Bashed Patch/ FCOM woes

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:51 pm

So as a brief background, I have about 1300 hrs put into a FCOM v8.2 save, the last time I installed it was kind of a pain in the butt and I was loving FCOM as it was so I didn't feel the need for upgrading. Well now, I have played through 8.2 and recently got a new pc so I am looking to upgrade and expand my load order and textures significantly. I spent about 20 hrs reading guides, readmes and manuals in the hopes it would allow for the smoothest possible install (TOTO, FCOM thread, FCOM site, 50 steps to a stable FCOM, and several guides on TESIV:Positive). I found installing FCOM can be an arduous and difficult task, as I have tried 3 times from scratch and have yet to get it completely correct. Anyhow, now on my third try before I give up and try again from scratch I think I will ask for help, so here it goes. When I start up oblivion the client hangs before loading to the main menu. I think that my loadorder / esps are fine because I am able to load the game without a problem when my bashed patch is not activated(pulled most of my settings from fcom thread, tesiv positive guide, readmes, and a friends advice). Anyway, I have sunk probably 100+ hrs in to my incompetence so any guidance would be much appreciated.
My Load Order:
Check Mods
This is a report on your currently active/merged mods.

NoMerge Tagged Mods
Following mods are tagged NoMerge and should be deactivated and imported into the bashed patch but are currently active.

? Cobl Races TNR SI.esp

? Cobl Races TNR.esp

? TamrielTravellers Cosmetics Cobl or RBP.esp

Active Mod Files:
? 00 Oblivion.esm

? 01 Jog_X_Mod.esm

? 02 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.3]

? 03 Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm [Version 4.5bSI]

? 04 Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm [Version 4.5bSI]

? 05 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.73]

? 06 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.34]

? 07 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 08 VASE - core.esm

? 09 CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm

? 0A TamrielTravellers.esm [Version 1.39c]

? 0B FCOM_Convergence.esm [Version 0.9.9MB3]

? 0C Armamentarium.esm [Version 1.35]

? 0D Artifacts.esm [Version 1.1]

? 0E Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 4.9.5]

? 0F CURP_Controller.esm

? 10 Progress.esm [Version 2.2]

? 11 CM Partners.esm

? 12 HorseCombatMaster.esm

? 13 Cobl Races TNR.esp [Version 1.53]

? 14 Cobl Races TNR SI.esp [Version 1.53]

? 15 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.3.5]

? 16 DLCShiveringIsles.esp

? 17 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.0]

? ++ Shivering OOO.esp

? 18 Better Cities .esp [Version 4.7.0]

? 19 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp

? 1A Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp

? 1B Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp

? 1C Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp

? ++ Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch.esp

? ++ FCOM_Francescos.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 1D FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 1E Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp

? 1F All Natural.esp [Version 1.3]

? 20 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.3]

? ++ All Natural - MMM Patch.esp [Version 1.3]

? 21 Enhanced Water v2.0 HDMI.esp

? ++ Symphony of Violence.esp

? 22 MIS.esp

? 23 MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp

? 24 Storms & Sound.esp

? 25 All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.3]

? 26 WindowLightingSystem.esp

? 27 AliveWaters.esp

? 28 AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp

? 29 AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp

? 2A Ayleid Loot EXtension.esp

? 2B Ayleid Loot EXtension - OOO Dungeons.esp

? ++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [Version 0.78]

? 2C RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp [Version 1.7]

? 2D Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 5.2.2]

? 2E DropLitTorchOBSE.esp [Version 2.4]

? 2F FormID Finder4.esp

? 30 Streamline 3.1.esp

? 31 DLCHorseArmor.esp

? 32 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]

? 33 DLCOrrery.esp

? 34 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]

? 35 DLCVileLair.esp

? 36 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]

? 37 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp

? 38 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]

? 39 DLCSpellTomes.esp

? ++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]

? ++ MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp

? 3A BaronArmor.esp

? 3B BlackLuster.esp

? 3C BlackLuster 2SwordStyle.esp

? 3D CrystalStaff.esp

? 3E DBShadowSet.esp

? 3F Nicos Dreadweave Armor_Light.esp

? 40 Dread Knight Armor.esp

? 41 Lich King's Helm v1_0.esp

? 42 New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp

? 43 Tyrael Armor.esp

? 44 XiaNewAmuletsV1.esp

? 45 DLCThievesDen.esp

? 46 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]

? 47 KDCircletsOOOOptimized - NPC Equip.esp [Version 1.2]

? ++ FCOM_KDCircletsOOOOptimizedNPCEquip.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ MMM_Runeskull_Rebalance_BETA2.esp [Version Beta]

? 48 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.73]

? 49 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]

? 4A Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp

? 4B FCOM_BobsArmory.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 4C Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp

? ++ FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 4D Oblivion WarCry EV.esp [Version 1.09]

? 4E FCOM_WarCry.esp [Version 0.9.9MB5]

? 4F Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.34]

? ++ OOO_XiaNewAmulets Addon.esp [Version 0.5]

? ? ? OMOBS.esp [Version 2.0]

? ? ? OMOBS_SI.esp [Version 2.0]

? 50 OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp [Version 1.72]

? 51 Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 52 FCOM_Convergence.esp [Version 0.9.9Mb3]

? ++ FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp [Version 0.9.9beta2]

? 53 FCOM_RealSwords.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_SpawnRatesSlightlyReduced.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]

? 54 Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ FCOM_SaferRoads.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_LessRats.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_NoSpiders.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_LessReaversInGates.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 55 Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 56 Mart's Monster Mod - No Carrion Rats.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Uberhulks.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Balrogs.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Less Reavers.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 57 Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 58 Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 59 Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp [Version 3.7b3p3f]

? ++ VASE - Vanilla Cyrodiil.esp

? ++ VASE - Vanilla SI.esp

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ TamrielTravellerAdvscript.esp [Version 1.40Alpha]

? 5A TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp [Version 1.39c]

? 5B TamrielTravellersItemsCobl.esp [Version 1.39c]

? 5C ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp [Version 1.39c]

? ++ ShiveringIsleTravellersFriendlyFactions4MMM.esp [Version 1.39c]

? ++ FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ? ? FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 5D FCOM_MoreRandomSpawns.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 5E FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? ++ ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [Version 2.01]

? ++ ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [Version 1.35]

? ++ MMM-Cobl.esp [Version 1.73]

? 5F Ivellon.esp [Version 1.8]

? 60 Artifacts.esp [Version 1.1]

? ++ Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp [Version 1.0]

? 61 KvatchRising.esp

? 62 GlenvarCastle.esp

? 63 LostSwordOfTheAylied.esp

? 64 The Ayleid Steps.esp [Version 3.4]

? 65 TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne.esp

? 66 TheForgottenShields.esp

? 67 thievery.esp

? 68 thievery - EE patch.esp [Version 4.2]

? 69 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp

? 6A DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]

? 6B DLCFrostcrag.esp

? 6C DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]

? 6D Knights.esp

? 6E Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1]

? 6F TOTF.esp

? 70 The Lost Spires.esp

? 71 Mighty Umbra.esp

? 72 Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp

? 73 The Mystery of the Dulan cult.esp

? 74 TheNecromancer.esp

? ++ FCOM_MightyUmbra.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? ++ FCOM_Knights.esp [Version 0.9.9Mb3]

? 75 FCOM_DulanCult.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 76 Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp [Version 3.09]

? 77 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]

? ++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]

? ++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [Version 3.0.0]

? 78 Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [Version 3.0.0]

? 79 P1DkeyChain.esp [Version 5.00]

? ++ Short Grass V3.esp

? 7A Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp [Version 3.2.0]

? 7B RealisticForceMedium.esp

? 7C SupremeMagicka.esp [Version 0.90b]

? 7D SM_ShiveringIsles.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_DLCSpellTome.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_OOO.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_MMM.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_COBL.esp [Version 0.90]

? 7E SM_EnchantStaff.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_Scrolls.esp [Version 0.90]

? ++ SM_SigilStone.esp [Version 0.90]

? 7F MidasSpells.esp

? 80 attack and hide medium v2.1.esp

? 81 Deadlier Sneaking 1.1.esp

? 82 Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp

? 83 ProgressGSD.esp [Version 2.0]

? 84 ProgressMBSP.esp [Version 2.0]

? 85 ProgressSBSP.esp [Version 1.0]

? 86 ProgressRBSP.esp [Version 1.0]

? 87 ProgressRacial.esp

? 88 ProgressArmorer.esp [Version 1.0]

? 89 SP1stPLegs.esp

? ++ Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp [Version 0.78]

? 8A CM Partners.esp

? 8B Nec Mystic High Elf-Remake.esp [Version 1.0]

? 8C X.Races.Comp.esp

? 8D CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

? 8E DAFeria.esp

? 8F Cobl Races.esp [Version 1.52]

? ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]

? 90 TamrielTravellers Cosmetics Cobl or RBP.esp

? 91 Better Cities Full.esp [Version 4.9.5]

? 92 Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp [Version 4.7.0]

? 93 Better Imperial City.esp [Version 4.9.5]

? 94 Better Cities - Thievery.esp [Version 4.8.0]

? 95 Better Cities - COBL.esp [Version 2.1]

? ++ Better Cities - Open Better Cities.esp [Version 4.9.5]

? ? ? FCOM_Archery.esp [Version 0.9.9]

? 96 DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp

? ? ? All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.3]

? 97 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

? 98 Eternal Dragon Armor.esp

? 99 Blood Illusion Arcania armors for Exnem's body.esp

My Bashed Patch .txt

My Bashed Patch Settings




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Scared humanity
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Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:41 am

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