I relly think C2 is just awesome but it has couple little issues that should be fixed in C3.
-More guns just simply more guns.
-Where the hell is Nomad , Psychko ????????????? Nomad has to be the main character in C3 , or maybe you can play at some point with Nomad and then Psychko and then Alcatraz? Like there is more view angles in C3 to see what happening in different places.
-You all have seen when you get to see jacob hargreave "eye to eye" first time when he is in the tank? So my point is you have seen those massive nanosuits and nanosuit 1.0/2.0 , marine and C.E.L.L suits in the glass cabinets , so put in C3 nanosuit enemys like C1 had , some of the nanosuit enemys could be just those massive guys who can take more bullets and so on.
- In Multiplayer , put more killstreaks in it.
-Maybe an armor customization and colour switch in them? weapons all so.
-What about some kind of nano bunkers , like the bunkers surface could be like the nanosuit has and the nanosurface could absorb weapon damage , explotions and so on. And maybe a little cloaking option on them.
-In to the camping more mission where are more friends !!! I dont like to be alone allways !
-You remember when C2 ends there is the strange guy whos asks from Alcatraz "And you are??" , maybe he could put Raptor Team together again in C3 like in the first trailer he could bring Nomad and friends in the same place and says that "I have put your old team together" or something.