Is Skyrim going to be another port like Oblivion for pc user

Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:09 pm

I only hope it supports Xfire/SLI , multicore processors and 64 bit i don't ask too much :(
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:52 am

ok..when I made my post it was the only one on the page..I can see why they raged a bit.

Yes it will be a port. However its not AS BAD, as it sounded to me from the E3 interview with one of the lead game makers
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:44 am

I dont think people are really understanding the reason for the port and what it really means. The xbox and ps3 are Inferior machines to the most recent pc's on the market.
when they build Skyrim for the xbox its because of the limited buttons on the controls and the fact that consoles are limited to the technology when they were built. Example pc's are up to directx 11 while xbox's are still using directx9. If they built Skyrim for pc to run features in Dx11 it would have massive problems for the consols, as well as basic interface. If you start with the keyboard and all its options of keys then try to crame all that into the limited number of controller buttons it just wont work, stuff would have to be cut. If they start with the most limited and inferior tech they can expand and add when they port it over.

As for not being optomized, the pc should run any ported xbox game better then the xbox as it has more memory, faster cpu, better graphics cards unless you are running an older pc then you might have some trouble. I have run oblivion. and fallout3 on my pc and when I look at the xbox version its slower, crappier and just plain uglier. The port did not ruin Oblivion as I seen some people claim. Bethesda ruined oblivion long before the port with a very very horribly implemented level scaling system that screwed up npcs, gear, fun and pretty much everything else, It defently was not the port over.

The only way not port it to PC is to make it for the PC and just not port it to the console which is not in bethesda's best interest because they need the revenue after spending so much time and thier entire team working on this game. If the games not running smooth on your pc its most likely your pc. your dx, your settngs.

I watched that interview and the way he said it would port to pc and it wouldn't be that bad. I dont think he was talking about the game, I believe he was talking about the act of porting it because the xbox is inferior that its not hard to port it and tweak it for mouse and keyboard interface. I am an avid PC gamer and I think these pc people who are raging over this are seriously overreacting. Their last two games were good, with the non-port issues of the level scaling that was crap.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:57 am

After reading a few threads on porting from console, it seems anytime a person raises a concern on this they are attacked for "hundred other threads like this". Couldn't the same also be said for repeated threads for most anything (dual wield, potion making, etc)?
Anyway, I think some are misinterpreting PC users concern over a port. I personally have no problem with a good port, such a fallout 3. But just because the last one was good doesn't mean this one will be, as Oblivion hud/ui was horrid and was clearly meant for a controller, not a keyboard and mouse, and made dealing with inventory a nightmare and ultimately led me to never finishing it. Do I think they will make the same poor optimization choices? Unlikely... but us PC folks, just like console people, are excited about what we have seen of the game and just don't want any game-breaking carry-overs from console.

Its absolutely true, from a business perspective that PC sales are tiny in comparison to console, but just as food for thought...consider there would be no Bethesda or Skyrim if it wasn't for PC RPGers from back in the day (daggerfall, Fallout, Arena...)
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:53 am

Ok well i can understand that xbox 360 is a leading platform for games, all i am saying is that i do not want some crappy port to the pc like Oblivion was and it rly was, i just hope they will tweak it and optimize it good when they release it, cuz if i can't run it on high and at least medium on my current pc wich i am able to run The witcher 2 on ultra there is smt wrong with the game i hope you all agreed the witcher 2 had a pretty amazing graphics much vbetter than skyrim so do you guys think people who can run the witcher 2 on ultra should be able to run skyrim on high settings?
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:06 am

repetition is fine and dandy once a thread reaches it's post limit. until then, repetitive new threads do nothing other than clutter the forums. they also don't allow for a nice discussion flow as it's spread across 50 different threads.

both the issue of being a port and pc specs have been discussed in great length. it would just be nice if people did a quick search for topics before creating new ones to further clutter the forums.

You mean like the other 50 or so threads each about races, perks, attributes, screenshots, horses, how awesome Skyrim is going to be, character creation, armor, realism, immersion, romance, combat, etc etc etc etc? ..may as well just have a forum with static topics titled like "perks", "armor", "immersion", "adulation", etc etc, make everyone post under those topics and not allow them to post new topics.

I mean, what topic has not been beaten to death about a game that's 5 months away from being released?

On Topic: I believe the game engine is multi-platform, so I guess technically is not being ported, however it is being designed for xbox 360, then it will be adapted for play on PC and PS3 which for PS3 won't mean much in terms of gameplay, but for people who are used to play PC games with PC interfaces, they will see a big difference, and it will not be positive.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:46 pm

I only hope it supports Xfire/SLI , multicore processors and 64 bit i don't ask too much :(

I wouldn't hold my breath on any of that, unfortunately. We certainly aren't going to get a 64 bit exe. :sad:
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gemma king
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:18 pm Just throwing this here..
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:30 am

Oh cool video, ok i gess it will not be a rushed pc port, since Tod said most of his members on his team play Skyrim on pc so i bet they will want optimized verzion too.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:23 am

It would help if the Skyrim portion of the forums was categorized, so one could review desired topics. Right now what we have is just a jumble, or a mess...of topics.
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