My New Personal Best Playtime Without CTD

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:57 pm


This makes me regret that this community doesn't have more of a sharing attitude though... otherwise we could just all clone your hard drive and play on :P. Other gaming communities like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. one are much less reluctant to modpacks and the like, and some "stealing" between mods happens all the time, which can result in rude words exchanged but I've never seen DMCA threats to the ISP or similar stuff that has happened here.

This makes me long for the times before copyright obsession where folks like Shakespeare could make a better version of old plays (a playpack? ;) ) without having his ass sued into oblivion by "rightsholders". Or even for the foundations of copyright law when we still remembered that what is in the public sphere belongs to the public... barring a few exceptions to encourage creativity.

Anyways rant over: I'm fine with my own rather stable 300+ mods install, but it still feels wrong that it took countless hours that I should really have spent on something else. I'd rather be able to build on other people's work, as well as sharing my own efforts.

Maybe for Skyrim we can create a kind of "modpack alliance", or widely use a sharealike license for mods? I'm sure there is some way of supporting players better while shielding mod makers from stupid support requests (something often associated with modpacks).
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:16 pm


This makes me regret that this community doesn't have more of a sharing attitude though... otherwise we could just all clone your hard drive and play on :P. Other gaming communities like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. one are much less reluctant to modpacks and the like, and some "stealing" between mods happens all the time, which can result in rude words exchanged but I've never seen DMCA threats to the ISP or similar stuff that has happened here.

This makes me long for the times before copyright obsession where folks like Shakespeare could make a better version of old plays (a playpack? ;) ) without having his ass sued into oblivion by "rightsholders". Or even for the foundations of copyright law when we still remembered that what is in the public sphere belongs to the public... barring a few exceptions to encourage creativity.

Anyways rant over: I'm fine with my own rather stable 300+ mods install, but it still feels wrong that it took countless hours that I should really have spent on something else. I'd rather be able to build on other people's work, as well as sharing my own efforts.

Maybe for Skyrim we can create a kind of "modpack alliance", or widely use a sharealike license for mods? I'm sure there is some way of supporting players better while shielding mod makers from stupid support requests (something often associated with modpacks).

What do you mean more of a sharing attitude? In my signature is a tthread explaining how I built my game step by step.
As for rights holders - ir someone makes a mod they have right to decide qhat to do with their own intelectual property.
I am only mod user, not mod maker but I respect the modders and their rights. Anyway, all major modders share between themdelves (look at projects like FCOM, UOP, UL, BC).
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 2:16 am

What do you mean more of a sharing attitude? In my signature is a tthread explaining how I built my game step by step.
As for rights holders - ir someone makes a mod they have right to decide qhat to do with their own intelectual property.
I am only mod user, not mod maker but I respect the modders and their rights. Anyway, all major modders share between themdelves (look at projects like FCOM, UOP, UL, BC).

Hey, take it easy, this wasn't aimed at you at all. In fact, thanks for sharing your methodology, I'm sure it's gonna help a lot of people. What bothers me is that you seem to have basically a perfected game (in my own set up I never reach that point since I tweak endlessly), but the attitude of many modders in this community who emphasize control over sharing will prevent most people from benefitting from it. For the few who have the time and patience to do the same, it's all good, but we've probably excluded anybody who has kids and a day job, for starters.

As for "intellectual property", it's a made-up word that's a contradiction in terms. if you want to keep full control over something intangible such as an idea, a formula, or a digital work, you keep it safe and private in your house. What you release in the public sphere belongs to everybody - except inasmuch as the community/country you belong to decides to set up rules (i.e. copyright or patents). But I don't believe in a "natural right to control what everybody does with what you just released to the public".

The overall goal of giving control to authors (cf. the founding ideas of copyright in the USA and other countries) over their publicly released works is to promote more and better works, but too often this is not what happens. In this community you see great abandoned mods that unfortunately have major technical problems; people willing to fix them abound, but they're afraid of sharing the result since they're gonna get bashed by the "community police" or copyright zealots, because the long-gone author said "don't redistribute this", or just said nothing on the topic. In short, everybody loses. I don't think that's right, and neither laws nor community rules should enforce this.
From the wider world, I could also give the example of big media groups sitting on the rights to some great works and releasing uninspired sequels, all the while shutting down awesome independent projects that have captured the true spirit of those same works. You really need to have a kind of religious fervor for drastic copyright to find this ok.

As modders (occasional modder/tool contributor myself) we of course have rights given by our countries' laws, but nobody forces us to enforce those rights. And I'd like to see the base attitude of this community to move away from control-freaking and ego-flattering to something more relax wrt author rights. Of course some modders already use very liberal licenses, kudos to them. But it will really be a collective victory when we can publish a 300+ mods perfect Oblivion mods pack for the world to enjoy, approved (or benevolently tolerated) by mod authors.

Now let's get back to the topic, i.e. celebrating your amazingly long gaming session. I need to learn from you and stop tweaking, start a new game and enjoy.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 1:36 am

Congrats on such a stable build! I'm pretty happy when I get 3 or 4 hours without a CTD. I pretty often play for 7 or 8 hours per day, but broken up in chunks of 2 hours here, 2 hours there. 18 hours WoW! Iron man!
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:54 pm

Impressive, I for one am jealous as hell. I have followed your guide a few times now and can never get stability. Everything OMODed and BAINed, so at least I can keep trying :)

Thanks for the step by step tutorial, I will have to go back and try it again after I finish Nehrim (at least that never CTDs :) ).
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:10 pm

Got a question for you. The only aspect of your guide that I did not follow was PyFFIing. Would not using PyFFI make the game unstable? I am using the new FCOM BSAs and the PyFFI'ed OOO stuff, but that was it.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 3:03 am

@Blade of Mercy
you are obviously THE expert when it comes to making the game stable. :D

Really just a small question, since you have the same video card as I do: You are using Nvidia driver version 258.96, correct?
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 12:10 am

Hey BoM

I noticed you weren't using the MMM Gems and Gemdust plugin... Is it outdated or replaced by Midas OscuroGems?
I had never heard of Midas OsuroGems until seeing your LO. Then when I went searching for it, I found an updated version of it Do you think the updated version is ok to use? Or is there a reason you didn't use it? New addon plugin is called Midas Assimulator Addon - Oscuro.esp

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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 5:50 am

DAMN Blades, I wish I could get a consistent 6 hours with no CTD. The longest I can go is about 2-3 hours.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:43 pm

I noticed you weren't using the MMM Gems and Gemdust plugin... Is it outdated or replaced by Midas OscuroGems?

Hey far, MMM G&G is not supposed to be used in a FCOM setup, IIRC. Apparently there are some problems or incompatibilities with it then. But you better ask in the FCOM thread, Arkngt will know precisely.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:08 pm

Got a question for you. The only aspect of your guide that I did not follow was PyFFIing. Would not using PyFFI make the game unstable? I am using the new FCOM BSAs and the PyFFI'ed OOO stuff, but that was it.

In my opinion PYFFIing the meshes as much as possible is crucial for stability. It gave me 15-25% more stable game and no exaggeration! Check Nexus and the forum threads for links - nowadays there are ready made pyffied meshes for Vanilla, OOO, MMM, etc, just download and install. The individual mods you can do yourself with the latest version of PYFFI. Then come back and tell me there was no difference :D

@Blade of Mercy
Really just a small question, since you have the same video card as I do: You are using Nvidia driver version 258.96, correct?

As per dxdiag report: Driver Version:, yes.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 2:22 am

Dear Blade of Mercy
again about the video card GTX260: Do you play with HDR or Bloom ligthing? I'm curious because I normally play with Bloom so I can use Antialiasing in-game.

Yesterday I wanted to switch once again to HDR for a change, so I turned off the AA in-game and switched HDR to "On". Then exit game and restart game and.... negative surprise!!!.... Oblivion would not start at all, not even load the main menu... hello??? :huh: Switching to back to Bloom lighting and game would start normally again...

I tried deleting my .ini and let the game create a new one.... no success... very strange. HDR will not work anymore for me, not even without any AA...?? Now I wonder if this is my game setup (I doubt that), the video card (doubt that), or the video drivers (I suspect). I have driver version 263.14 so a little newer than you... that's why I was asking.

So again, do you play with HDR or Bloom? Thank you very much!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:25 pm

I know your question wasn't directed to me Tommy_H, but I just wanted to give a couple pointers...

I use the Nvidia 260.99 driver set and have had no issues. I can force AA while using HDR. Not sure if you've ever tried that
thru the advanced options, my guess is you have. However, I've not tried switching from HDR to bloom and back before. But now reading your post, I fear to even try.

EDIT: I never have used the in game AA option. I've always forced AA thru Nvidia control panel.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:15 pm

I know your question wasn't directed to me Tommy_H, but I just wanted to give a couple pointers...

You're always welcome! :yes:

As to forcing AA through the drivers when using HDR. Yes I know what you mean, and I tried that a while ago (6 weeks?). However I got the impression that AA was still not working with HDR then. I saw a lot of edges, even though I could tell the Nvidia drivers to do it. It would load and play and all, but still give me edges like without AA. So the forced AA was kinda "placebo" only, with HDR. So are you sure you see REALLY no edges in your game then?? :)

That's why I switched to Bloom. However, this was with older drivers version 190.xx. But with those HDR would start normally and it was working in-game (albeit without AA). Now with 263.xx drivers, the game will not even start up when I choose HDR. I'm quite surprised actually.

I may eliminate all mods for a test once and try with vanilla-vanilla again. I recently upgraded from WinXP and maybe something got slightly borked in the process. It's not inconceivable. But yeah let me know if you could switch to Bloom and back again! :)
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:32 pm

I'm not real sure what to make of this, I might go 3 or 4 6-8 hour days in a row without a crash, or crash 2 or 3 times in an hour... :shrug:
I Know I'm not real stable right now, last night I couldn't get through the Gates to Bruma, I managed to Fast Travle inside the city and update my quest, I then had to Teleport out, after that I probably played another 3 hours, no crash...
I used to think (even if I'd made it 18hrs. straight) there was something Majorly wrong, anytime I crashed, and start tweaking things, and Generly wound up with an Unplayable game. Now I have no clue as to What to call stable, I Defenatly have a problem in Bruma, but otherwise seem to be "Fairly" stable, I still get nervous everytime StreamSave kicks in and temporarly Freezes the game... :ahhh:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:33 pm

I've recently tried a BAIN install and have also gotten a much better playing experience, much less crashing. Actually very rare now. But I want to ask what is most likely a dumb question mainly because I haven't been able to find an answer so far. In the list of BAIN packages in the first post, are they actually installed in the order listed? e.g. 002, 003, etc.? This differs widely from your 50 Steps guide which is what I basicly followed along with a couple of modifications form Tomlongs POSitive pages. I pretty much don't have any problems with the sub-pkgs etc but just with the install order for BAIN.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:58 pm

I've recently tried a BAIN install and have also gotten a much better playing experience, much less crashing. Actually very rare now. But I want to ask what is most likely a dumb question mainly because I haven't been able to find an answer so far. In the list of BAIN packages in the first post, are they actually installed in the order listed? e.g. 002, 003, etc.? This differs widely from your 50 Steps guide which is what I basicly followed along with a couple of modifications form Tomlongs POSitive pages. I pretty much don't have any problems with the sub-pkgs etc but just with the install order for BAIN.

Install order of BAIN is such that a package listed after another one will be installed after that and overwrite if resources are common.

Package A.7z
Package B.7z
Package C.7z
Package D.7z

Package D will overwrite all others if they have common files. You can install files in any order, but remember to anneal them. BAIN will only install resources that follow the listed order hierarchy.

So, if you add package E, but install it (in hierarchy) between B and C (but after D in time) such that it looks:
Package A.7z
Package B.7z
Package E.7z
Package C.7z
Package D.7z

, Package E will overwrite resources for A and B, but Cand D will overwrite resources from E. Essentially, the hierarchy matters, not when you installed it or the sequence of installation.
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