Cartoony ragdoll animations...

Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:17 am

Yes, I know there are some threads about this but they're mostly just about the Giant's fall from the dragon's claws.

I want to discuss several instances of cartoony ragdoll animations as seen so far. The giant falling to the ground after being taken by the dragon is indeed one such example, he should fall with his arms flailing about, no matter if he is already dead after being dropped.
Another example is when fighting the Draugr in Bleak Falls, when hurling a bolt of lightning at them they bounce around like a rubber ball for pete's sake! I realize that they should fly back a little bit but this bouncing animation just looks stupid.

This is one thing from Oblivion I never hoped to see again in an Elder Scrolls game, over the top ragdoll animations.

I don't expect 100% lifelike death animations for NPCs but I really hope that Bethesda will tone it down a little before the game's release.
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Emma Pennington
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