1. never get a lucky shot
2. never shoot at anyone who's cloaked regardless if you can see them or not
3. never kill too many others, aka keep your kd ratio low or even.
4. never try to increase skills like shooting from the hip to build up your nanosuit module.
Im sure theres lots more but you get the point. I dont get kicked much at all but I will say once a v/k is started ppl line up for the kool aid and f1 ppl like their life depended on it. Ive seen this happen to lots of others who probably aren't cheating including myself. Yea, ppl cheat a lot in this game but honestly I think v/k is doing more bad than good atm. The v/k sort of forces you to play a whole different style and Im pretty sure that's not the reason we have v/k.......