Who would not pre order the game? I mean this IS the TES section of the forums. I assume everyone here is a TES fan
I was a fan of total war and the civilization series too, till Empire and civ5 came out, sadly the past couple of years have shown that having a great previous game is no longer any indication of the quality of the next one in the series, the buzzword that has grabbed the game industry by storm "streamlining" has put an end to any blind faith i had in a good series.
On the bright side, Bethesda are probably among the last few game companies that have never let me down before, i am confident Skyrim will be a good game, but because i see stats and complexity toned down, and UI made somewhat er, well it looks overly simplified, but of course i'l wait till the game is out before i decide whether those were good design choices or not.
Bottom line is i'm concerned from a gaming stand-point as to where the series is headed, i won't be paying in advance to find out as i previously mentioned, i'l just wait a little while and see which way the wind blows, that way if the game turns out to be a watered down, unnecessarily simplified shadow of the former titles in the series then i'l feel sad, but i won't have anything to complain about as i won't have purchased it.
Being a fan doesn't mean blind faith at the till to me anymore, it may have done once, and slapping down my money early was all part of the excitement, but the game industry as a whole has changed a lot for the worse in just a few years in my opinion, and i've been stung enough times now for even a slow fella like me to say, "i think i'l wait this time".