Here's a link to the original Thread (warning, it's german):
Big Thanks to Cimle from the CHQ for his time to collect these things.
Weapons and Attachments:
- Fix Lasersight Issues:
1. Square should be a dot
2. Make only beginning of the laser visible, then only the dot
3. Stabilize weapons, either way it's impossible to aim with it, when the dot jumps around all the time (Feline for Example)
4. Although the laser is supposed to be realistic, please move the dot to the center of the screen
- C4 should have a throw --> detonation delay, some people abuse the C4 as a grenade
- Reinstall Akimbo Pistols like in Crysis Wars (Double Nova, Hammer, AY and Majestic)
- Gauss should do OHK to everyone, who doesn't have full life and Armor turned on, firerate should get reduced (when equipping rapid fire, it should shoot like it does now), make it more accurate
User Interface:
- Make the Chat avaiable at the end of a match, or during a killcam, there we have the time
- Chat system should work instantly, disregarding the "cool" animations, when we want to say something, we want to say it now, not in 2 or 3 seconds
- Chat log should be visible in Console again
- Kill Message (who kills who) also instantly shown (same reason as with the chat system)
- Friendlist:
1. Make it sortable according to Online/Offline Status, alphabetical etc.
2. Make it scrollable per Mouse (like the Server Browser)
- Votekick Feature Visible, like "Votekick Initiated for XXX, Press F1 to Vote 'Yes'!" so that new players know what to do
- Mark Squadmembers in the game clearly and always
- Make the map accessible per M, not per Esc (like in Crysis 1), it's more comfortable
- Marking enemies with the Visor should give immedeately 20 points and after a kill another 20 points (same as assist), so the teamwork is more valuable
Nanosuit and Modules:
- Remove the Power Mode malfunction, when shot at, it destroys the games flow
- Change the Nanosuit Skins (to the Gamescom 2011 skins at it's best) currently C.E.L.L. is having a slight disadvantage, because of their white color
- Armor Mode should absorb more damage, 35% isn't enough
- Cloak Tracker should not only have better visibility with every Tier, but also enhanced range (Tier III has no range limitation), 15m isn't enough
- Armor Enhance III should give Enhanced Strength (Kick Cars further, one-hit melees, faster HMG Demount) only when in Armor Mode
- Proximity Alarm suggestion:
Tier 1: As it is now
Tier 2: Red Warning around the radar should have variable size, depending on distance to enemy (like the sound)
Tier 3: Mark enemies on the radar, when they enter the zone the Proximity Alarm recognizes (protection to this: Blind Spot or Radar Jammer so it's not overpowered)
- Spawnpoints should be more teambased, you spawn awefully often right next to an enemy
- At Crash Site, the first Pod should ALWAYS land in the middle of the map, so that every team has the same chance to obtain the Crash Site
- Power Struggle, nuff said
So, that's it. Hope you agree to them, tell us what you think about the Suggestions and if Crytek should look at them!
Crysis-HQ Members