire's Seduction - Identical to the vanilla version, at a cost of 5 blood.
This ability is only available if you are at Hungry for Blood or higher.
--- Upgrading ---
Blood Is Everything 1.0 substantially reworks a number of its internal details
and, as a result, is not directly compatible with previous versions. If
you are upgrading from a previous version of Blood Is Everything, you will
need to do the following if you wish to preserve your character's blood stats:
1) Run Oblivion with the old version of Blood Is Everything. Open the console
and enter the command "set BloodStats to 1". Close the console and you will
get a pop-up showing several numbers. Copy down the blood, max blood, and
blood waste values.
2) Exit Oblivion, disable the old version of Blood Is Everything, and make a
clean save.
3) Enable the new version of Blood Is Everything, load your clean save,
open the console, and enter the following commands:
set vampire.blood to X
set vampire.maxblood to Y
set vampire.bloodwaste to Z
where X, Y, and Z are the blood, max blood, and blood waste values you were
shown in step 1.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Blood Is Everything, but you
do not have an existing vampire character or if you don't mind having your blood
stats reset to their starting values, you should be fine just replacing the old
version with the new one. The mod name has been changed
("Blood Is Everything.esp" to "BloodIsEverything.esp"), so a clean save is not
If you are converting from another vampire mod, please check that mod's
uninstallation instructions for how to safely remove it before installing Blood
Is Everything. If this uninstallation process involves curing yourself of
vampirism, you can enter the console command "set vampire.forcevampire to 1" to
become a vampire again after installing Blood Is Everything.
If you have an existing vanilla vampire character, no action
should be required - Blood Is Everything will detect that you are a vampire and
update your character for the new system.
--- Configuration ---
As of version 1.0, Blood is Everything will read the file BloodIsEverything.ini
from the Data\ini\ or Data\ directory whenever a game is loaded. Several
things are configurable in the ini file; please see the included default ini
file for details.
--- History ---
Back in 2007, the Oblivion modding community had a glut of vampire overhaul
mods. Some just reversed the vanilla progression so that feeding would make
you stronger rather than weaker. Others were much more extensive. I liked the
more extensive overhauls in principle, but, in practice, most of them were
mired in the idea that vampires gain their power simply by being old and few
had any notion of blood supply beyond "you must feed every X days or suffer
This felt wrong to me. It made more sense to me that blood would directly fuel
a vampire's existence and powers. While an ancient vampire would tend to be
more powerful, this is because it has had more time to learn to handle its
blood efficiently and to access greater reserves of blood, not merely because
it is old. Once I realized that this was what I didn't like about the existing
vampirism overhauls, the thought almost immediately popped into my head:
"Age is nothing. Blood is everything."
That thought provided the name for this mod and has guided all of my
development work on it.
At the end of 2008, I emigrated to Sweden and my gaming rig didn't make the cut
for things to bring with me, so I was forced to drop out of the Oblivion
community for a time. During my absence, I was contacted by Traven73 about
continuing my work on Blood is Everything. I was incredibly flattered, agreed,
and assisted him with initially understanding the scripts I had developed. In
time, he dropped support "due to a lack of interest". It was then picked up by
SkylineR390, who, as of this writing, is still continuing with it.
There were some philoophical differences in the design of their "Blood is
Everything - Vampire Overhaul Revamped" and "Blood is Everything - A Vampirism
Overhaul" versions, in that they chose to add "path" and "age" systems, which
is exactly the sort of thing I had wanted to get away from when creating Blood
is Everything, so I will not be adopting them into this "Classic" version. If
your taste differs and you would like to have paths or age benefits, I would
encourage you to check out their versions:
Blood is Everything - Vampire Overhaul Revamped by Traven73
Blood is Everything - A Vampirism Overhaul by SkylineR390
In April 2011, I was finally able to get back into playing Oblivion and resumed
modding shortly thereafter. Following some minor updates to my simpler mods
and starting on yet another new one, I've come back to Blood is Everything and
made some significant changes in version 1.0. See the changelog below for
details, but my major objective has been to make blood waste a bigger factor.
Previously, you could just run around Corpse Feeding on everything in sight,
building up a huge maximum blood level, and there was no real drawback to it.
Conversely, blood waste rate dropped so slowly and provided so little benefit
that there was no reason to play a hungry vampire. By applying blood waste as
a reduction to blood amounts gained, making it harder to control your fangs as
blood waste increases, and allowing you to keep control of them at all times
when blood waste is low, as well as reducing the rate at which blood deficiency
converts to stat damage, I hope to have made the "hungry vampire vs.
bloodthirsty vampire" choice a more interesting and meaningful one.
--- Requirements ---
* Oblivion 1.2
* OBSE - This version of Blood is Everything was developed and tested under
OBSE 0020, but may work with earlier versions.
--- Bugs ---
* Waiting in the sun isn't interruptible in the first hour, so it is currently
possible to avoid the effects of Solar Desanguination by waiting in one-hour
increments until the sun goes down.
--- Future Plans ---
These abilities are planned, but have not yet been implemented.
* Blood Attributes - The attribute bonuses will be decoupled from your
vampirism stage and instead be paid with a price in blood, allowing you to
run at full blood with no stat bonuses if you wish to conserve blood and
avoid feeding or to kick in the full +20 bonuses even when Blood-Starved if
you think that it will allow you to get a good meal before stat deterioration
takes too much of a toll.
* Blood Immortality (revised) - Add in controls allowing you to select the
percentage of maximum health or fatigue where this kicks in. Also add
magicka recovery to this for vampire mages foolish enough to value magicka
more highly than blood.
* Blood Reconstruction (revised) - Add controls allowing you to select rates of
health, magicka, and fatigue recovery to run continuously. Also revise this
so that the toggle will remain active, but drain no blood when you are at
full capacity. Blood Power will be removed when this is added, as magicka
regen will just be another aspect of this power.
* Blood Sympathy ("you are what you eat") - Using Corpse Feed on creatures
whose stats are better than yours will restore damage and/or provide bonuses
to those stats. (e.g., Feeding on a mountain lion will provide a bonus to
Speed, while a bear will give a bonus to Strength.) I haven't yet decided
whether larger differences in stat value should provide a larger bonus for
the same time or the same bonus for a longer time.
* Removal of vampire stages altogether - The five stages of vampirism don't
really serve much purpose other than to determine which stat bonuses and
powers are available to you. After stat bonuses are moved out to Blood
Attributes, I can make power availability based on relationships between
blood level, maximum blood level, and blood waste, much as has already been
done with control of your hunger. Once that's done, the stages will no
longer serve any purpose and can be removed to provide a much more flowing,
organic experience.
--- Contact Information ---
Bug reports, etc. can be PMed to ndervish on the official Bethesda forums or
--- Compatibility ---
* This mod substantially alters the stock Vampire quest script and the action
of the Cure for Vampirism potion and is therefore incompatible with anything
else which does so, including (but perhaps not limited to) the large majority
of other player vampirism overhaul mods.
* Blood Is Everything is fully compatible with TheNiceOne's HUD Status Bars
(http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34905). I am currently using the
following bar; just copy and paste the code below into your Hud Status
--- cut here ---
; =================== Blood Is Everything blood level status bar
; Bar is normally red, but turns black when fangs are showing
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorRed*(PCVampire > 0)+10*(PCVampire > 3)"
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "vampire.blood"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "0"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "vampire.maxBlood"
SetStage tnoHSB 10 ; Init status bar BIE
--- cut here ---
* Rudimentary compatibility with Basic Primary Needs (which doesn't let
vampires satisfy hunger/thirst with normal food/drink and doesn't recognize
Blood Is Everything's Corpse Feed power) has been established by telling BPN
that the player has consumed large amounts of food and drink whenever their
blood level increases. If there are similar problems with other "needs"
mods, please notify me so that I can patch for compatibility.
--- Thanks to: ---
* gamesas and the OBSE team for making this possible
* Traven73 and SkylineR390 for creating Blood Is Everything Revamped while I
was away
--- Changelog ---
- Moved configuration into an ini file for easy customization
- Reduced upper limit on starting blood when you first become a vampire so that
new vamps will never be in control of their hunger
- Blood waste rate higher than 1 will now reduce blood gains from feeding
- Reduced rate of stat damage when out of blood
- Basic compatibility for Basic Primary Needs
- Blood gain from feeding on sleeping NPCs is now based on NPC's health rather
than player's maximum blood pool
- Made control of hunger/forced fangs dependent on blood waste rate rather than
maximum blood pool
- Changed rate of reduction in blood waste to be dependent on actual playing
time and current blood level rather than on passage of game time
- Removed forced Detect Life effect from Thirsting for Blood and Blood-Starved
- Made player friendly to NPC vampires when fangs are visible
- Fixed a bug in Solar Desanguination script causing it to deplete your blood
supply much faster than intended after sleeping or waiting
- Fixed rate of available blood decay for corpse feeding when using a timescale
other than the vanilla default (30)
- Fixed incorrect behavior on player death
- Fixed Vampire Cure potion to work with this version of vampirism
- Added check to interrupt resting/sleep when the sun is out
- Fixed maximum blood level increases to take effect immediately
- Initial release