The gods in skyrim

Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:15 am

OK, OK. I guess I stirred up more than I meant to with my "Jyggalag is an Aedric spirit" thing. Let me rephrase.

Assuming that Jyggalag is indeed a Daedric Prince, this need not necessarily embody him as an agent of Padomay. Padomay's UESP article states that "most Daedric Princes, who are the Blood of Padomay and are the force of change" are Padomaic in nature, but that doesn't need to mean that Jyggalag was one of them. In fact, if he was, by some incredible fluke, an Anu-aligned Prince, that could easily explain the fear that the other Princes felt towards him, and the danger that they believed he represented--a threat towards the very nature of their existence as chaotic manifestations.

This would make the most sense to me. The title Daedric prince makes little sense to me.

Why do you think? By the sounds of it he was far more powerful than any other Prince and his ideology was the complete opposite of most of his brethren, Mehrunes Dagon isn't that far similar from Peryite, Malacath, Boethia or Molag Bal or any other Prince whereas Jyggalag is and they are in many ways what he hates - Madness, chaos etc.

Which gave them enough reason to believe he could very likely attack any of them and with his strength, most likely win. The curse was their form of Pearl Harbour in many ways.

Which is exactly why I agree with the above.

that was martin using akatoshs power that was within the amulet of kings, he transformed into the avatar of akatosh. mehrunes dagon was kicking his ass until he put his guard down

I think its more accurate to say that Martin gave Akatosh the power needed to form a stable avatar on Nirn to send Mehruns dagon back to his plain of Oblivion.
The Amulet of Kings being a portal of sorts.
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Shelby Huffman
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