Recently i started "levelling" this weapon to get the 1000 kills (dog tag). Well you have no idea how many insults i got and how many players wanted to kick me for using the L-Tag.Personally, before this week, i used the l-tag 1-2 times just for fun.
Normally i play crash site and i play on the DE servers. For some games no one said anything then, probably because i was blowing most of the enemies up, stuff like "tuber idiot", "cheater" and other insults started. Amazing to see how many players hate this weapon.
What i noticed is that normally as long as your enemies don't die from the l-tag explosives they don't care, since they probably think they are pro at avoiding it, in the moment you manage to kill them, the insults/kicks starts. Most of the times i'm asking why they think this weapon is a "noob weapon" or why they say "idiot tuber". Forget any type of answer.
I can even understand if someone spam this weapon until is out of ammo, all it does is just a lot of noise without killing anyone. The only player that actually gave me a decent answer was "9999 flcrm"(something like that) that told me the following: when the l-tag ammos are exploding, they are doing too much noise and you can't hear anything else, stuff like enemies steps near you... and i can understand that.
My PoV: If i'm playing on any servers that aren't using any ESL rules, i expect to find any type of player/weapon against me and i will use any weapon i have available at my level. Apparently some players think that in any server you are, you should never use the L-tag, no matter which game or type of game you are playing. The common thought behind this weapon is that it's banned and you can't use it.
Any thoughts about this >hated< weapon?