urban gamer more interested in staying at the top of the smackdown/ NBA 2k / GTA leaderboards. I did play a little casual Fable 2/3
until someone suggested Oblivion. It is my favorite game, and I eagerly anticipate Skyrim like most of you here. I play vanilla on Xbox.
I have the PC/Steam version on my laptop to check out mods, but prefer the vanilla console experience.
I started with a male redguard character. He was some sort of sneak/assassin when he escaped the tutorial cave. He was weak and
kept getting his rear end handed to him, but he taught me what not to do. I didn’t really enjoy bashing things and became intrigued
with magicka. Then, I restarted with Azreal, who is modeled after one of my best wrestling divas. She is a beautiful tanned Breton Mage with 100’s in
willpower, intelligence, conjuration, destruction, illusion and sneak. She is arena grand champ, archmage and champion of cyrodil. She is only a
swordsman in fighters guild and bandit in thieves guild. She is your typical sneak, conjure & go invisible character. She is a level 27, and
although she is a master sneak, she now insists on struting through the caves, forts and lands of cyrodil fearing nothing. She only wears her
enchanted white/red or black robe with sixy enchanted sandals. She also wears purple finery looted from si & enchanted with
personality for social functions. She carry’s Umbra & Azura’s star.
I fell in love with her character when she accidentally wandered into the Kvatch gate at level 3. She was scared witless and had no
‘clue what she was supposed to do in there. Sneaking and pure wits allowed her to explore the gate and find the exit to emerge unscathed.
The experience traumatized her so she went to the USEP and studied gates. She absolutely loathed them, and made it her business to
close everyone she found. If she encountered a gate during a quest, she would stop what she was doing, and shut the xxxk’er
down. Around level 14 or 15 she refused to lower herself to sneaking and absolutely strutted through them. She closed 47 gates
before completing the main quest and she misses destroying them since no more will spawn.
She owns every home fully furnished, including Frostcrag Spire. Skyngrad is decorated with Umbra armors; Manimarco, Traven &
Carranya’s robes and many other collectables. The Bravil home has all of the SI ingredients, books and souvenoirs. The cupboard next
to the alchemy table in the Wizards tower has like 200 apples, 135 bloodgrases, etc. With all of the abundance, her favorite home is
the waterfront shack which is filled with her favorite foods and books. She reads by the fire, and loves being able to walk a few steps
to put her toes in the water, or go for a swim. She is a good girl. Very religious. She does not sleep well unless she has prayed to her
favorite Goddess Dibella daily. But, she is a pragmatist and does not tolerate folks messing with her. I will not go into detail about how
she turned those silly, irritating pirates against each other and watched them all drown on the waterfront. Given her beauty, good heart
but skills in the dark arts, I have had to accept the fact that in essence, she is a serious witch.
Besides being unable to close any more gates, the only issue that Azreal has in Cyroldil is that she is lonely. I have read all the threads. I know there
Is “no role for romance in a serious rpg.” Azreal works & plays hard. She role plays. As archmage, she has glitched a cute male apprentice
that waits in the bedroom of every home she owns. Very unsatisfying. Oblivion is the only game I ever played that I seriously role played.
I have no control over her. She kind of liked Varnardo @ Best Defense in IC. She would go out of her way (& better profit) by visiting him
to sell her loot from quests & dungeons. On one occasion, he declined her offer. She checked the settings… disposition was 100 like always,
so she put on her finery & cast AzKiss (charm spell). He said no deal & was quite nasty about it. Before I knew what happened she became
enraged; tapped him with her fist; summoned & went invisible. She sat & continued to conjure and frenzy while remaining invisible and
watching the show. Guards came & the frenzy lasted about 20 minutes. Afterwards, she surveyed the bodies and damage. She reanimated
Vernardo with the staff of worms and just looked at him, asking what she had done for him to reject her. After watching him relive his
demise several times, she asked me to reload. She allowed Varnardo to live, and went to Moravyn’s Peacemakers in Anvil to sell her loot.
She prayed to Dibella, then went home to Benirus and went to sleep. She has never visited Varnardo since.
I don’t care for the silly six/romance in Fable. I don’t care for it in DA, although Isabella is a tempting character. I don’t even care for Estris
and some of the six/bikini mods for Oblivion PC. But I enjoyed the sirens/Anvil quest and Eyja/Rosethorn backstories as implemented by
Bethesda and think they could do a credible job adding romance as an “OPTION.” I don’t expect everyone to like or want it, but, I wish it
could be implemented like the DB mission strand. Azreal is a good girl, although a bit of a [censored]. She will not do the DB strand. It was
presented, but she could ignore it if she chose to. Most players love killing wild boar with their bare hands & eating bloody meat in a nasty
bedroll under the stars, but ignore other natural urges that accrue while role playing in this extensive, realistic world. Azreal insists on
repolishing the nail polish she chipped while destroying conjurers in Sancre Tor. I have just two pet peeves about my Oblivion experience
and wishes for Skryim.
1. Treat the character with the respect they have earned. As champion of cyrodil, you should not be concerned with folks trying to
arrest you if you mistakenly pick up a dagger, while trying to inspect it. All members of the mages guild should know when the
Arch mage has arrived…. Not just randomly. Mage scholars should be in no position to diss their arch mage. Azreal does not tolerate
2. Azreal is coming to Skyrim. She is very…………………………..………….”lonely”. Please don’t make me turn her a loose like this.
Remember…. “Dibella loves you.”