Crysis 2 Module Guide - Multiplayer

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:07 am

I am a little irritated at the stupidity of some people; however, I am going to write up a guide on what the modules are and do. I will also have below a WHOLE list of the modules, and what you need to do to rank them up. If you have any questions, post them below and I will be able to help you. I have taken this guide from and as I feel this community needs to do a little more reading, use the details below and you will see what upgrades do what.

To fully rank up EACH upgrade they usually require around 200-500 kills each way, sometimes they require stealth kills, or sometimes they require sneak kills.

But, to find out WHAT you have to do, go to

Multiplayer > Operative Status > Skill Assessments > Modules

Armour Modules

Air Stomp III
Perform a powerful downwards attack when in the air. Looks good on the eye, but very hard to pull (Probability of dying in the air against players with good aims) though can be a good surprise.

Upgrade II
No Damage suffered from falling long distances.

Upgrade III
Faster Recovery After Air Stomp Attacks.

Threat Tracer III
Highlights Incoming Bullet Paths. You can easily back track enemy players; especially snipers if you opt to use this module. Very handy in foliage environment where it is very difficult to keep track of enemy snipers.

Upgrade II
Highlights Incoming Grenades.

Upgrade III
Highlights Explosives Nearby.

Proximity Alarm III
Automatic Warning When Enemy is Nearby. Can be annoying at times, since it keeps on reminding you about the enemy and the frequency increases with upgrades but very handy perk for a camper.

Upgrade II
Increased Warning Frequency when an enemy is nearby.

Upgrade III
Maximum Warning Frequency when an enemy is nearby.

Armor Enhance III
Reduces Drain Speed of Energy when in Armor Mode. Reducing the drain speed energy means you will able to use the Maximum Armor mode for longer period of time. Second Upgrade provides the necessary movement bonus.

Upgrade II
Increase Movement Speed in Armor Mode.

Upgrade III
Protects Against the Nanosuit Jammer Bonus.

Nano Recharge III
Faster Health Recharge. Your health regenerates faster, faster than usual. Can be very handy perk in close quarter combat environment.

Upgrade II
Faster Suit Energy Recharge.

Upgrade III
Shorter Delay before Health Starts Recharging.

Detonation Delay III
Delays the detonation of nearby Grenades. Not much useful since if you keep your ears open, you can actually hear the grenades falling nearby and always have enough time to avoid these.

Upgrade II
Delays the detonation of enemy explosives.

Upgrade III
Provides an automatic Defenses against enemy missile attacks.

Energy Transfer III
Restores Nanosuit Energy with each Kill. Again something I would rather not use simply because your Nanosuit energy regenerates automatically though slowly. You can sacrifice those few seconds recovering the Nanosuit Energy for a better Nanosuit Module.

Upgrade II
Restores additional Nanosuit Energy with each kill.

Upgrade III
Restores Full Nanosuit energy with each kill.
Crysis 2 – Stealth Nanosuit Modules

Stealth Modules

Stealth Enhance III
Faster transition in and out of stealth mode. That can actually help you a lot in creating the distraction and getting the kills. Especially with Upgrade II you become clearly invisible; hard to spot on while the regular stealth mode only works well in range, very easy to spot anyone in stealth mode nearby.

Upgrade II
No shadow cost in Stealth mode.

Upgrade III
Reduces Energy Drain in Stealth Mode.

Blind Spot III
Provides protection from enemy maximum radar bonus. You go radio silent or whatever that’s called.

Good for assaulter/camper – who likes to take his time and move from cover to cover. If you are going to run-and-gun anyway, avoid this.

Upgrade III though handy but Less Visible is not good enough. Upgrade III makes it worthwhile since footsteps are key to your success in successfully protecting yourself.

Upgrade II
Provides protection from enemy tagging.

Upgrades III
Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision.

Covert Ops III
Reduces the sound of Footsteps.

Upgrade II
Provides protection from the ceph Airstrike bonus.

Upgrade III
Enemy footsteps are louder within range.

Jammer III
Scrambles the radar of enemies within range. You will be radio silent more like hidden from enemy. Few easy kills if enemy don’t anticipate someone nearby, they would come blindly. It depends on you to use this perk effectively.

Upgrade II
Provides protection against enemy radar jammer attacks.

Upgrade III
Scrambles the radar of enemies within an increased range.

Tracker III
Highlights the footsteps of the nearby enemies. Highlighting doesn’t actually works well and can easily confuse. Don’t follow the footsteps, you will get into trouble. Upgrade II can make it worthwhile showing the enemy routes but it can also turn into a trap.

Upgrade II
Highlights enemy routes with direction.

Upgrade III
Highlights enemy routes with increased frequency.

Cloak Tracker III
Identifies whereby nearby enemies enter stealth mode. You can track nearby enemies in Stealth Mode, and kill them off. This perk would identify even those with no shadow cast.

Upgrade II
Increase the visibility of the cloaked enemies.

Upgrade III
Maximum visibility of cloaked enemies.

Visor Enhance III
Highlights enemies through weapon scope. Not useful enough, unless you can’t see properly and have to rely on glasses just like me.

Upgrade II
Provides protection against flash bang grenades.

Upgrade III
Reduces energy cost of Nano Vision.
Crysis 2 Power Nanosuit Modules

Power Modules

Side Pack III
Allows an additional magazine of primary ammunition to be carried. Rather practice with your secondary and look for the guns on the battlefield.

Upgrade II
Allows an additional grenade or explosive to be carried.

Upgrade III
Allows additional attachment ammunition to be carried.

Point Fire Enhance III
Reduces the spread of Primary weapons when shooting from the Hip. Steady Aim – helps with Sub Machine Guns to start with. If you don’t like to aim down sight, this perk can actually come in handy.

Upgrade II
Reduces the spread of secondary weapon when shooting from the hip.

Upgrade III
Reduces the spread from mounted weapons when shooting from the hip.

Aim Enhance III
Decreases weapon recoil when aiming down sight. Weapon Recoil will keep the aim steady but you can learn to control the recoil or fire the weapon in burst and use some other perk instead.

Upgrade II
Reduces Aim Shake from explosives.

Upgrade III
Increases mobility when aiming down sight.

Weapon Pro III
Faster Weapon Reloading. Can help in panic situations when you just fire the whole magazine and have enemies still in front of you. But That’s that.

Upgrade II
Faster Aiming Down Sight.

Upgrade III
Faster Switching between weapons.

Loadout Pro III
Allows an additional Primary Weapon to be carried in place of secondary weapon. Good deal for kill hungry Cryplayers in the wild.

Upgrade II
Removes the weight penalty from weapon attachment.

Upgrade III
Increases mobility speed when carrying heavy weapons.

Rapid Fire Pro
Faster Fire Rate on primary weapons. Keep track of the ammunition since faster fire rate would also deplete your ammunition quickly.

Upgrade II
Faster Fire Rate on secondary weapon.

Upgrade III
Faster Fire Rate on mounted weapons.

Mobility Enhance III

Reduces energy drain from sprinting and jumping. Again this perk’s effectiveness depends on how you play. If you cautiously approach the battlefield, this isn’t for you.

Upgrade II
Increases Ledge Grab Speed.

Upgrade III
Faster Firing After Sprinting.

Retriever III
Automatically collect Dog Tags from killed enemies.

Upgrade II
Support Bonuses require one less Dog Tag to activate.

Upgrade III
Support Bonuses remain active for longer.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:41 pm

At the top don't you mean skill kills, because sneak and stealth are the same.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:15 am

At the top don't you mean skill kills, because sneak and stealth are the same.

I don't really care to mention it anymore... As I said, I am a little annoyed at seeing topics saying "how do I do this" when it is ACTUALLY listed in the game. Just look around for it, I'm not stressing at just you, i'm complaining about EVERYONE who does it. Not singling you out, I just want to point it out. Repeating myself over and over and nobody cares to read the games online details. It's all listed there, granted it is a little annoying you have only got like 30 seconds to look whilst in a lobby, but seriously... It's not too hard just to take a look.
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