» Thu May 19, 2011 2:04 pm
A lot of people don't know it, but almost all the artifacts in Morrowind were part of quests too.
Chrysamere and the Lord's Mail were part of the Imperial Legion.
Boots of the Apostle, Ring of the Wind, Ice Blade of the Monarch and Skull Crusher were part of the Imperial Cult.
Ebony Mail was part of the Tempel, as was Veloth's Judgement, some people consider that a unique weapon. I don't.
Artifacts not directly tied to a quest, which includes "Unamed ones" like "Plundering the Treasure of Divayth Fyr".
Fists of Rangdagulf. Ring of Physaster, Mentor's Ring, Denstagmer's Ring, Fang of Haynekhtnamet, Eleidon's Ward, Auriel's Shield(Debatable, Bow is hinted, but never shield) Ten Pace Boots and the Dragonbone Cuirass.
More than anything, I Just think they need to throw in a lot more artifacts, so few are linked to quests in a manner that stops them from being recovered without being on said quest. The Daedric Artifacts (Mehrunes Razor sort-of excluded) were given in the same manner as in Oblivion, but there was just so many more to discover, it was kind of insulting, especially considering how much bigger Cyrodiil was than Vvardenfell.