Coolest/ spell you have made?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:52 pm

I have this one:

Fortify Blade 73 pts for 5 secs on self
Fortify Strength 48 pts for 5 sec on self
Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 5 secs on self
Absorb Willpower 100 pts for 5 secs on touch
Absorb Health 15 pts for 5 secs on touch
Bound Sword 5 secs on self
Soultrap 5 secs on touch
Shield 60 pts for 5 secs on self
Paralyze 3 secs on touch

school: Restoration, master level
cost: 190 magicka I think

This turns my wimp Acolyte into a superhuman warrior!

While the victim is down by paralyzation, my blade and strength is fortified to 100, then I hack away with my bound claymore.
The soultrap is for recharging my Mage's staff and Sanguine Rose
The shield 60 is for stuff immune to paralysis, so I don't die. Combined with absorb health to keep my healthy.
Absorb Willpower and Fortify magicka so I regenerate magicka fast enough to recast it after it wears out.

This spell can take down a Skeleton Champion, which has 370 HP (I think), if it's stupid enough not to block.
So... what's your coolest/best spell?
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:58 am

Drain speed 100x1 second on target + weakness to poison 100x6 seconds on target + soul trap x35 seconds on target.

The drain speed makes the target 'forget' you just hit them with a spell so if you were hidden when you cast, you will be hidden after you cast. The weakness to poison doubles any following poison damage or busts the immunity of those immune to poison. The soul trap of course refillls Azura's Star.

This spell of course is designed to be cast from stealth and immediatlely chased by a poisoned arrow. As long as the weakness to poison is in effect when the poison strikes, it will remain in effect for the entire duration of the poison.

At level 20, this spell/poisoned arrow combo can take out a (normally poison immune) storm atronach in one shot.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:39 pm

Drain speed 100x1 second on target + weakness to poison 100x6 seconds on target + soul trap x35 seconds on target.

The drain speed makes the target 'forget' you just hit them with a spell so if you were hidden when you cast, you will be hidden after you cast. The weakness to poison doubles any following poison damage or busts the immunity of those immune to poison. The soul trap of course refillls Azura's Star.

This spell of course is designed to be cast from stealth and immediatlely chased by a poisoned arrow. As long as the weakness to poison is in effect when the poison strikes, it will remain in effect for the entire duration of the poison.

At level 20, this spell/poisoned arrow combo can take out a (normally poison immune) storm atronach in one shot.

I get the feeling that every encounter with an enemy you use that tactic....

How much does that cost and what school is it in?
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:43 pm

It is Buffy's staple against a single powerful foe. She worked very hard trying to figure out a way to make poison more effective (even against immunes) while remaining safely hidden and being able to retain her sneak bonus on the shot that followed the weakness spell. We are very proud of the results she achieves with it.

For crowds, she prefers to make them kill each other off down to one survivor. If she gets in trouble, she tends to summon Spike the clannfear while simultaneously disappearing. If cornered, she'll immobilize the mind of her foe and open fire with her bow. If she has to fight underwater, she'll block with her bow and combine paralysis with absorb health up close.

We have made various versions of the drain speed/weakness to poison spell as she has grown more skilled. The one listed above is a mysticism spell (due to the long soul trap component), and with 100 in mysticism costs under 50 to cast.

At lower levels, the soul trap can be deleted and the weakness to poison can be shortened by a second or so to save magicka. That would also make it a destruction spell.

At Buffy's top level now, she actually increased the weakness to poison duration to 8 seconds so she can take plenty of time to make her bow shot. She also has another version (for fighting vampire and regular battlemages) that substitutes silence for soul trap.

She also spends a couple magicka to add what I call 'tags'; that is weak on-self effects that simply serve to give her a little arc timer on her screen so she can see how much duration she has left. For example, if her weakness to poison is for 6 seconds, she might have an effect in the spell of feather on self 3x6 seconds so she can see how long she has to get her poisoned shot into the target. She might also have a fortify fatigue 3x35 seconds on the spell to give her another timer arc so she can see how much time is left on her soul trap component. These little 'tag' effects are even more helpful with the DarN Dark Interface mod where the little timer arc actually provides the seconds value as they count down. Such 'tag' effects usually only increase the casting cost of the spell by 1 since they are so weak.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:19 pm

Hm... I think it is this one:

Stop right there!

Paralyze 60 seconds on touch.

Magicka cost: 290, or something around that.
Illusion: Master

Or this one:


Paralyze 20 seconds on touch.
Invisibility 20 seconds on touch.

Cant remember magicka cost or skill level.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:55 am

I've personally never created an extremely good spell or anything, just what I need. I've always wanted to make a spell that have every single effect (Fire, Frost, Shock, Damage Health, Light, Summon, Drain Health, Absorb Health, etc. all in about 100 feet.) just for fun. Considering I play on Xbox, though, it costs too much magicka and money (like 4 million magicka and 20 million Septims or something like that) to make the spell. I can always dream, though...
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:40 pm

Void, The Movie
Touch Spell

Soul Trap for 6 seconds
Paralyze for 5 second
Absorb Health 10 for 5 seconds
Fire Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Frost Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Shock Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Light 20 feet for 2 seconds
Weakness to Magic 100% for 5 seconds

At master level destruction, this all costs about 120 magicka. Smackdown!
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:44 pm

Void, The Movie
Touch Spell

Soul Trap for 6 seconds
Paralyze for 5 second
Absorb Health 10 for 5 seconds
Fire Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Frost Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Shock Damage 25 points for 5 seconds
Light 20 feet for 2 seconds
Weakness to Magic 100% for 5 seconds

At master level destruction, this all costs about 120 magicka. Smackdown!

Since the weakness to magic component does not benefit a single casting of this spell, would you be better served by deleting that effect and perhaps putting it in a 'prep' spell if needed?
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:14 am

Since the weakness to magic component does not benefit a single casting of this spell, would you be better served by deleting that effect and perhaps putting it in a 'prep' spell if needed?

Yes that would be better. As it is now and if I′m not forgetting anything, that weakness is replaced when the second spell hits (provided it′s the same spell), thus nullifying its effect. However it serves its purpose if you hit the target with an enchanted weapon within that time frame
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:40 am

Since the weakness to magic component does not benefit a single casting of this spell, would you be better served by deleting that effect and perhaps putting it in a 'prep' spell if needed?

If I'm sure that this usually one-hit kill is not going to, one-hit kill, I insert a second touch spell in when the foe is down, to guarantee that they won't get up. I put the WTM effect especially for this purpose. The second touch spell varies, but includes paralysis. It's usually like this: bow, bow, bow, bow, I'm getting overwhelmed, switch to melee, Void, another touch spell if needed. Then I can scurry back and resume tagging enemies with the arrows. What's also nice, if I'm carrying it, is to blast them with Apothesis when they're down, after using the first spell.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:50 am

Fortify speed 100pts for 20 sec on self
fortify athletics 100pts for 20 sec on self
(optional) Invisibility 20 sec on self

req 100 restoration
costs around 210 for me as an master in restoration and expert in illusion

who needs a horse when this spell makes you make road runner look like a snail


Fortify speed 100pts for 20 sec on touch
fortify athletics 100pts for 20 sec on touch
demorize level 25 for 20 sec on touch

speeds up enemy movement and makes em run away real fun with adoring fan on dive rock :laugh:
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sunny lovett
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:33 am

Last time i played mage, I have 2 spells that blew through the game.

Weakness to magicka 100% for 5 secs on touch
Invisibility 5 secs on self

Drain Health 100 pts for 1 sec on touch
Invisibility 5 ses on self.

These 2 spells made the game CAKEWALK. You attack while not getting attacked back.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:38 am

I once made one that (off the top of my head) absorbed health 100pts, 100sec on target.
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