should i get oblivion b4 i get skyrim if will i have enough time to experience oblivion, if so should i get the two dlc packs
For what little my advice is worth, I suggest not buying Skyrim until after it's released, and you find out 1) what your friends who have bought it think of it, and 2) whether it will run with your machine specs. Ignore all the Skyrim PR now being generated by gamesas. It's vapor. The game isn't even made yet. Features and requirements will change before release.
That said, should you buy Oblivion? It depends on the style of game you want. There are many threads in this forum about what Oblivion is like, its pluses and minuses. One important point to remember is that however some people feel about its minuses, there are 6000+ mods that really enhance Oblivion's gameplay.