Crysis 3 wish list !! Put your ideas and wishes here !!

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:08 pm

Ok so first , we all know that C3 is coming to stores some day so its good to start this topic early that Crytek can see what we need in C3.
I relly think C2 is just awesome but it has couple little issues that should be fixed in C3.

-More guns just simply more guns.

-Where the hell is Nomad , Psychko ????????????? Nomad has to be the main character in C3 , or maybe you can play at some point with Nomad and then Psychko and then Alcatraz? Like there is more view angles in C3 to see what happening in different places.

-You all have seen when you get to see jacob hargreave "eye to eye" first time when he is in the tank? So my point is you have seen those massive nanosuits and nanosuit 1.0/2.0 , marine and C.E.L.L suits in the glass cabinets , so put in C3 nanosuit enemys like C1 had , some of the nanosuit enemys could be just those massive guys who can take more bullets and so on.

- In Multiplayer , put more killstreaks in it.

-Maybe an armor customization and colour switch in them? weapons all so.

-What about some kind of nano bunkers , like the bunkers surface could be like the nanosuit has and the nanosurface could absorb weapon damage , explotions and so on. And maybe a little cloaking option on them.

-In to the camping more mission where are more friends !!! I dont like to be alone allways !

-You remember when C2 ends there is the strange guy whos asks from Alcatraz "And you are??" , maybe he could put Raptor Team together again in C3 like in the first trailer he could bring Nomad and friends in the same place and says that "I have put your old team together" or something.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:53 am

Yeah, all they have to do is bring Nomad, Psycho, and Helena back, and I am one happy Shider_Paper.
They need a mode in Multi where you can play fighting with others against aliens, that are not other players.
They need more ladies.... heck yeah, I want lady nanosuits, and I want them NOW! lol.
and I want to see... just some of the old things we saw in Crysis. Bring it back. like all the cars, and the old ceph....
but I dunno... I just want Nomad back... I love the man [in not a gay way] to death. He was great, such a good person to play as.
But yeah. I'm just blabbering.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:59 am

1) Larger maps and teams

2) Rebalanced killstreaks and suit modules, to bring the focus back to player skill. (I'd prefer no killstreak rewards, but I am aware that outcome is highly unlikely with it being a CoD-type game)

3) Vehicles and vehicular warfare

4) Features from Crysis 1: fists, normal sprint, prone.

5) Nanosuit, 'power mode' needs higher energy consumption, but more potent. We should get the speed from Crysis 1 speed mode, and the strength from strength mode while using it, but still be able to sprint and jump normally when not activating the suit mode.

6) Armour as default mode.

7) Cloak rebalancing

8) A re-made powerstruggle mode where there are no killstreaks or suit modules. Everyone gets a nanosuit with the basic suit modes, and is able to customise their weapon loadout only. This mode would obviously have vehicular combat. (I am aware that the precedent of killstreaks will probably resurface in C3, but should NOT be present in powerstruggle).
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:45 am

Apparently we'll find out what happened to Nomad and Psycho in a comic, but assuming they're alive...

1) Bring back Nomad and Psycho. We can rotate between Nomad, Psycho, and Alcatraz if we need to.

2) Make a Nanosuit 3.0 that has the energy consumption of 2.0, but with speed and strength of 1.0 and armor as the default mode. 3.0 should also have the power kick, etc. featured in 2.0.

3) A story in which we find out exactly what went down between Crysis 2 and 3, and what happened to missing characters, if there are any.

4) Usable alien weapons.

5) Very few if any glitches at release.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:50 am

New suit!
Same old suit voice!
The word "maximum"!
More explanation of post-Crysis 1!
Rasch being awesome like Hargreave!
Plot twists!
Lockhart! Somehow!
A skill tree of sorts! Goes hand-in-hand with realtime suit customisation!
An awesome intro video, as always!
More destructibility! The code's there already and is epic! (DEFORMABLE objects. DEFORMABLE. AWESOME.)
Chickens! (Yes, there's one in Crysis 2)
Being able to see your feet!
Day one editor!
Day one anti-cheat!
No leaking this time :(
Open MP beta well before release!

And to ensure rage is minimised:
-Dedicated servers
-DX11 on release
-Advanced graphics menu
-Lowest graphics should look crap, highest should look awesome. (It doesn't even matter if the lowest is not efficient with how bad it looks. It should look bad. This will minimise forum rage. Think about it.)
-No "Press [ANYTHING] to start"
-Extremely complex menus, even when unecessary.
-Ensure that there is no "Now saving, please turn off your computer"
-A really, really powerful gun at the end
-Show a really, really big and green level early in marketing.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:32 am

I like armour colours green and blue, and maybe even yellow too. And please some sort of gun which is old but somehow really powerful, and make it rusty. Or a secondary.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:31 am

We all know? Know, no. Hope, maybe. I sure do, but I sure as heck haven't heard any announcement from Crytek that they will be making Crysis 3 (yet)

Anyways, they just need to take Crysis 2 and put a lil bit more awesomeness on top of it. And I really hope they're going to keep the plot somewhat realistic, and not be something fighting the ceph on their home planet 6 million light years to the left of the moon or whatever.
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Adam Baumgartner
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