Let me start like this: Nearly 90% or even more players use cloak as their main tool for the combat, even in CQB situations, they stay cloaked. Only this 10% use Cloak as a tactical tool, or not at all, me including the tactical variant.
Now, before it happens, i want to say, that the method of running around cloaked shooting people in the face, is anything then tactical. It's just pure run and gunning, similar to any other FPS. Tactical would be, only cloaking when you get shot but managed to go behind cover, then trying to outmaneuver the enemy and then shooting him. Or when you want to change positions as a sniper. Or when placing a hologram.
Anything except these aren't tactical. Anything except these can be considered unfair. Why? Look, when someone runs around in cloak 24/7, shoots out of it and then recloaks, repeating this, it can be equal to the perma cloak cheat, if you know what I mean. Then there is, that you can't do anything, when someone shoots you right in the face out of cloak, you could have survived, if he wasn't invisible.
Now, if we would leave the unfair component of the cloak out of the game, still Cryteks intention of many playstyles failed, because, as i said, 90% are using cloak. What about variety? I think, the game would make even more fun, if more people would use the direct and agressive playstyles I do, then I'd say "Wow, that one had awesome skills", or when people would use Armor as their main weapon.
But that's something no one can influence, I can't tell you how to play, I just want to say to you people, that you should try out something new, not this overall monotone gameplay that is around Crysis 2.
PS: I use cloak by myself in several situations. Let me give you an example: On Skyline, at the air vent on the south part of the map, i got shot. I cloaked, got behind the air vent, jumped on it and made an airstomp ontop of my opponent, who was then cloaked, too. That was tactical.
EDIT: Suggestions for Crytek:
- Tracker should show cloaked peoples footsteps
- Cloak Tracker should show cloaked enemies like cloaked teammates within a 10m radius
- Nanovision should have a bigger radius, when looking through a sniper scope
- Make the Proximity Alarm Sound more regocnizable