Just bought some 3D glasses.........

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:00 am

....Enabled stero 3d and my screen went fuzzy, as it usually does. So I put on these cheap 3d glasses I bought from amazon (1 red/blue lens) And started playing and didnt really get any 3d effect. I can see through the glasses just as I see the game without everything is just sort of blurred and I can see sort of like 2 of everything.

I was wondering if someone can tell me where the problem lies. I have a pretty strong computer equipped with a GTX460 graphics card and My monitor is a P2350.
I would appreciate any help attall on what the the problem is and what i can do to get 3d working.

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:47 am

Hey man, are you joking here or is this a serious enquiry?
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:39 am

Hey man, are you joking here or is this a serious enquiry?
Im sorry manI know nothing about this stuff. Im just confused because I am able to view this video on youtube in 1080p 3d. But when I play it appaears fuzzy. Is there something that im missing? sounds like it.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:57 am

You probably don't know a lot about 3D, do you? Those kind of 3D glasses are very cheap, I even made 2 of them by myself with red and blue cellophane. You can read more about 3D online. It works in a way by making one picture into red and blue version and combining them together. And by using those cheap 3D glasses you get a small feeling of 3D (when playing you have a feeling like everything is really in front of you). For a lot better 3D you need a strong display (such as from NVIDIA with 120+ Hz) and their 3D Vision glasses. I never used them though, but I can bet they're good!

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:18 pm

Perhaps you could help by telling us the make/model/type of 3d glasses you bought... because there are different types of stereoscope modes out there... check this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3d_glasses#3D_viewers

there is the Active Shutters, and the Passive Polarized (linear and circular), Anaglyphs, and Filtered ones...

NVIDIA's control panel's 3d settings, i believe allows you to select the type of stereoscopic mode?
I'm not sure... i used to have a stereoscopic 3d Glasses which i bought somewhere 5 years ago.. they are the active shutter type..

So its best you check out what kind of stereoscope modes NVIDIA supports from their website.. and check if it matches the 3d glasses that you bought.

Lastly, if you are using an LCD/LED monitor, check that it supports 3D mode. They would need to have a high refresh rate of about 120htz, as each image is displayed twice in stereo 3d, so 120htz is divided by 2, and appears as 60htz in 3d glasses which is the framerate that our eyes accept.
If you are using an old CRT monitor (those big ones), the refresh rate also matters... but these will generally work still even though they do not say that they support 3d vision
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:42 pm

I get the feelin that the OP has bought a pair of red/blue 3d glasses - obviously these won't have an effect in Crysis 2.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:47 am

I get the feelin that the OP has bought a pair of red/blue 3d glasses - obviously these won't have an effect in Crysis 2.

They do, but very little.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:12 am

The 3D blue and red glasses are ancient history now, i watched piranha 3D with the blue and reds using power dvd 10 (it was pretty cool for sure), but to get true 3D you need a tele that's gonna cost you a small fortune, and a pair of high tech glasses that aren't cheap neither.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:35 am

Hey man, are you joking here or is this a serious enquiry?
Im sorry manI know nothing about this stuff. Im just confused because I am able to view this video on youtube in 1080p 3d. But when I play it appaears fuzzy. Is there something that im missing? sounds like it.

Not sure why that setup not working for you. You should be seeing full 1080p in 3d with those red/blue glasses. Try putting the glasses on backwards and turning the monitor upside down and see if that works
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:56 am

Thanks for the quick responses guys but I was able to get it to work (sort of..).All I had to do was enable stereoscopic 3d in the nvidia control panel and crysis 2 automaticlly worked in 3d.

The 3d im seeing is cool but i notice that in multiplayer it looks like im playing in black and white. The "example" pictures that I was showed in the nvidia set up program looked way bette. This could have something to do with my monitor. It's a P2350. Mabye that has more to do with why the quality isnt great. Im happy that I only spent about 3.50 on the glasses so you get what you pay for i guess....
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:13 am

Well just to add to this, you need a monitor that supports 3D too, not sure what you have and looks like you don't really know either. You should find out.

Then you need a good pair of real powered wireless or wired 3D glasses from like nVidia or what ever you like.

I upgraded a bunch of my stuff about 6 weeks ago, so as stated in another post here it will cost you a bit of $$$, at least you already have a good graphics card. Have fun and good luck with it.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:25 am

jgonz2848, try searching online for 3D LCD/LED monitors... they are a requirement for ur 3d playing experience.... save up some money for one....

It's worth the money i can tell you.
Last time i used a normal old CRT monitor with 100htz, with my shutter 3d glasses from http://www.edimensional.com... i used it to play Doom 3, Quake 4, and old Counterstrike 1.6... i felt i could snipe better in counterstrike... hehe

i have not tried using it with my new LCT monitor, cos i dont have a 3d one. but the refresh rate of the monitor in hertz matters....
My old CRT monitor is only 100htz max refresh rate... which means in 3d... im seeing 50htz.. which is less than 60htz (our human eye's acceptable rate)... so i still see some flickering which gives me headaches.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:11 am

Ok, what you are now using is called Nvidia 3D Discover. It's a cheap way to get a rough feeling of 3D effect. How it works is, the nvidia drivers render two images of the scene you're viewing, one in blue for one eye and other in red for the other eye. Both images can be shown at once. As you probably understand, this leaves one color component (green) out, so this obviously distorts the colouring of the scene.

As for the 3D effect itself, there are two major concerns:
1: What is really intended to show red or blue on the screen can only be seen by one eye, so the stereoscopic effect cannot be created.
2: The technique is purely created by the drivers rather than the game itself, which may cause problems like misplaced shadows or bloom effects.

The proper way to create 3D effect is rendering the image twice and displaying them in turns. This requires twice as fast refresh rate and needs to be supported by your display.
Also, in order to prevent both eyes from seeing both images, shutter glasses must be worn. They block one eye while the image for the other one is shown. Crysis 2 has built-in support for this technique.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:09 am

Fercen... can u pop over to edimensional.com and help check out whether my old 3d shutter glasses could still work on the current generation 3d LCD/LED monitors?

if it does then great hehe...

if not then my wishlist would be to get the latest version of the Vuzix 3d glasses at http://www.vuzix.com
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:39 am

This 3d stuff is confusing lol.....

Still getting a mostlly black and white display, thanks for explaining why that is for me fercen^^^

I found out that the monitor works at a refresh rate of 60HZ, which if I'm understanding this correctly, means that im actually viewing the game at 30hz when using 3d. With cheap glasses and a less than able monitor i guess i shouldn't expect anything too spectacular from my 3d set up. Its definitely still interesting though.

Thanks agiant for all of the help guys.
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Wayne W
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:58 am

I think your still confused mate.

Those red/blue 3D glasses are good for watching videos from YouTube and you can even get some Blurays in red/blue 3D that are good fun. This system doesn't rely on your refresh rate at all because it just displays the two stereo images at the same time - one with a blue tint and one with red. Youe eye sees the blue image through the blue lens and red image through the red.

Modern 3D systems use monitors that have a 120hz refresh rate because they switch the images back and forth constantly. The active shutter glasses are synced to the monitor and block the light to each eye in time with the switching of the LCD display. So each eye gets to see a different full colour image and thus you get 3D.

So those red/blue glasses are good fun but if you want the full 3d experience you'll have to shell out a few hundred pounds - too rich for my blood :D
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:06 am

jgonz2848 well basically there's many ways to mimic 3D....this is just to help you understand what goes on when a game is producing 3d images.

in a basic point of view to help you understand... try looking at something abit far away with your own eyes.. then close one eye, first left then right eye... you'll see the far away image shift its location when u change ur eye.
Your left eye actually sees the image at a different angle and viewpoint than your right eye. Your brain combines both viewpoints and u get what you normally see through both eyes.

So in computer games, to mimic this... for every still frame of a game... the computer creates 2 image of the same still frame... one slightly tiltled to the left eye view point, and one more slightly tilted to the right eye view point.
The monitor cannot show both at the same time, so it shows one after another at a very fast speed (which is why refresh rate is important).

Now because its shown one after another, 3D glasses have to find a way to time the left and the right viewpoints correctly. Left image must only be seen by the left side of the glasses, and right image must only be seen by the right side of the glasses. If the 3d glasses do not match the timing of the monitor, u cannot get the 3d effect. The glasses must synchronize with the images shown on the monitor, left and right view point.

Red & Blue glasses simplify it by making each view point a different color, which will then match the different side of the glasses. (Red glasses cannot see red images, only blue images, Blue glasses cannot see blue images, only red)

Shutter glasses work by darkening or blacking out the side of the eye that is not in the use. If the right viewpoint image is shown on the monitor, the left side of the glasses is darkened or blacked out, and vice versa.

New generation glasses work in a more complicated way based on how patterns of light can be blocked. This one offers the best clarity because shuttered glasses will have a darkening effect from blocking out each eye, and also a flickering effect.
New generation glasses also doesnt need wires.. and is what cinemas use
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:01 am

So with my current set up if I were to buy nicer glasses does anyone think that my 3d would improve significantly or will I have to shell out money for a monitor that actually plays in a 100 HZ Refresh rate.

As a reminder (this is jgonz2848) red/blue 4$ glasses from amazon, 60HZ monitor, NVidia gtx 460.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:22 am

Red/Blue 3D isn't very good in my opinion, it never looks 3D to me
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Glu Glu
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:29 am

Red/Blue 3D isn't very good in my opinion, it never looks 3D to me
I may eventually spring for a 3d LED TV. But its not in my budget at the moment. If I get a pair of expensive (60$?) glasses will it improve, granted that I'd be using a 60HZ monitor?
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:19 pm

first of , get the latest drivers for ur gtx. Then open nvidia control panel -> stereoscopic 3D function -> ENABLE, then choose run setup assistant. Do as you'r told, choose 3d discovery glasses when prompted. Do that little test to ensure its configured correctly. Then choose DEPTH around 30, its good. I use it on 70 but you have to scale it up slowlw so your eyes can adapt to the new depth each time.
Then log into game, it should already be in 3D. If not , go to crysis options and enable 3D function. Your done.
You have to disable 3D fron nvidia control panel each time, coz Every game you play will be in 3D now. Even those which are not supported.

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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:31 am

first of , get the latest drivers for ur gtx. Then open nvidia control panel -> stereoscopic 3D function -> ENABLE, then choose run setup assistant. Do as you'r told, choose 3d discovery glasses when prompted. Do that little test to ensure its configured correctly. Then choose DEPTH around 30, its good. I use it on 70 but you have to scale it up slowlw so your eyes can adapt to the new depth each time.
Then log into game, it should already be in 3D. If not , go to crysis options and enable 3D function. Your done.
You have to disable 3D fron nvidia control panel each time, coz Every game you play will be in 3D now. Even those which are not supported.

There's even an option in the control panel to hide 3d whenever a game starts and the to restart it via a keyboard shortcut. Mine is "CTRL+3".
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