the bible

Post » Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:07 pm

can you get a bible or any sort on oblivion? i know you can on new vegas with the new download that just came out, was just wondering if i could get one for oblivion too
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:04 am

The Bible doesn't exist in TES. There's no Bible-equivalent for the Nine Divine either. Closest thing for any religious organization would probably be the Mysterium Xarxes for the Mehrunes Dagon cult.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:13 am

There is the "Bible of the Deep Ones"
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:03 am

...RPing a religious zealot, eh?

The Bible doesn't exist in TES. There's no Bible-equivalent for the Nine Divine either. Closest thing for any religious organization would probably be the Mysterium Xarxes for the Mehrunes Dagon cult.

Or "Ten Commands: Nine Divines", although that's more of a sermon or commentary rather than a holy book in and of itself. My Paladin still carries one with him everywhere he goes.

As previously mentioned, though, the only actual "holy books" in the vanilla game are associated with cults of questionable morality, so unless you're RPing an evil religious zealot, you're pretty much out of luck.
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Jack Moves
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