GIve us a PC screen

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:48 am

The main difference is that nearby objects and scenery will have much higher quality than the Xbox360 version.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:32 pm

Anyways, the 360 shots of Skyrim destroy the maxed out vanilla PC shots of Oblivion, which to me is awesome!

Fixed that for you

Modded oblivion looks better than what has been shown of skyrim.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:27 am

Don't be so sure. The demo for the reporters a while ago I think was on the 360.

I think so.

Remember that one for Playstation mag was (obviously) on PS3.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:36 am

I doubt they're even going to.

Probably not :sadvaultboy: Sure, the graphics will be a bit better, but it's just a bit.

The only real reason I get it on PC is mods, Construction Set/Kit, and the console.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:23 am

I just want to see a screen of the PC UI.

We already know PC version will have higher resolutions and higher resolution textures, and mods will make it look even better, so I'm not too concerned with seeing shots that show off the PC version's graphics. The UI is the main thing I'm concerned about at this point, and it's what I want to see the most.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:31 am

They should show PC screens so that way modders know how much work they are going to have to do.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:24 pm

I'm sure Todd will play the demo on PC as he did with Oblivion. Would make sense.

Part of the reason Todd likes the Xbox360 over the PC, is it's marketing strength. There are no "Well, how many 560XT cards are you running in SLI/Crossfire" or "How overclocked is your Core i8" kind of questions. What you see is what everyone can jump right into, making it the most logical platform to demonstrate the game on.

Honestly, it shows a great amount of security in their product, we all know the PC version will look much better, and Bethesda could take the low-ground like other developers, and show off Ultra-mega-megaman settings on a PC out of the economic reach of all but a councilor of House Hlaalu, without ever making it explicitly known that only .031% of the gaming community will ever have a game that looks like that. (TW2, I'm looking at you), instead, they chose the high road, and are showing a game that everyone will get.

They should show PC screens so that way modders know how much work they are going to have to do.

Are there really people this shallow, who would just start modding the game's visual before even playing it? What a pitiful existence that must be.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:46 pm

What a pitiful existence that must be.

I feel the same about people who judge others based on their preferences.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:01 pm

Part of the reason Todd likes the Xbox360 over the PC, is it's marketing strength. There are no "Well, how many 560XT cards are you running in SLI/Crossfire" or "How overclocked is your Core i8" kind of questions. What you see is what everyone can jump right into, making it the most logical platform to demonstrate the game on.

Honestly, it shows a great amount of security in their product, we all know the PC version will look much better, and Bethesda could take the low-ground like other developers, and show off Ultra-mega-megaman settings on a PC out of the economic reach of all but a councilor of House Hlaalu, without ever making it explicitly known that only .031% of the gaming community will ever have a game that looks like that. (TW2, I'm looking at you), instead, they chose the high road, and are showing a game that everyone will get.

Are there really people this shallow, who would just start modding the game's visual before even playing it? What a pitiful existence that must be.


As for shallow no people just want there games to look 2011 not 2006. Also most people i know can get TW2 looking like it does in the screens since the screens weren't taken with ubersampling or SSOA and those who can run it with those two things enabled make up about 35% of tw2 community. Only because this year is the year of the upgrade with BF3, TW2, Shogun 2, metro, ect ect people have started upgrading (mainly bf3).

Heck if the game doesn't support tri monitor setups @ 3x2560x1600 I'll wait for modders to input said setups that way by the time that happens i'll have a full batch of graphical overhaul, sound overhaul, and gameplay overhaul mods ready to go.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:53 am

I feel the same about people who judge others based on their preferences.

All I'm saying is, technology is constantly moving forward. The visuals of anything are never going to be perfect. It's an addiction, you never catch the dragon.

Even now, I'm sure there's the MGE team making improvements to MGE, I have to wonder if they even get time to enjoy the creation, or if they just steam right in to the next iteration of the perpetually beta'd project.


As for shallow no people just want there games to look 2011 not 2006. Also most people i know can get TW2 looking like it does in the screens since the screens weren't taken with ubersampling or SSOA and those who can run it with those two things enabled make up about 35% of tw2 community. Only because this year is the year of the upgrade with BF3, TW2, Shogun 2, metro, ect ect people have started upgrading (mainly bf3).

Heck if the game doesn't support tri monitor setups @ 3x2560x1600 I'll wait for modders to input said setups that way by the time that happens i'll have a full batch of graphical overhaul, sound overhaul, and gameplay overhaul mods ready to go.

But when that happens in 2014, won't you want your game to look like it's 2014? Where does it stop?

gameplay overhaul mods ready to go.

Without ever having played it. Makes perfect sense. I think this underscores the logic (Or lack thereof) of certain PC gamers.
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Ann Church
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:04 am

I think so.

Remember that one for Playstation mag was (obviously) on PS3.

Were there really PS3 screenshots and/or the PS3 version being reviewed in the PlayStation magazine? If Bethesda doesn't say so, it's best not to assume, I'd say.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:00 am

That is correct.
Top is an official Xbox360 screenshot
Bottom vanilla PC with maxed out settings.

Wow, the difference is actually very close graphics-wise. I even kinda like the 360 shot more, it looks more surreal. Anyways, that's probably not the best scene to compare, there might be more of a distinction in a different type of scenery.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:24 pm

Were there really PS3 screenshots and/or the PS3 version being reviewed in the PlayStation magazine? If Bethesda doesn't say so, it's best not to assume, I'd say.

They've stated that everything so far has been 360. So no, somebody made an assumption.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:39 am

They've stated that everything so far has been 360. So no, somebody made an assumption.

Although, it makes absolutely no sense, in my opinion, to show off 360 screenshots and a 360 demo for the PlayStation magazine. Why would they do such a thing? I'm assuming that also means PC magazines are showing off 360 screenshots, as well, so what purpose does this serve?
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Madison Poo
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:29 am

All I'm saying is, technology is constantly moving forward. The visuals of anything are never going to be perfect. It's an addiction, you never catch the dragon.

Even now, I'm sure there's the MGE team making improvements to MGE, I have to wonder if they even get time to enjoy the creation, or if they just steam right in to the next iteration of the perpetually beta'd project.

But when that happens in 2014, won't you want your game to look like it's 2014? Where does it stop?

tri monitor support is easy so it wont be in 2014 as for 2014; they'll be more texture packs out by then. Also 2006 ->2011 5 year difference, and the difference in graphical fidelity is stunning. ANyways why should gaming be beholden to the lowest common denomintor if it does not have to.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:38 am

Were there really PS3 screenshots and/or the PS3 version being reviewed in the PlayStation magazine? If Bethesda doesn't say so, it's best not to assume, I'd say.

Well, in the article they did talk about what buttons you pressed on a PS3 controller to perform certain actions.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:30 am

tri monitor support is easy so it wont be in 2014 as for 2014; they'll be more texture packs out by then. Also 2006 ->2011 5 year difference, and the difference in graphical fidelity is stunning.

But you're also comparing games that should not be compared.

Battlefield 3, a linear, "Boxed in" game, compared to Skyrim, a totally Open world game? That's like comparing the fidelity of a PC RTS game, to an Xbox360 based Shooter. They accomplish different things, and use their hardware assets in totally different ways. Would you be okay if Skyrim looked like BF3, but was locked to narrow Corridors full of scripted events, with no loot or character progression, or NPC interactions, and fighting the same 3 enemies (Taliban Substitute A, Taliban Substitute B, and Taliban Substitute C) over and over?
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m Gardner
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:48 am

Are there really people this shallow, who would just start modding the game's visual before even playing it? What a pitiful existence that must be.

No, modders will play the game usually first before doing any extensive mods. We may make a few cosmetic changes early on, but good modding requires a degree of planning.

This will probably come across to you as somewhat of an alien concept, but many modders enjoy modding more than actually playing the game. Who are you to tell people what they should and shouldn't do for enjoyment? The idea of creating something and sharing it with others for their own enjoyment is a hugely satisfying one (although not all modders share their work, the goods ones usually do though).

And more than a few professional games developers started as modders, or in their spare time still mod. So try telling them they have a 'pitiful' existence.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:57 am

All I'm saying is, technology is constantly moving forward. The visuals of anything are never going to be perfect. It's an addiction, you never catch the dragon.

So, because you know you can't grab something means you shouldn't give a serious try?

Even now, I'm sure there's the MGE team making improvements to MGE, I have to wonder if they even get time to enjoy the creation, or if they just steam right in to the next iteration of the perpetually beta'd project.

Going on my own experiences, the enjoyment comes from actually doing it, not for completing it. It's like art... you're never finished, you just get to a point where you don't want to work on it anymore. It's the journey, not the destination, etc.

But when that happens in 2014, won't you want your game to look like it's 2014? Where does it stop?

It stops when the game is released. A game released in 2011 should look like a game released in 2011, a game released in 2006 should look like a game released in 2006, and so on. Given that Skyrim is being released very late 2011, why should it be outshined by games released early 2011? Or even by a game released in 2007, for that matter?
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