» Wed May 18, 2011 11:44 pm
Well, I would say that the abilites should be as follows:
Warrior Races
Redguards are the best Of the Warrior races at dealing damage in combat, and thus gain bonuses to weapon damage (for all weapons) and movement speed. When they hit 0 health, their adrenaline kicks in and provides a tiny bit more health and an even larger boost to movement speed.
Orcs are the Toughest of the Warrior races, and thus gain bonuses to health and any defensive skills (block and heavy armor). They are also skilled smiths, and so gain a bonus to smithing. When they hit 0 health, they go beserk and gain a little more health and a boost to their armor rating.
Nords are the most balanced Warrior race, and thus have small bonuses to alll combat related skills. They are also highly resistant to frost magic (which comes in the form of a permanent 40% resistance to it, and a 5-10% chance to ignore frost attacks entirely).
Stealth Races
Bosmer are the Stealth Race best suited for avoiding combat in the first place, and so gain a large bonus to stealth. They are also innately talented marksman, and so gain a large bonus to archery, and tend to be acrobatic, and can jump higher than most other races. They can also exert limited control over most animals.
Khajiiti are the Stealth race that prefers to get up close and personal with their foes. Their claws provide a large boost to hand to hand damage. They are the most natually agile of all races, and can jump higher than any other race, and are also sneakier than any race other than the Bosmer. They have toggleable night vision.
Mage Races
Altmer are the Mage Race that is most innately talented at magic and the most offensively minded, and so they gain a large boost to their magicka and a boost to their destruction and conjuration abilities. However, they also gain a small weakness to the very elements they are skilled at controlling.
Bretons are also very skilled at magic, and so they also tend to have large magicka pools. They are also conservative and defensively minded, and so they gain bonuses to their restoration and illusion skills. They are also resistant to the magic they weild, but are the most physically frail of the races.
Jack of All Trades Races
Imperials are the race that lean towards a combat/stealth specialization. Thus the gain small bonuses to blocking and one-handed weapons and bonuses to the skills of persuasion and speaking. They tend to be naturally persuasive, and most people like them more than other races.
Dunmer learn towards a combat/magic specialization. They gain small bonuses
to destruction and to one handed weaponry. They can also summon the ghost of their ancestor, and a very resistant to fire (See the Nordic frost resistance).
Argonians are the stealth-magic specialized race, and gain bonuses to stealth, one-handed weaponry, and illusion. They also have a small innate armor bonus, can breath underwater, and are highly resistant to poison and diseases.