I'm having no trouble...?

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:21 am

Ok, I'm gonna be honest with every-single-one-of-you...

I have had absolutely no problems with the Crysis 2 Multiplayer.

SHHH!!! Before you write me angry posts about my foolishness, hear me out. I've noticed that lots of these topics are about how the MP is terrible, and how there is no topics exclaiming how good the MP is, HOWEVER, there are many more people who play Crysis 2 online. I think that a small percentage of people are having trouble with the game. Think about it, there are not many posts, meaning that, people don't want to discuss the game. When people disscuss something, its usually to rant, or complain. I've seen the PC and Xbox forums, and they have double, and triple the amount of posts PS3 has.

Also, if somebody wants to make a gamesas account, its usually to observe how people see the game, (like what I did,) or to make their voice heard about their trouble. Crytek, I believe that all these complaints are from a low, low, LOW percent of the PS3 community. My friend, who has this game, says its really fun, and he has no trouble playing it. Over reviews, they say they have no trouble playing it. Its only here, where I see people whine and complain.

*warning, Bold statements that should make people angry are about to happen,*

I have not experienced any graphical, technical, or any issues. From lag, to sudden deaths, none of it is apparent to me. I can find a game relatively fast, (even on things like Relay,) and the multiplayer works- I'm going to say it- PERFECTLY for me.

It is THE best multiplayer I've played. (Hard as ever, but still, fun.) and I'm not sure where the hate is coming from. SO, I would like to ask, to EVERYBODY who playes online- what do you think of it?

... ALSO, you guys are Waaaaaaay to picky! Spending more then 30 seconds waiting for a game? COMPLAIN! A blocky texture, or a graphical glitch? COMPLAIN! A little bit of lag? COMPLAING! ONE freaking bug, out of the hundreds of games you've played? COMPLAIN! Seriously, put yourselves in a game designers shoes, and see how easy it is to make a GAME.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:19 am

I had a problem with lag, experienced the sudden death first hand - but seems to have been fixed with the last set of tweeks.
Always had faith it'd be sorted - and I agree it's the best multiplayer I've played :-)
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:54 am

I had some lag problems in the first few weeks, but I've come to expect that on game launches sadly. Since then most people have 3 bars with occasional hiccup maybe every 10 games.

I love the game. I think most people that bich haven't mastered using the suit and get pissed when they run around like its CoD and get shot. I love the amount of strategy you have to use in this game. When I die it is either because I did something stupid or a guy just got the jump on me, not some magical lag that only I seem to experience ;)
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