Suggestions for next Patch

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:50 pm

So heres a quick collection, of what we ( Community) think would make Crysis 2 MP more comfortable and better.

Here's a link to the original Thread (warning, it's german):

Big Thanks to Cimle from the CHQ for his time to collect these things.

Weapons and Attachments:
- Fix Lasersight Issues:
1. Square should be a dot
2. Make only beginning of the laser visible, then only the dot
3. Stabilize weapons, either way it's impossible to aim with it, when the dot jumps around all the time (Feline for Example)
4. Although the laser is supposed to be realistic, please move the dot to the center of the screen
- C4 should have a throw --> detonation delay, some people abuse the C4 as a grenade
- Reinstall Akimbo Pistols like in Crysis Wars (Double Nova, Hammer, AY and Majestic)
- Gauss should do OHK to everyone, who doesn't have full life and Armor turned on, firerate should get reduced (when equipping rapid fire, it should shoot like it does now), make it more accurate

User Interface:
- Make the Chat avaiable at the end of a match, or during a killcam, there we have the time
- Chat system should work instantly, disregarding the "cool" animations, when we want to say something, we want to say it now, not in 2 or 3 seconds
- Chat log should be visible in Console again
- Kill Message (who kills who) also instantly shown (same reason as with the chat system)
- Friendlist:
1. Make it sortable according to Online/Offline Status, alphabetical etc.
2. Make it scrollable per Mouse (like the Server Browser)
- Votekick Feature Visible, like "Votekick Initiated for XXX, Press F1 to Vote 'Yes'!" so that new players know what to do
- Mark Squadmembers in the game clearly and always
- Make the map accessible per M, not per Esc (like in Crysis 1), it's more comfortable
- Marking enemies with the Visor should give immedeately 20 points and after a kill another 20 points (same as assist), so the teamwork is more valuable

Nanosuit and Modules:
- Remove the Power Mode malfunction, when shot at, it destroys the games flow
- Change the Nanosuit Skins (to the Gamescom 2011 skins at it's best) currently C.E.L.L. is having a slight disadvantage, because of their white color
- Armor Mode should absorb more damage, 35% isn't enough
- Cloak Tracker should not only have better visibility with every Tier, but also enhanced range (Tier III has no range limitation), 15m isn't enough
- Armor Enhance III should give Enhanced Strength (Kick Cars further, one-hit melees, faster HMG Demount) only when in Armor Mode
- Proximity Alarm suggestion:
Tier 1: As it is now
Tier 2: Red Warning around the radar should have variable size, depending on distance to enemy (like the sound)
Tier 3: Mark enemies on the radar, when they enter the zone the Proximity Alarm recognizes (protection to this: Blind Spot or Radar Jammer so it's not overpowered)

- Spawnpoints should be more teambased, you spawn awefully often right next to an enemy
- At Crash Site, the first Pod should ALWAYS land in the middle of the map, so that every team has the same chance to obtain the Crash Site
- Power Struggle, nuff said

So, that's it. Hope you agree to them, tell us what you think about the Suggestions and if Crytek should look at them!

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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:08 am

I think the proximity alarm sound should be directional at lvl 3.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:08 am

Cloak Tracker III needs to have different effects of cloak tracking at different ranges.

Within 5m radius - cloakers shown as cloaked teammates
within 15m radius - cloakers shown with glowing outline
within 25m radius - green sparks that does not drag behind the running cloaker for 10 meters.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:29 am

Good suggestion.
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John Moore
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:30 pm

Oh yeah, I'd love for them to include Akimbo weapon options, heck, Loadout Pro might be the best module to put this into, allowing you to wield two secondary weapons and use them simultaneously, would make earning the skill assessments for them easier.

I strongly agree with being able to chat whilst dead, you don't really need to talk when you're trying to kill somebody so the 12 seconds you're waiting to get back in is the perfect chance to write in a short sentence. It's a saving grace you can even finish one off if you get caught by a warp-hacker, since it remembers what letters you've typed in before.

When it comes to marking (properly known as tagging) is where I start to disagree in this thread. 'Mark clearly and always', if you're talking about making it so an enemy tagged stays tagged until they die I'd be up for it, but if it's talking about 'once you're tagged that's it the whole match', too overpowered. Also I though the red aura around tagged enemies, even during stealth is enough to spot them even in the toughest lighting.

Getting points for making a tag, and more points after tagged enemy is killed would be an oppotunity to cause more boosting oppotunities, you do know that you can retag enemies, perhaps three to four times if you keep the crosshairs over them? I'd be all for increasing the amount of points gains for tag assists, even bonus points for tagging AND killing the tagged enemy. But not points just for making a tag, you should use it to help your team, not because you get points for it (even though the enemy getting a kill nets you points)

Not sure what you mean by power mode malfunction, but I agree the armour should have a higher absorption rate, it should significantly protect you from harm even as an emergency option.

Cloak Tracker has a range approximate to 20m, and visiblity isn't the issue, it's the 'stealth decode' time on Cloak Tracker II and III. Players who like to rush get little out of Cloak Tracker due to the fact the in-stealth stealth decode takes something like 5-7 seconds for them to show up properly. Ideally any buff would be to lower this decode time or increase the range, visiblity when it does finish is fine.

Armour Enhance suggestion seems a little odd to me, kind of like 'Air Stomp being an Armour module' odd. I would believe a new power module would be better for this kind of suggestion, a literal 'Power Enhance' module that does what is being suggested, bonus points if it allows you to do any of those things without blowing out your suit energy for the big kicks. I say no to the OHK melees though, yes to increased damage in melee though.

I do agree Proximity Alarm needs a revamp, though my idea to revamp uses the bars located on the left and bottom of the radar as directional cues that update as frequently as the normal tiers do (T1 updates every two seconds, T2 updates every second and T3 updates every half second). The new Proximity Alarm in it's final state uses the left bar to warn you of detected threats level, above or below your position and how far up or down they are. The bottom bar notifies you if the thread is straight ahead or further to the left or right of your view but not behind you, with the weakness being that you can't accurately predict the location of enemies behind you other than knowing if they don't ping on the bottom bar, they're behind you.

Enemies spawning next to each other I definitely agree on, I narrowly evaded dying from an enemy spawning behind me, fortunately I killed the svcker but I digress. I also agree on crash site codes choosing a more central location for the first capture point. Maps like Lighthouse are notorious because if it crashes at one side or the other, you'd at a big disadvantage for the whole match. I'd go even further to say that maps like that should have more central locations and no far-side crashes to make it fairer. The rest of the maps don't have this kind of problem but could benefit from a centrally located crash on the first run.

Woo, that was long.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:10 am

When it comes to marking (properly known as tagging) is where I start to disagree in this thread. 'Mark clearly and always', if you're talking about making it so an enemy tagged stays tagged until they die I'd be up for it, but if it's talking about 'once you're tagged that's it the whole match', too overpowered. Also I though the red aura around tagged enemies, even during stealth is enough to spot them even in the toughest lighting.
You misunderstood this. We think that Squadmembers, so your friends, shouldn't only be marked as white triangles (wich can be mistaken with the slightly green triangles), but clearly, with another symbol so that you always know where your friends are.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:07 am

When it comes to marking (properly known as tagging) is where I start to disagree in this thread. 'Mark clearly and always', if you're talking about making it so an enemy tagged stays tagged until they die I'd be up for it, but if it's talking about 'once you're tagged that's it the whole match', too overpowered. Also I though the red aura around tagged enemies, even during stealth is enough to spot them even in the toughest lighting.
You misunderstood this. We think that Squadmembers, so your friends, shouldn't only be marked as white triangles (wich can be mistaken with the slightly green triangles), but clearly, with another symbol so that you always know where your friends are.Hm, well I know small triangles aren't exactly that easy to see, especially since it doesn't show the true location of your team-mates. Would you mind explaining the difference between white and slightly green triangles, and why the distinction is important?
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:20 am

-The Gauss cant shoot through fine gaps because of its ADS spread not because "it has a big bullet". Also it has a feature that makes it ignore Armor mode entirely, do they even know the mechanics of the game?
-Armor mode absorbs 35% of damage, not 33%.
-Leave "akimbo" (it doesnt even mean dual wielding..) in the CoD franchise please.
-Cloak Tracker, Armor Enhance and Proximity Alarm suggestions are beyond stupid.

Rest of the suggestions are fine.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:09 pm

Hm, well I know small triangles aren't exactly that easy to see, especially since it doesn't show the true location of your team-mates. Would you mind explaining the difference between white and slightly green triangles, and why the distinction is important?
I was talking about SQUAD members, not TEAM members. ;)

-The Gauss cant shoot through fine gaps because of its ADS spread not because "it has a big bullet". Also it has a feature that makes it ignore Armor mode entirely, do they even know the mechanics of the game?
-Armor mode absorbs 35% of damage, not 33%.

I was just translating the german text, so i may correct them. Thanks for saying.

-Leave "akimbo" (it doesnt even mean dual wielding..) in the CoD franchise please.
You've never played Crysis 1, have you?
In Crysis 1, we could wield two pistols and two AY69, so it is a Crysis feature.
(FYI, MW2 came out 2009, Crysis 1 2007 and Crysis Wars one year later, so whose feature is it?)
-Cloak Tracker, Armor Enhance and Proximity Alarm suggestions are beyond stupid.
Why? Because Cloak would get less effective? Oh, then it surely does what my community wants it to do.

PS: My community is a fan com since 2007, hardcoe fans I would say, so they surely know what they are speaking of.

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Justin Bywater
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:31 pm

Hm, well I know small triangles aren't exactly that easy to see, especially since it doesn't show the true location of your team-mates. Would you mind explaining the difference between white and slightly green triangles, and why the distinction is important?
I was talking about SQUAD members, not TEAM members. ;)
Ohh! The difference between Squad-Friend members and Team-Anyperson members! Yeah, it would be nice if they had more distinctive symbols, I can't tell myself because I don't have squad members, white and slightly green triangles might be the same thing to me.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:45 pm

Yes ive played Crysis, a lot. Dual wielding in Crysis was fine because of the gameplay difference. The Majestic is a TWO hit kill and you want to be able to have TWO of them? Herp derp much? The way its a request for "Akimbo" makes it seem like its coming from a CoDzombie. Its a well known fact that CoD made million of tards all over the world think that akimbo means dual wielding.

The Cloak Tracker suggestion is the worst out of the three and would single handedly kill stealth gameplay. One module to completely negate the entire enemy teams cloak? Whoever came up with that must be terrible at C2. It would be even more broken than the PC demo Nanovision.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:31 am

Something Anti cloak needs boosted. What would you do? Nanovison needs a range boost too 30 meters at least if not 40 meters because it is almost useless at a mere 15 meters. Also the demo did not have blindspot which would of countered the heavy Nanovison usage. Cloak tracker Should hard counter stealth but it doesn't which makes IT POINTLESS!
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:46 am

This is what I would do to the modules..

Armor Enhance rank 2 - Movement speed penalty negated entirely instead of reduced.
Nano Recharge rank 1 - Health regeneration reduced from 60/sec to 45/sec.
Nano Recharge rank 2 - Energy regeneration reduced from 60/sec to 45/sec.
Energy Recharge rank 1/2/3 - Reduced to restore 20/40/60 energy respectively.

Stealth Enhance rank 3 - Reduced drain changed from 0.5x to 0.75x.
Tracker rank 1 - Updates improved from 0.6 sec to 0.3 sec.
Tracker rank 3 - Changed to show the footsteps of cloaked players.
Cloak Tracker rank 2/3 - Delay reduced from 7/5 seconds to 4/2 seconds.
Visor Enhance rank 1 - Range on scope tagging reduced, I dont know the current value of the range.
Jammer rank 1 - Increased scramble range from 10m to 20m.
Jammer rank 3 - Scrambles entire enemy HUD instead of just radar.

Mobility Enhance rank 1 - Power jump cost increased from 5 to 10. Sprint cost multiplier changed from 0.5x to 0.75x.

That would be just the modules though. If it were up to me I would also increase recoil globally.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:50 am

Dual wielding Pistols with it having an accuracy penalty, and only the possibility to shoot from the hip --> range will be reduced pretty hard. Also the recoil should get increased, so dual Majestic will need patience and control of the guns.

I think it's a good idea, giving a little Crysis 1 nostalgia feeling.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:22 am

It's been some time and I got used to many things in other than just nerfing modules, changing up a bit of modules and weaponry would be great..

If it's balanced enough...
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:59 am

These problems are minor, these are the real problems:

-connection issues
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:42 am

What we really want to have, is that Crysis 2 feels a bit more like Crysis 1 did.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:28 am

What we really want to have, is that Crysis 2 feels a bit more like Crysis 1 did.

That cant really be reached by way of patches. The gameplay was completely changed unfortunately.
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