Dragon Shout Question

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:43 pm

Hey peeps,

I have been watching the new gameplay footage nonstop since its debut on Spike TV. About the 3rd time watching it I was struck by how frequently the player used the shout ability (in particular during the tower battle scene at the end where he used storm shout and fire breathing shout consecutively). Having been keeping up with Skyrim news over the past months I was under the impression that each time a dragon shout was used there was a recharge time in which the player could not use a dragon shout, but the footage has led me to believe that each individual shout has its own recharge time as opposed to an overarching recharge time for all the shouts. So, I was wondering if you guys coud shed some light on which recharge system is being implemented in the game (individual recharge vs. group recharge). Do you guys know something I don't? Do share...
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