My only area of lacking is climbing up mountains or jumping - a little frustrating but nothing major. He will feel slow when walking compared to characters skilled in speed skills. Opening locks isn't a problem as he has alteration as primary skill.
Sneak isn't really a problem as his armor and strength grows rapidly and has little need to hide. I use block to hold off much damage and also I have restoration to heal with if required. If his armor or shield takes damage he can repair it himself as armorer is a primary skill. Obviously not great for Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood but what do you expect for a Knight of the Temple who has pledge an oath to protect and defend the innocent? A Templar may be a DB's worst nightmare though.
Star sign: The Lady.
Nordic Knights of Skyrim known as Templars who devote their life to the temple and heal the sick and defend the poor and under privileged.
Specialization: Combat
Primary Skills:
1. Blade (or can be Blunt) = all Nords come with a +10 Blade / Blunt bonus
2. Heavy Armour = all Nords come with a +10 Heavy Armor bonus
3. Block = all Nords come with a +5 Block bonus
4. Armorer = all Nords come with a +5 Armorer bonus
This give the Nord his strength and defense in melle battle. An area a Nord is naturally suited to.
5. Restoration
All Nords automatically come with a +5 restoration bonus
This gives the Nordic Templar Knight the ability to heal others and himself. It also gives the Templar the ability to fortify himself. Nords are also born with resist frost (magnitude 50) constant effect
6. Alteration
All Nords automatically receive the shield (magnitude 30) spell. This increases armor rating. Alteration magic also helps defend against magic users and will assist Nords to open locks as security is an area a Nordic warrior class lacks.
7. Destruction
Nords automatically receive Frost Damage spell. Destruction magic provides an addition form of attack and gives Nordic Templars the advantage of ranged attacks as marksman isn't an area they waste time training too hard in. They concentrate on melee combat and strong armor.
Templars will grow strong in melee combat very quickly but also have the advantage to constantly heal themselves (& others - Order of the Temple. Includes horse or anyone they are protecting) and also are able to protect against magic.
They also are specialized in the art of destructive magic for added attacks. Frost being the Nords native choice depending on enemy.