My hopes for Skyrim

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:21 am

After the terrific E3 demo today, I'm hopeful for some more good things to come.

What are your hopes for Skyrim, based on your previous experiences with The Elder Scroll series and based on what you already know about Skyrim?

Mine are:

  • You (the player) will be the true hero at the end. (I loved becoming Nerevar in Morrowind, disliked the horrible anti-climix of being Martin's side-kick in Oblivion)
  • Dunmer (or at least some of them) will have their original voices back (from Morrowind - adds such atmosphere)
  • Radiant AI will really introduce dynamic scenarios with different consequences and will really make the world feel like your playground this time around (Radiant AI in Oblivion turned out to not really be radiant AI at all)
  • That the modding community will continue it's greatness just as they did with previous TES games! :tops:

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Jon O
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