anyways they said we would have 85 spells soooooooo since we have 6 magic skills (not counting enchanting) we should expect 14 spells per school if I'm not mistaken

so lets start making a list and guessing the missing parts:
1- Fire (special effects is Burn over time):
a- Fire ball effect (chargeable)
b- Fire inferno effect (stream cast)
# added environmental effects of fire wall and fire ring (igniting floor, grass, oil, wood ...etc)
c- Fire trap effect
2- Ice (special effect is slowing enemies down)
a- Ice spike (does extra damage to frozen targets)
b- Ice cone (freezes enemies, the more you charge the bigger the freeze cone will be)
# added environmental effects of creating Ice slices and maybe freezing water!
c- Ice Nova (freeze all enemies around, has poor damage but is good for crowd control)
3- Lightning (special effect is draining enemy magicka)
a- Lightning bolt (chargeable)
b- Chain lightning
c- Lightning beam (stream cast)
# added environmental effect of extreme damage to targets that are wet or in water or frozen
4- Magicka (special effect is casting random curse effects on afflicted targets such as drain fatigue or stunning targets)
a- Magic missile (chargeable)
b- Magic barrage (fire multiple magic missiles at once)
c- Arcane torrent (stream cast a beam of pure magic energy burning enemies health directly)
# pure magicka does extra damage to magical and summoned creatures.
NOTE: I'm not yet sure if Bethesda means 85 spells or 85 MAGIC EFFECTS cause if the later is the case then destruction is almost done.
come on help me out try to guess spells people

let me get you started
1- Light (added effect does damage to vampires and other nocturnal creatures)
a- Light flare (chargeable)
b- Light globe (summon a globe of light above your head that illuminates your way)
c- Light flash ( blinds enemies all around you with a blast of intense light)
# environmental effects is that it weakens your ability to stay hidden and makes darkness go away

ok go............ ur turn