As far as I’m aware off, I’ve got two options for alternatives:
- Obscuro’s Overhaul removes the level restrictions from the Daedra quests, so I could just go and get the skeleton key straight away after crawling out of the sewers. My problem with that is that mashing the auto-attempt button isn’t really fun, that and somewhere there’s an annoying, little voice in the back of my head going ‘you’re cheating!’.
- Chance based lockpicking (Zumb’s or Fearrabbit’s mods). Those two aren’t perfect for me either as random number generators hate my guts. I know the mathematical chances of something like that are slim, but if dice see the chance to screw me over somehow, they take it. It might have something to do with an incident involving a couple d20’s, some mayonnaise and a blender back when I was a kid.
What I’m looking for is an alternative minigame, one that’s not based on the player’s reaction time. Something like Fallout 3’s minigame, for instance.
If someone feels like taking this on, that person can enjoy the soft, warm, fuzzy feeling of enriching someone’s playing experience. That and I’ll say thank you. A lot.