Your avatar's achievements as statistics

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:17 pm

I'm not normally much on stats. My avatar is who and what he is, numbers be damned. Yet I enjoy visiting the UI stat tab (its sub-tab furthest right) from time to time to see how he's doing, and to insure he hasn't slipped and taken a path we'd rather avoid.

My current decrepit avatar is an elderly Nord Warrior, level 41, warrior birth-sign. He spends the bulk of his time, with most major threats to the Empire thwarted, patrolling Cyrodiil's many roads to render them safe for travel. He collects taxes for the Elder Council, and has lately begun to deliver packages for several commercial agencies. He still involves himself in more consequential matters, but these have alas become few and far between.

These days he is usually seen on horse accompanied by a talkative young female Nord, a pack-donkey, and their tame wolf companion.

My plays-through tend to be longish. My first wasn't much shy of 1k hours. This current play-through stands a 1,120 hours, with hopefully a lot of life left in it.

And now the statistics:

(in-game) Days Played: 495
Bear in mind timescale has been set to "10" from the get-go. Meaning, those days went by at a far slower pace than if kept at vanilla "30".

Active Quests: 42
Quest Completed: 313

These totals included quests from a goodly number of PC mods. They do NOT included any vanilla Thief or Assassin Guild quests. My avatar refuses to join such organizations. Were the means available, he would actively pursue their extermination.

Bounty: 0
SI Bounty: 0
Fame: 202
Infamy: 0

Infamy can of course be negated after-the-fact. During my avatar's entire post-prison career he earned a grand total of two (2) Infamy points. One occurred very early on, while still visiting wayshrines after having listened to the Prophet's rantings in Anvil. I no longer recall the reason for that first point.

The second incident occurred much later. It came about due to carelessness. My avatar had been assigned a Road Patrol but for some reason delayed departing IC. Later, still in IC, he decided to visit a tavern for lunch. He removed his helm for comfort. BIG MISTAKE! Road patrol assignments require one to be in a Legion-sanctioned uniform from start to finish. Removing one's helm is against regulation. Soon as the helm came off nearby Legionnaires began yelling. We also received a “warning from on high” as to our fitness to don Divine Relics.... and an infamy point. Lesson learned.

Days Jailed: 0
Items Stolen: 10274

I feel this total somewhat misleading. It should be lower...much lower. We had been working for a rather seedy individual holed up in Bravil. Our assignment? Debt collections. We accepted these commissions with some reluctance. Yet all seemed on the up-and-up. Debts and sums-owed were, so far as I could ascertain, legit. Still, the episode left a foul taste in our mouths.

One couple refused to meet their just obligations. We ended up sneaking into their home, finding the family safe (behind a painting, where else?), and removing funds equaling the debt, that being 10,000 G.P. Only later did I notice that rather than count as one theft every gold piece counted separately. Change 10k to “1”. Items Stolen drops to 275. That seems more realistic.

Items Pickpocketed: 2
One was the IC training quest. The other was a quest-key pilfered off a vampire in a dungeon complex.

Trespasses: 153
These are hard to avoid when mods ask us to contact NPCs who rarely-if-ever leave their locked homes.

Assaults: 27
This number would be lower had we not had a brain-fart one day and decided to work on stealth attacks while in a dungeon filled with humanoid villains.

Murders: 2
For the life of me I can't recall either of these. Quest related? Accidents?

Horses Stolen: 0
Largest Bounty: 0

Creatures Killed: 6586
People Killed: 2955

Not a bad total considering how few of them are Assaults and Murders. My decrepit avatar takes no pleasure in killing. He does so with reluctance, and for lack of more peaceful alternatives. Yet, there are times when he could possible fulfill a mission objective via stealth without having to physically harm anyone. He rarely chooses to do so. To his credit, he almost always allows humanoid adversaries first strike, hoping they will instead surrender or flee. Alas, they rarely choose to do so. Very rarely. Practically never.

Souls Trapped: 35
I was more in to this during my first play-through. Not sure why we don't do it more often these days, other than that my avatar rarely needs the help of enchanted weapons. Varla Stones provide most replenishes, on those few occasions we deem them necessary.

Potions Made: 1226
He's not much in to potions, except as rarely used backups. The vast majority of the above were created for Alchemy practice and/or sells.

Oblivion Gates Shut: 54
Yes, we closed almost all of 'em. Did it all legit too. No cut corners. We didn't go out of our way to find and close every single Gate. That said, we felt it our duty to disable any and all chanced upon during our travels.

Horses owned: 1
A low total for someone who all but lives in the saddle. He of course traveled almost exclusively on foot at the beginning, to build survival skills. That done, we grabbed Arrowspeed, the armored horse provided along with a castle we had obtained just off the Gold Coast. He's been with us ever since. (I lowered his run-speed in TES4edit. I don't believe an armored horse carrying a heavily armored warrior would gallop at an overly fast pace.)

Houses Bought: 3
Not sure which these are. The only vanilla home I recall us buying is the manor in Anvil. The other two might be mod-added. We own lots of those, for good or ill. Weye Manor (AFK_Weye) is our base-of-operations. The manor in Verona (Verona House Bloodlines) is probably our most prestigious property. Castle Seaview has its appeal, but is too out-of-the-way for more than brief infrequent visits. Millstone Farm is also very nice but too secluded for someone who needs ready access to the Palace.

Stores Invested In: 0
Working Mercantile is slow for us. It'll be some time before my avatar can do this, much as he'd like to.

Hours Slept: 3352
Hours Waited: 329

My avatar tries to get in at least five hours sleep per night, or catnap during the day when this isn't possible. As to waiting, we try to plan our adventures so that it is not needed. We're pretty good at it now, but weren't at first. The bulk on our Wait total occurred early on. (Both it and Sleep also include a number of three-day waits needed to let the game reset following glitch corrections.)

Days Vampire: 1
Necks Bitten: 0

A mod-added quest required that he become a vampire to gain entry to and free movement within one of their strongholds. An antidote was provided, which he downed immediately after mission accomplished.

Novice Skills: 1 (light armor, he never wears the stuff)
Apprentice Skills: 0
Journeyman Skills: 6
Expert Skills: 5
Master Skills: 9

Not much point it reporting these. If you play long enough, they rise.

From the Faction Tab...

Significant Factions:
  • Order of the Dragon: Champion of Cyrodiil (Our most prestigious accomplishment to date, and the one we take most pride in. Imperial Dragon armor remains our armor-of-preference, and is accepted as official gear by the Legion, thus usable on patrol.)
  • Knights of the Nine: Divine Crusader (The earliest of our major accomplishments. We no longer wear the armor, now stored in the Priory, but would willingly don it once again should the need arise.)
  • Fighters Guild: Master (We wish Oreyn had assumed the position.)
  • Mages Guild: Arch Mage (A political appointment. It is unlikely that a weaker mage has held the position. Then again, proclaiming the Champion of Cyrodiil as leader has to be a feather in any guild's cap.)
  • Imperial Legion: Captain (In this capacity he carries out his near-constant road patrols. Monthly pay.)
  • Imperial Legion 1st Akatosh Guard Regiment: Captain (Private quarters in Fort Akatosh. Monthly pay.)
  • Court of Madness: Madgod (A title we rarely take advantage of. Was it all a dream?)
  • Merchants Guild (Cyrodiil): Guild Elder (Allows us to made a modest income off package deliveries.)
  • Gold Horse Courier Service: Country Deliveries (More deliveries for pay.)

Lesser Factions:
  • Imperial Rank: Duke of Colovia (A more or less honorary title awarded for services rendered to the Elder Council. It entitles my avatar to an official seat on the Council and chambers in the Palace, neither of which he takes advantage of.)
  • Order of the Virtuous Blood: Brother Superior (Though we rarely go out of our way to hunt vampires, all dust collected is deposited at the Order.)
  • Verona House: Lord of Verona (Were Weye Manor not closer to the Imperial City, this would likely be our home.)
  • Elsweyr Hunters Guild: Master of the Boar
  • Elsweyr Merchants Guild: Peddler (We've not spent much time in Elsweyr. That might change before long.)
  • Knights of the White Stallion: Knight-Errant (We on rare occasions collect and turn in Black Bows, either with or without Mazoga.)

Insignificant Factions:
  • Imperial Cult: Layman
  • North & East Empire Company: Underling
  • Night Hunter: Grand Master
  • Knights of the Thorn: Honorary Knight
  • Blades: Knight Brother
  • Nine Divines: Pilgrim
  • Castle Seaview: Owner
  • Knight of Kvatch

There you have it. Feel free to comment and/or add you own statistical tales.

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Bereket Fekadu
Posts: 3421
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:41 pm

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