Last night i leveled up from level 25 to level 27 and from 7 9 8 (Armor/Power/Stealth) to 8 10 10.
Since there, ok, but, when i log in again into Crysis 2 today, i was Lv.25 - 7 9 8 (A/P/S). "Ok, must be a bug" i said.
I entered on my server and i still have L-TAG and Majestic (Level 27 weapons), i played one match, got 21 kills with L-TAG (got the 20 kills objective, i don't know how much exp it gaves) level up from 8 Stealth to 9 Stealth.
I got disconnected and when i go back: Lv. 8 Stealth and any kills with L-TAG (no exp granted from the last bonus)
(As you can see, Lv.25 with L-TAG on the background, and yes, it is my forearms)
Crytek, why did you don't fixed it already? Its annoying !