Hello - I have been trying and trying to get a mod to work so that when my character walks, their briasts move. I have loaded so many different body types, sixywalk anims, etc, etc, that I probably need to delete everything and start over. If you answer me, please, do not just give me the name of a mod. I can find them on the mod sites, what I need to know is how to install it...and yes, I know, read the installation guide that came along with the mod, well, I have done that. I can load all the body types, I even have my character doing a sixy walk, I just cannot get that last piece of realism to work. SO, if you have a mod that is easy as pie to work, maybe some helpful tips on installations, anything that will help me, thank you.
Yes, I know how to use BOSS, OBMM, OBSE...and all of my mods work, I just cannot get this last piece of the puzzle.
Thank you all for any help you may be able to give me.