Interesting May 18th Todd Howard Interview

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:44 pm

For the largest fans no doubt you've seen this ages ago but as I've been waiting for another Howard interview I never saw this one, and I've seen most of the Skyrim coverage from mags, videos, and interviews. I'm around the 3 minute(14:28 interview) mark and so far no new info and it is from the 18th of last month. But I find it a good interview and enjoyable.Even though I'm no Bethesda/TES fan I always like Todd Howard's reasoning and how he comes across.

Possibly why I see him and a few other Bethesda members as hope that Bethesda might one day better themselves beyond their World Building forte to others. For now, one step at a time.(As in, if Fallout 4 compromises just as 3 again there will be absolutely no pity by any means)

Enjoy the interview if you haven't seen it. If you have, sorry:
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