Dialog options missing!

Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:56 pm

Well, I've been playing this character for quite sometime now with no problems. I've done many quests and many other little things. I also have lots of mods installed. None of these mods have shown any problem. I've been playing with the mods since I made the character and everything has been good. I've completed side-quests, seen the option to buy houses and all that fun stuff!

However, after beating the main story line, then entering Shivering Isles and doing a few things, I went back to Tamriel. I wanted to go turn in "Sins of the Father" since I had the sword already, but I can't! No one will accept the sword (yes, I know who to talk to). Then I realized it seemed people were missing dialog options. Now it seems I can't even buy houses anymore! I just have no idea what to do. Most people only seem to have two (if that) options to talk about. I decided to reload a few saves and it looks like the problem started sometime after the Battle at Bruma with the Great Gate and all that.

Anyone experience anything like this or have any solutions? :<
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:28 pm

Did you use any form of transport OTHER THAN the strange door to transition between SI, and Tamriel?
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:45 am

Did you use any form of transport OTHER THAN the strange door to transition between SI, and Tamriel?

Ahh yeah, that is exactly what I did! Thank you for the response! Seems good now.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:30 am

To explain:

Do not leave Shivering Isles using any method other than the Strange Door. This door performs a very important function by toggling the Player is in Shivering Isles check, which controls the games dialogue and makes sure no dialogue from Cyrodiil can be played while the player is in Shivering Isles.

If you leave by another method, the game can't cycle that variable and you end up with broken dialogue until you return to the Isles and leave using the door.
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