Conjuration Overhaul

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:26 am

Summoning Static creatures was the bane of Conjuration.

Conjured creatures should be somewhat tied (Leveled, if you would) with the sorcerer. Obviously something like a Scamp would scale less drastically than a Daedroth or Golden Saint, but I wish there was more reason to be a "Tactical" conjurer. You know, summoning Flame Atronachs to fight Frost Atronachs.

I think I'd like to see less hard "Caps" on creature time. Maybe I'm alone, but It'd be better if conjured creatures had a "Perpetuation Cost" of sorts, but you can keep them around until you run out of magicka, or they die (Or you release them). If they die though, to incentivize "Releasing" the creature, you suffer a sort of "Mana shock" that saps a percentage of the creatures base cost immediately from your pool.

EPIC! This. Exactly.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:30 am

I think all summons should be permanent until killed or banished. What you do is spend a perhaps smaller than in previous games amount of mana to bring the creature to tamriel, and then you pay an upkeep cost in mana to keep controlling it. If you summon a creature below the level of what you can summon, you will have more control of it, even to the point of being able to order it to kill itself so you won't have to finish it off. If a daedra breaks free of your control, you have to fight it or cast banish daedra against it.

I mean, come on. We see daedra all around the place that were summoned, but didn't evaporate when their conjurer ran out of magic. I say my method is a proper way to address the situation, as it leaves the player to cleanup what they started and you could be in trouble if you summon something you can't control.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:17 pm

They should allow you to have perform a ritual to bind daedra permanently, it is in the lore and the Conjurer enemies always have a few permanent daedra hanging around.

You'd need to be very precise in following the ritual to the letter, and if you mess up, the daedroth will just smile cruelly, walk right through it's summoning circle, and proceed to ruin your day.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:10 am

Oh, and I forgot to add that perks could really shine here. Feel free to add any perk ideas you come up with related to the conjuration skill.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:14 am

i would like to have pernament skeleton companion like maybe he could be like a guardian, he would maybe taunt enemies and use sword and shield, while im shooting fire from the behind the skeleton
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:52 am

I think Conjuration can be made in many different ways, like in some older games as Diablo, you could conjure 3 skeletons to distract the enemy. But they were very weak and only lasted for a short while. Then you had the golems, which you just sent on their way and while you're were looting chests and stuff, you could hear this crunching noise as the golem killed stuff and you were in a happy place.

But is this what we want out of Conjuration? I would say no.

Familiars are in the same concept, IF you can send them out to recon, but not as bad as the golem-idea, since they are usually very weak. So I wouldn't mind a bat-familiar or something, just to check out what's around the corner. What I DO NOT want is Dremora Lords galore and so on. I don't want to run around feeling invulnerable because of these things, they are there to add "some" protection, not playing the game for me. A cost of mana is of course standard, but maybe a higher cost the more you summon? So you wouldn't summon 3 skeletons and have nothing left in the tank even for one fireball, right?

So hopefully they have an idea from experience to find a way to balance this out.

Because I love Conjuration. :)
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