» Thu May 19, 2011 12:52 am
You will lose some. MP loadout names and selections appear to be stored locally, along with some of the leveling data. At a minimum, you will have to copy your Saved Games folder to restore it when you reinstall Crysis 2 somewhere else. If you just use the "DEFAULT" profile you'll be ok (I've done it).
All of your significant stats are saved with gamesas.com, some of your progress is saved locally. This mixed profile management is glitchy and unpredictable. This is the same area where everyone is having XP reset issues (I never have).
To put it another way, if you just reinstall on a new machine and log in, you will still be a level 34 with 1.8 KDR and 2228 headshots etc. (or whatever) But you will have no loadouts, unlocks, etc until you restore the Saved Games data. Restoring the saved games folder BEFORE reinstalling crysis 2 works better. If you have multiple profile names other than DEFAULT, it gets messy because the new C2 install wont always know they are there...