Invisible Wars

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:54 pm

Ok, ok, now you're probably thinking: "Oh no, not another Anti-Cloak Thread from Nameless", but that's here not my point. I just want to point something out.

Let me start like this: Nearly 90% or even more players use cloak as their main tool for the combat, even in CQB situations, they stay cloaked. Only this 10% use Cloak as a tactical tool, or not at all, me including the tactical variant.

Now, before it happens, i want to say, that the method of running around cloaked shooting people in the face, is anything then tactical. It's just pure run and gunning, similar to any other FPS. Tactical would be, only cloaking when you get shot but managed to go behind cover, then trying to outmaneuver the enemy and then shooting him. Or when you want to change positions as a sniper. Or when placing a hologram.

Anything except these aren't tactical. Anything except these can be considered unfair. Why? Look, when someone runs around in cloak 24/7, shoots out of it and then recloaks, repeating this, it can be equal to the perma cloak cheat, if you know what I mean. Then there is, that you can't do anything, when someone shoots you right in the face out of cloak, you could have survived, if he wasn't invisible.

Now, if we would leave the unfair component of the cloak out of the game, still Cryteks intention of many playstyles failed, because, as i said, 90% are using cloak. What about variety? I think, the game would make even more fun, if more people would use the direct and agressive playstyles I do, then I'd say "Wow, that one had awesome skills", or when people would use Armor as their main weapon.

But that's something no one can influence, I can't tell you how to play, I just want to say to you people, that you should try out something new, not this overall monotone gameplay that is around Crysis 2.

PS: I use cloak by myself in several situations. Let me give you an example: On Skyline, at the air vent on the south part of the map, i got shot. I cloaked, got behind the air vent, jumped on it and made an airstomp ontop of my opponent, who was then cloaked, too. That was tactical.

EDIT: Suggestions for Crytek:

- Tracker should show cloaked peoples footsteps
- Cloak Tracker should show cloaked enemies like cloaked teammates within a 10m radius
- Nanovision should have a bigger radius, when looking through a sniper scope
- Make the Proximity Alarm Sound more regocnizable

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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:08 pm

And if the four changes would be implemented then the cloak would be totally useless, cloaked players would be easy kills from the other side of the map, though nanovisions range could be greater indeed.
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jessica robson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:04 am

To make the "useless" Cloak usefull again, scrap the idea of cloaked people beeing brakeable as glass.

But as it is now, all anti Cloak measures are totally useless, the only viable thing is your own eye.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:41 am

I agree with your first and fourth suggestions.

Second suggestion isnt needed, the delay for revealing players just needs reducing from 7/5 to perhaps 5/3 or even 4/2 seconds.

The third suggestion is what Visor Enhance is for.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:19 am

I disagree with your premises. Any way in which cloak is used to secure an advantage is tactical. It may not be particularly intelligent or skillful, but it's still a tactic.

Other than that, I somewhat agree with your suggestions 1,2 and 4. However, 2 would have to be tested thoroughly as I'm not certain it would be fair in-game
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:55 am

Yeah, maybe only within a certain range. 10m would be fine. Further then 10m, it should show them like it does right now.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:28 pm

"Oh no, not another Anti-Cloak Thread from Nameless"

Aside from that:

Your suggestions would render cloak almost useless.
You know what's most important in RL combat? Not to be seen by the enemy. Oh, I know, I shouldn't mention realism in a thread about a computer game...

I consider your thinking of tactic as strange. Sure, what you mention as tactic IS tactic. But running around in cloak is also tactical. It's speed-tactic.
If you like to, you can call it a poor tactic, but it's still tactic.
And I additionally have to say that I don't care if it's a tactic or not, as long as it works out fine.

Take cloak from the game and it's just some random shooter. Almost every shooter has bullet-proof vests (armor mode), but what games do have a cloak like Crysis2?

Nanovision gives you the chance to counter cloak, so what are you complaining about? If you want to play without cloakers, then go play a game that doesn't give you the cloaking-ability.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:58 pm

Take cloak from the game and it's just some random shooter. Almost every shooter has bullet-proof vests (armor mode), but what games do have a cloak like Crysis2?
This is poor anologous reasoning and you know it. Standard armour in other games is in no way applicable to 'armour mode' unless you have to manually activate the armour each time you weanted to use it.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:42 am

This is poor anologous reasoning and you know it. Standard armour in other games is in no way applicable to 'armour mode' unless you have to manually activate the armour each time you weanted to use it.

Yep, I know it. No comparison is perfect.
If you mean with activate, that you have to buy the vest in the shop at the spawn-point, then yes.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:40 pm

If you have pc multiplayer, jump on to the NFO Pro servers and have a match. No nanosuit just CELL v Marines: no armour, no cloak, no nanovision its a lot of fun.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:51 pm

Lol if people think Cloaking is bad what are people who are gonna but TC: Ghost Recon Future Soldier lol!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:53 am

but what games do have a cloak like Crysis2?

The entire AvP series, any Predator based game, Ghost Recon Future Soldier and endless amounts of RPGs like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, etc.

Just off the top of my head.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:44 pm

but what games do have a cloak like Crysis2?

The entire AvP series, any Predator based game, Ghost Recon Future Soldier and endless amounts of RPGs like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, etc.

Just off the top of my head.


*EDIT* Are you talking about that hand device that makes you cloaked? Just remembered it now!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:05 am

Yup, a 'stealth boy'.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:13 am

Yup, a 'stealth boy'.

I love the way the name stuff like that... bring on Fallout 4!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:47 am

I just think the cloak shouldn't be designed for CQB, but rather for Scouting and Sniping, avoiding getting shot by a sniper in the distance.

But IMO the cloak does not deserve to be any good in CQB. But certainly, it is. Why are there so many possibilites to enhance the Cloak even more, Stealth Enhance (reduced Energy etc) Blind Spot (not visible in Nanovision (that's the point where I like to say, Nanovision does not solve everything!)), so why is Cloak Tracker so slow? How should we ever react?

That's the problem with the game, the missing balance between cloak and anti cloak. If the anti cloak measures get improved (even only slightly), the balance would be restored.

It's like using an OP weapon, because any other weapon isn't as strong as the OP weapon is. See what I'm saying?
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:26 am

I just think the cloak shouldn't be designed for CQB, but rather for Scouting and Sniping, avoiding getting shot by a sniper in the distance.

But IMO the cloak does not deserve to be any good in CQB. But certainly, it is. Why are there so many possibilites to enhance the Cloak even more, Stealth Enhance (reduced Energy etc) Blind Spot (not visible in Nanovision (that's the point where I like to say, Nanovision does not solve everything!)), so why is Cloak Tracker so slow? How should we ever react?

That's the problem with the game, the missing balance between cloak and anti cloak. If the anti cloak measures get improved (even only slightly), the balance would be restored.

It's like using an OP weapon, because any other weapon isn't as strong as the OP weapon is. See what I'm saying?

Well apparantly getting hit by a bullet - First shot x3 damage, also my experience is that when shooting out of cloak with headshots you always tend to die first... the nanosuit is meant to have crisper images but then again probably 2.0.... maybe in MAx armor mode? Are you meant to see somebody cloaked as clear as combeody cloaked at 100 metres through a scope? Nanovision is infrared and cloak forms crystals on the surface to it reflects the radiation so... too bad its not like this - armor is strong so some people use stealth to stealth kill and some go the armor way... cloak was rarely used in the original crysis... shouldn't cloakers be visible in radar cause it reflects the radar waves even better?
new weapons in dlc - heat detection scope but this works against cloakers but is sorta annoying and some people use it i dunno... visor enhance should do something like make the outline of a cloaker stand out more... or add that to cloak tracker? tracker - when somebody cloaks make their footsteps take longer to appear and a wider base?
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