» Wed May 18, 2011 9:26 pm
1. If you want balanced starts, look into Alternative Start: Arrive By Ship or Alternative Beginnings, otherwise there are plenty more cheaty starter gear mods (giving you things like 1000000 gold, full Daedric armor, etc.) on TESNexus.
2. Armor is upgraded by leveling up your character and exploring dungeons at specific levels. Early in the game, it can be accomplished by buying new gear at shops, but the usefulness of the shops as equipment upgrade centers dies very quickly, so you will need to move on to plundering dungeons soon after (at about level 5, the usefulness of shops for new equipment starts going downhill, and by level 8 you will have almost no reason to ever buy anything from them again save repair hammers and arrows). Due to the way this game is balanced, you will start finding new, better armor pieces as you level up in both the loot chests AND on your opponents. However, take note that many people (myself included) think that this system is flawed (as in badly), so try it out first and see if you like it. If you don't, don't worry, there are mods that can fix this.
3. There are shops in every major city in the game (except Kvatch, but I won't spoil anything). You are allowed to fast-travel to every major city right from the start, as well, so I'd suggest taking some time to get acquainted with each of the eight major cities in this game as you learn the ropes.