- The 'useless' side pack (so far I'm half way to upgrade 3): on upgr 2 it allows you to carry an additional explosive (flash granade, frag, jaw, c4)
-Retriever is just wonderful as said already by many in big maps [specially lighthouse]: at upgr 2 support powers cost 1 less dog-tag; upgr 3 - support powers last longer
-Aim enhance and point enhance for obvious reasons, but I don't consider them a must, just for you know: point enhance upgr 3 gives you more precision when firing mounted weapon from the hip.
-Weapon pro (many must know it): upgr 2 faster aiming; upgr 3 faster switch between weapons
-Loadout pro: upgr 2 suppresses weight penalty for carrying 2 prim weapons; upgr 3 enhances mobility when using heavy weapons (I recommend it when using MIKE and MK 60 + optional armor enhance upgr 2 for better mobility in close combat in armor mode).
-Visor enhance: upgr 2 provides protection against flash granades; upgr 3 makes nanovision consume less energy
-Blind spot (so far 14 more kills needed during enemy radar support to upgr 3), great for sniping: upgr 2 provides protection against tagging
-Energy transfer... at upgr 3 your energy gets fully restored with each kill
-Nano recharge: upgr 2 faster energy recharge; upgr 3 reduced time delay to regenerate health
And here are some useful against some support powers (blind spot already mentioned - against enemy radar):
-Armor enhance: upgr 2 no mobility penalty for using armor mode; upgr 3 invulnerability to nanosuit jammer (useless in extraction).
-Covert ops: upgr 2 provides stealth against enemy ceph airstrike (it will never hit you); upgr 3 you hear your enemy's steps louder within range (warning: it can get you paranoic).
-Radar jammer: upgr 2 provides protection against enemy radar jamming attacks (support power - impact, parcking deck, terminal, and maybe others I may not remember now); upgr 3 maximum radar jamming (longer range)
And that's all, hope it's useful for newbies, players that stick to the same modules not knowing the advantages in some cases and maps of other upgraded modules [I find covert ops specially useful - that ceph airstrike gets annoying sometimes, specially when you just respawned and get killed by it].
All [constructive] comments are welcome, if you think is worth mentioning any of the non-mentioned modules, energy transfer was about to be one of them but many get desperated seeing it doesn't restores a sh** when having it at upgr 1, so it's just for saying "it's well worth upgrading it".