Wrye Bash is a mod management tool for Oblivion. It has a lot of features. I mean a LOT. It's like twenty tools rolled into one. It includes as subfeatures the entire feature sets of other tools, and offers plenty of other features that no other mod tool has.
Download: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368
- http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/Mopy/Wrye%20Bash.html (also included in the download as "Wrye Bash.html" in the Mopy folder)
- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Wrye_Bash
- alt3rn1ty's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35230
- Waruddar's Bashed Patch option reference (see bottom of this post)
- Metallicow's BAIN http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38857
- http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/building_bashed_patch_1.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/building_bashed_patch_2.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/building_bashed_patch_3.png
- http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/installers_tab.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/installers_tab_conflicts.png
- http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/mods_tab.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/saves_tab.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/ini_edits_tab.png http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/screenshots/screenshots_tab.png
- It's easiest to just download the WryePython03a package from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 | http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=4233
- If you want to do things manually: Spoiler
- Python 2.5:
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5.4/python-2.5.4.msi
- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/comtypes/files/comtypes/0.6.2/comtypes-0.6.2.win32.exe/download *included in Wrye Python 03a
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/psyco/files/psyco/1.6/psyco-1.6.win32-py25.exe/download (optional)
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build216/pywin32-216.win32-py2.5.exe/download
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5.4/python-2.5.4.msi
- Python 2.6: *included in Wrye Python 03a (With the exception of wxPython ansi - 03a includes
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.msi
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython/
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/comtypes/files/comtypes/0.6.2/comtypes-0.6.2.win32.exe/download
- http://www.voidspace.org.uk/downloads/psyco-1.6.win32-py2.6.zip (optional)
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build216/pywin32-216.win32-py2.6.exe/download
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.msi
- Python 2.7:
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.1/python-2.7.1.msi
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython/
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/comtypes/files/comtypes/0.6.2/comtypes-0.6.2.win32.exe/download *included in Wrye Python 03a
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build216/pywin32-216.win32-py2.7.exe/download
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.1/python-2.7.1.msi
- Python 3.x: NOT Supported
- Other setups _may_work_, but these are probably the most widely used and tested.
- Python 2.5:
- If you're using the Standalone version, you don't need any of the Python components, however you may need the http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/confirmation.aspx?familyid=ba9257ca-337f-4b40-8c14-157cfdffee4e&displaylang=en.
Development: The project is hosted at https://sourceforge.net/projects/oblivionworks/develop. Want a feature? Request it https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=284958&atid=1207904! Want to get involved? Patches are welcome https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=284958&atid=1207903! Feeling brave? SVN versions are often half working, have serious problems, or Just Don't Work! If you know what you're doing and still want to help us test new features and track down bugs, download the SVN http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/oblivionworks/Programs/Wrye%20Bash/?view=tar!
- If you are installing for the first time, make sure you have installed WryePython03a package from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368
- Then just download and run the installer for the most recent release. You can upgrade this way too.
- For manual installations/upgrades, download the archive version and extract in your Oblivion game folder (so that the Mopy directory appears in the Oblivion directory)
- For WBSA (Wrye Bash StandAlone) versions, no Python components are required, but remember it is a beta and there are currently issues (see the section under Reporting Bugs.)
Reporting Bugs:
- Try to give us enough information to diagnose your problem. The following is useful information for us:SpoilerLinking:
- What are all the symptoms? Be sure to include what you did (step-by-step is helpful), what you expected, and what happened.
- If Oblivion isn't installed in the default location, where is it installed?
- What version of the python components are installed?
- Python
- wxPython
- ComTypes
- psyco
- PyWin32
- Python
- What version of Windows are you using? Is UAC enabled?
- Is CBash enabled? If so, what version is displayed?
- What version of Wrye Bash are you using? If you're using the SVN, be sure to include the revision number.
- Are you using a bash.ini? If so, include its contents (in spoiler tags, please!)
- If you're using the WBSA, things are a bit trickier. There are currently a few known issues:
- Wrye Bash wont work correctly if you launch it from the command line (DOS). Always launch by double clicking the exe or a shortcut to it.
- Due to issue #1, no debug mode is available. Some errors that happen will still be printed either to a "Wrye Bash.exe.txt" file, or to the "stdout/stderr" window that shows up with errors sometimes.
- There may be plenty more...just think of them as "undocumented features"
- If you think you've found an error in the WBSA, be sure to uninstall ALL python components and test it again first, to be sure we get an accurate report. Having python installed can sometimes trick the WBSA into thinking that it has all of the files it requires, even if it really doesn't.
- If you'd like to link to Bash from somewhere else, please do! But be sure to link to either http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 or http://sourceforge.net/projects/oblivionworks/. Don't link to the actual Bash zip file, since that changes fairly frequently.
Bain- Install/uninstall mods from zip, 7z, rar, etc., or just from a directory of uncompressed files. No OMODs required!
Bashed Patches
Get more mods working together than you ever thought possible! Customize the game to your liking!- Merge leveled lists
- Merge TNR faces over other changes to npcs
- Merge race eye/hair/body/voice changes over other changes to races
- Merge entire mods into the bashed patch, allowing mods beyond the 255 plugin limit
- Tweak clothes: Show amulets with robes, zero weight rings and amulets, etc.
- Tweak global settings
Repair/Edit Stuff- Repair frozen animations
- Repair missing hair CTD bug
- Remove spells from spell list
- Rename created spells and enchanted items
- Remove savegame bloating (one use of this reduced a 158 Mb save to 2.5 Mb)
- Import NPC levels into an existing savegame (essential when switching to/from OOO, Frans, etc.)
- Import PC face from other savegame or any mod (e.g., import any of TNR's faces into game)
- Easily generate html readmes using wiki-like syntax.
Mod, Savegame, and Screenshot Management- Auto-Ghost mods to reduce http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=941296.
- View, delete, batch rename, duplicate, open, etc.
- Save Profiles: Have different sets of saves for different npcs with different loadlists, etc.
- Readme Browser: Quickly view readme of currently selected mod.
- Quick/Autoswap between SI and pre-SI versions of Oblivion.esm.
- Launch Oblivion and TESCS (with or without OBSE).
You should add a few more things to that list, Wrye. Almost none of the items from my list of the most compelling features in Wrye Bash are on your list:
For everyone:- Accurately and quickly managing your load order (correctly sorts ESMs)
- Locking your load order (so updated mods automatically load in the exact same spot as the old version)
- Checking your load list for problems (missing mod dependencies)
- Checking savegames against load list and syncing load list to savegame
- Archive Invalidation (now supports BSA-alteration BSA-redirection method)
- Change master entry in savegame (to avoid losing items, quest progress, etc. when the name of a mod has changed)
For mod-makers:- Add a master to a plugin (for mod de-isolation)
- Change master entry in plugin (for mod de-isolation)
- Locking your load order (so changes you make don't move the plugin to the end of your load list)
- Savegame profiles (so you can easily test with only your mod active, then easily switch back to playing with all your mods active)
Fallout 3:- TheLORDofDOOM has taken on making a FO3 version, Wrye4Fallout3... and
here's the first little bit of it (not all translated to account for FO3 but it's showing promise). And another, a bit further along, by Valda called http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1102449.
Other news:- There is now a listserve for the svn and bug/request/patch/support trackers; if you want to get emails whenever changes to those items happen just join over https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/oblivionworks-committers. You can also use it for support requests/questions if you desire.
Latest Version:
=== 292 [10/6/2011] [Gratis_monsta,Leandro Conde,myk002,PacificMorrowind,Lojack,VadersApp,valda]Spoiler- CBash is live! The default install now uses CBash.
- Bashed Patch:
- Race Patcher
- Fixed error with setting race eyes for some uncommon races.
- eyes with undefined meshes now skipped and removed from races rather than causing fatal warning.
- CBash random eye setting fixed (was choosing only one eye per race).
- Fixed error with setting race eyes for some uncommon races.
- Fix for typos in CBash SpellStats Patcher
- Tweak Actors patcher:
- Added note to MAO patcher that it requires MAO.
- Added a VORB patcher (requires VORB).
- Added Bigger Nords and Orcs tweaker
- sixy Walk and Real Walk tweakers finally fixed to not replace the current animations but add the Swalk/Rwalk animation. (and CBash version of each added)
- Added note to MAO patcher that it requires MAO.
- Tweak Settings (GMST) patcher:
- Now handles deleted GMSTs correctly (skips) instead of choking to death on them. (contributed by Leandro Conde)
- AI: Max Smile Distance tweak added.
- Combat: Max Ally Hits tweak added.
- Now handles deleted GMSTs correctly (skips) instead of choking to death on them. (contributed by Leandro Conde)
- Import Names:
- Merged Random NPC Names csvs (deleted old single csvs). (Contributed by Gratis_monsta)
- Added OOO Potion Names.csv - reverts OOO's alcoholic beverage naming to vanilla. (Contributed by Gratis_monsta)
- Updated Guard_Names.csv to support more mods. (Contributed by Gratis_monsta)
- Merged Random NPC Names csvs (deleted old single csvs). (Contributed by Gratis_monsta)
- Mark mergeable detection of other mods requiring current mod fixed.
- Tweak Assorted patcher:
- Added Set Sound Attenuation Levels tweaker.
- Added 'Set Sound Attenuation Levels: Nirnroot only' tweaker.
- Added 'Faction crime Gold Multiplier Fix' tweaker.
- Added 'No Light Fade Value Fix' tweaker.
- Added Set Sound Attenuation Levels tweaker.
- Added a cancel button to the build progress bar.
- New keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Shift+A in the patcher list box will SelectAll or DeselectAll suboptions, respectively.
- Deleted references in the Bashed Patch will automatically be undeleted and disabled.
- Race Patcher
- Speed improvement for package uninstallation (moved data folder readonly setting clearing to a do once each launch of Bash instead of on each uninstall operation)
- Size of comments section saved between launches (contributed by myk002)
- Wizards:
- New functions:
- GetEspmStatus: Find the status of an installed mod (Missing, Inactive, Imported, Active, Merged)
- EditINI: Create ini tweaks progmatically, which will can be automatically applied to either Oblivion.ini or an INI from the current installer.
- Exec: Execute wizard lines stored in a string. Useful for dynamically creating menus.
- endswith: Test what a string ends with.
- startswith: Test what a string starts with.
- lower: Convert a string to lower case.
- find: Find the first occurrence of a substring within a string.
- rfind: Find the last occurrence of a substring within a string.
- GetFilename: For getting a filename from a path string.
- GetFolder: For getting a folder name from a path string.
- GetEspmStatus: Find the status of an installed mod (Missing, Inactive, Imported, Active, Merged)
- Improved For loops, for iterating over files in an installer:
- For subpackage in Subpackages
- For file in subpackage
- For subpackage in Subpackages
- Case Insensitive Operators: Operators that ignore the case of a string when comparing.
- The Dot Operator
- Bugfix RequireVersions: The version page will now show correctly if the Wrye Bash version is incorrect.
- A new icon will indicate that an installer contains a wizard.
- The Wizard window is now resizable, with automatic scaling images.
- Wizards now have a back button. Be sure to note if there are any errors with this and report them.
- Improved responsiveness of pages by extracting all images at the start of the Wizard, rather than as needed.
- To better improve the language, Keywords that take multiple arguments must have their arguments separated by commas. Keywords that this affects:
- SelectOne
- SelectMany
- RenameEspm
- RequireVersions
- This enables the use of expressions as arguments to Keywords. For example, previously the following was impossible:
- name = "00 Base "
- SelectSubPackage(name+"Textures")
- name = "00 Base "
- SelectOne
- Function DataFileExists extended to allow testing of multiple files with one function call. It will return True if all of the files exist, and False if one or more of the files does not exist. Additionally, DataFileExists will also detect ghosted ESPs and ESMs now.
- Changed the default for Auto-Anneal/Install Wizards to be checked. Be sure to check this setting, and set it to your preference.
- New functions:
- Added a cancel button to the Refresh Data progress bar.
- New option 'Auto-Refresh gamesas Content' will tell BAIN to also scan Vanilla Oblivion BSAs, ESMs, and ESPs.
- Extracting OMODs to projects: If you drag and drop omod(s) into the BAIN window, they will be extracted into projects.
- new ini option bClearRO to enable/disable automatic clearing of readOnly flags from mods directory - will speed things up to disable but risk error on uninstalling in older installs/non-BAIN installed installations
- new ini option sOblivionTexturesBSAName in case you've for some reason renamed you oblivion - textures - compressed.bsa to something else.
- Speed improvement for package uninstallation (moved data folder readonly setting clearing to a do once each launch of Bash instead of on each uninstall operation)
- Saves Tab:
- Yes to All option for overwrite on Move/Copy Saves
- 'Move To behaves identical to Copy To for savegame files' bug fixed (at looong last).
- Statistics report now properly displays the Hexadecimal Mod Index instead of decimal.
- Yes to All option for overwrite on Move/Copy Saves
- General:
- Fixed s7zExtraCompressionArguments to actually get the value from the ini (typo in ini which meant the value wasn't getting recognized as present).
- Fixed packing arguments to properly non fatally use 7zExtraCompressionArguments.
- Import Scripts CBash and non-CBash modes fixed to maintain Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Now automatically removes bad tags from mods as per BOSS/BOSS userlist tagging suggestions.
- updated Wrye Text->Html Function to write valid xhtml 1.0 Strict.
- updated html snippets in wizards.txt to turn into valid xhtml 1.0 Strict when ran through Wrye Text->Html converter.
- updated html snippets in Wrye bash.txt to turn into valid xhtml 1.0 Strict when ran through Wrye Text->Html converter.
- updated html snippets in wizards.txt to turn into valid xhtml 1.0 Strict when ran through Wrye Text->Html converter.
- Improved INI Edits tab UI:
- Column width is remembered now.
- Shows the contents of an INI tweak, including status of each line in it compared to the master INI.
- Shows the contents of the master INI
- Clicking on a highlighted line will also show the applicable line in the master INI or INI tweak
- New INI Tweak file command "Copy to new Tweak", for creating a tweak file with the same settings as the target INI.
- Bugfix for batch script ini's that would incorrectly replace some variables.
- Column width is remembered now.
- Various small UI improvements
- regex for TesNexus searching updated to work with a few less common mod archive name formats.
- Support for BOSS 1.7.
- New automatic taglist generator to generate the taglist from the masterlist.
- New option to see all the tags on all installed/selected mods.
- Taglist updated to BOSS rev 2608.
- Removed Balo and the Replacers Tab from the UI. To re-enable, set bEnableBalo or bEnableReplacers to True as applicable in bash.ini
- These features may be removed in future versions.
- Wrye Bash will now automatically reset all BSA timestamps to 01-01-2006. To disable this, set bResetBSATimestamps to False in bash.ini
- In cases where the bUseMyGameDirectory is 0 in oblivion.ini Wrye Bash will now read/write plugins.txt in the Oblivion (or Nehrim as the case may be) folder instead of appdata folder.
- Unicode improvements: (all only applicable in unicode mode)
- Fixed viewing/saving modfiles with tejón and other non-ascii author names.
- Fixed project view/scanning for projects containing non-ascii filenames.
- Fixed project->archive packaging for projects that contain files with non-ascii names.
- Warning added if using Unicode Wrye Bash but using non-unicode wxPython.
- Fixed viewing savefile with non-ascii data (contributed by valda).
- Fixed omod config viewing/editing wtih non-ascii data.
- Fixed manipulation (install/uninstall/Pack to archive/delete etc.) of projects/archives with non-ascii project/archive name (contributed by valda).
- Fixed translateable messages to be returned in unicode (contributed by valda).
- Fixed viewing/saving modfiles with tejón and other non-ascii author names.
- Steam support improvement: now launches Oblivion via Oblivion.exe rather than obselauncher.exe (as is required with Steam).
- Selectable jpeg quality in the Screenshots Tab.
- Wrye Bash will check directory permissions at startup, and give an error if the correct permissions are not available.
- Advanced ini options for compatibility with mTES4 Manager: sInstallersData and sBashModData to specify where Installers.dat, Converters.dat, etc are stored by Wrye Bash.
- Added an option to the Mod Checker to scan for deleted references, and if CBash is enabled, Identical to Master records. The number of ITM records reported in this check will usually be slightly less than TES4Edit will report, due to not checking GRUP records.
- New mod command List Patch Config..., for posting your Bashed Patch configuration on the forums.
- Readme updated and thoroughly spellchecked (in American English).
- Fixed s7zExtraCompressionArguments to actually get the value from the ini (typo in ini which meant the value wasn't getting recognized as present).
Patch option reference (by Waruddar):Spoiler
Please note, when I say that it should be checked, that only applies if there are items on the right side as well (except for one patch option which is detailed below). Also when I say mods, I mean just that, mods. Don't check any of the csv files unless you know that they're what you want.
Alias Mod Names- Should you check it? Not normally.
- What does it do? If a mod has been renamed, it allows patch options that use the original mod name to know that it needs to use the new mod name instead.
- When does the user need it? If for instance, you rename Oscuros_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp to OOO.esp (for whatever reason), you'll need this option so that Bash knows that OOO.esp is really Oscuros_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp.
Merge Patches- Should you check it? Yes. Unless you need it, it won't help you, but it also doesn't hurt to have it active.
- What does it do? It copies mods into the Bashed Patch so that they don't have to be active.
- When does the user need it? If you're running out of space in your load order (Oblivion can only handle 255 mods at a time) this can merge some mods into the Bashed Patch so that you have more space. Some mods have to be merged to work properly (filter mods, Item Interchange), but this should be noted in the mod's readme.
- When does a modder need it? If you're creating a filter or item interchange type mod. See the readme for details.
Replace Form IDs- Should you check it? No. This is an advanced option. If you need it, you'll know it (or be instructed to use it).
- What does it do? It replaces a set of formIDs with another set of formIDs defined by a csv file.
- When does the user need it? If you want to replace all usage of one item for another. For instance, P1DCandles replaces all static, non-movable candles with candles that can be picked up, moved around, stolen, etc. It only works for Oblivion.esm though. This option allows P1DCandles to work for all mods (assuming you have the original mod installed).
- When does a modder need it? If you're systematically replacing a formID with another, this will do the work for you. It also works across all mods the user has.
Import Actors- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPCs and Creatures and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Actor aggression, confidence, energy level, responsibility, services, training skill, or training level you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIData'.
- Actor skills (armorer, athletics, etc), health, attributes (strength, speed, etc) you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Stats'.
- Actor base spell, fatigue, barter gold, level, calc min, calc max, IsBiped, six, IsEssential, IsWeaponAndShield, IsRespawn, IsSwims, IsFlies, IsWalks, IsAutoCalc, IsPCLevelOffset, IsNoLowLevel, IsNoBloodSpray, IsNoBloodDecal, IsNoHead, IsNoRightArm, IsNoLeftArm, IsNoCombatInWater, IsNoShadow IsNoRumors, IsSummonable, IsNoPersuasion, IsCanCorpseCheck you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.ACBS'.
- NPC class you need to tag the mod with 'NPC.Class'.
- NPC race you need to tag the mod with 'NPC.Race'.
- Actor combat style you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.CombatStyle'.
- Creature blood spray path, blood decal path you need to tag the mod with 'Creatures.Blood'.
- Actor model path, bound radius, modt you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Skeleton'.
- Actor aggression, confidence, energy level, responsibility, services, training skill, or training level you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIData'.
Import Actors: AIPackages- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPCs and Creatures AI Packages and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This merges the AI Packages so that they are all present from all tagged mods.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Actor AI Packages you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIPackages'. If you're re-adding an AI Package that was previously removed, you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd' as well.
Import Actors: Animations- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPCs and Creatures animations and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This merges the animations so that they are all present from all tagged mods.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Actor animations you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Anims'.
Import Actors: Death Items- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPCs and Creatures death items (items that are added to the NPC / Creature only when it dies) and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Actor Death Items you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.DeathItem'.
Import Actors: Spells- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPCs and Creatures and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you add or remove an actor's spell and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Spells'. If you're re-adding a spell that was previously removed, you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.SpellsForceAdd' as well.
Import Cells- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to cells (the areas your character can enter) and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same cell. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Cell climate, or IsBehaveLikeExterior you need to tag the mod with 'C.Climate'.
- Cell music type you need to tag the mod with 'C.Music'.
- Cell name you need to tag the mod with 'C.Name'.
- Cell owner, rank, global variable, or IsPublicPlace you need to tag the mod with 'C.Owner'.
- Cell water, water height, IsHasWater you need to tag the mod with 'C.Water'.
- Cell ambient, directional, or fog lighting you need to tag the mod with 'C.Light'.
- Cell flags not mentioned above you need to tag the mod with 'C.RecordFlags'. Use with care, it also overrides the above flags.
- Cell climate, or IsBehaveLikeExterior you need to tag the mod with 'C.Climate'.
Import Factions- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the factions that an NPC / Creature belongs to and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Adding a faction, removing a faction, or changing the actor's rank in a faction you need to tag the mod with 'Factions'.
Import Graphics- Should you check it? Depends. This is an aesthetic choice. Choose whichever mod graphics you prefer.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the graphics of the game. This ensures that the graphics from the mod(s) you like are preserved even if another mod changes the same graphics.
- When does the user need it? If you use a mod that changes the graphics of the game, and you want those graphics to always be used even if another mod changes the graphics to something else.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Graphics':
- Birthsign icon path
- Loading Screen icon path
- Class icon path
- Land texture icon path
- Region icon path
- Activator model path, bound radius, or modt
- Door model path, bound radius, or modt
- Flora model path, bound radius, or modt
- Furniture model path, bound radius, or modt
- Grass model path, bound radius, or modt
- Static model path, bound radius, or modt
- Potion/Poison icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Ammo icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Alchemical Apparatus icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Book icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Ingredient icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Key icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Light icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Misc icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Sigil Stone icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Soul Gem icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Weapon icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Tree icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Armor or Clothing male body (model path, bound radius, or modt), male world, male icon path, female body, female world, female icon path, or flags (IsHead, IsHair, etc)
- Creature body parts or nift
- Magic Effect icon path, model path, bound radius, modt, effect shader, enchant effect or light
- Almost anything in an Effect Shader
- Birthsign icon path
Import Inventory- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the items that an NPC / Creature / Container start with and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC / Creature / Container. This merges all these changes.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you add, remove, or change the count of an item in an NPC / Creature / Container and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Invent'.
Import NPC Faces- Should you check it? Depends. This is an aesthetic choice. Choose whichever mod has the NPC faces that you prefer.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to NPC faces. This ensures that the NPC faces from the mod(s) you like are preserved even if another mod changes the same NPC faces.
- When does the user need it? If you use a mod that changes the NPC faces of the game, and you want those NPC faces to always be used even if another mod changes the NPC faces to something else.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- NPC Face-Gen Symmetric, Face-Gen Asymmetric, Face-Gen Texture Symmetry, eyes, hair, hair length, hair color, fnam you need to tag the mod with 'NpcFaces'. You may tag it with 'NpcFacesForceFullImport' if you want all of the previous attributes to be kept even if they haven't been changed.
Import Names- Should you check it? Depends. This is an aesthetic choice. Choose whichever file has the names that you prefer.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the various names in the game. This ensures that the names from the mod(s) you like are preserved even if another mod changes the same name.
- When does the user need it? If you use a mod that changes the names of things in the game, and you want those names to always be used even if another mod changes the names to something else.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Names':
- Class name
- Faction name
- Hair name
- Eyes name
- Race name
- Magic Effect name
- Enchantment name
- Spell name
- Birthsign name
- Activator name
- Alchemical Apparatus name
- Armor name
- Book name
- Clothing name
- Container name
- Door name
- Ingredient name
- Light name
- Misc name
- Flora name
- Furniture name
- Weapon name
- Ammo name
- NPC name
- Creature name
- Soul Gem name
- Key name
- Potion/Poison name
- Sigil Stone name
- World name
- Cell name
- Dialogue name
- Quest name
- Class name
Import Relations- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the way that a faction interacts with another faction and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same faction. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you add, or change the relation that a faction has with another and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Relations'.
Import Roads- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the layout of the world, and this requires that the roads match the new layout even if another mod changes the same world. This ensures that the road is kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you change the road record of a world, and want that road kept even if the world is possibly changed by a later mod, you need to tag the mod with 'Roads'.
Import Script Contents- Should you check it? No.
- What does it do? It copies the actual script into the bashed patch.
- When does the user need it? Never.
- When does a modder need it? Never. It has a good chance of breaking the patch unless you know exactly what you're doing. It is disabled in CBash mode for safety.
Import Scripts- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the script associated with an object and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same object. This ensures that those changes are kept.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Scripts':
- Activator script
- Potion/Poison script
- Alchemical Apparatus script
- Armor script
- Book script
- Clothing script
- Container script
- Creature script
- Door script
- Flora script
- Furniture script
- Ingredient script
- Key script
- Light script
- Leveled Creature script
- Misc script
- NPC script
- Quest script
- Sigil Stone script
- Soul Gem script
- Weapon script
- Activator script
Import Sounds- Should you check it? Depends. This is an aesthetic choice. Choose whichever mod has the sounds that you prefer.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to the various sounds in the game. This ensures that the sounds from the mod(s) you like are preserved even if another mod changes the same sound.
- When does the user need it? If you use a mod that changes the sounds of things in the game, and you want those sounds to always be used even if another mod changes the sounds to something else.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Sound':
- Activator sound
- Container open, close sounds
- Creature foot weight, inherits sounds from, other sounds
- Door open, close, loop sounds
- Light sound
- Magic Effect casting, bolt, hit, area sounds
- Weather sounds
- Activator sound
Import Spell Stats- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise (such as if you're using a spell overhaul, you'll probably want to only check that overhaul).
- What does it do? Some mods change spells in order to fix bugs or to rebalance them. This ensures that these changes are kept even if another mod doesn't use the same changes.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other. Some mods may instruct you on which items should be checked.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'SpellStats':
- Spell name, cost, level type, spell type
Import Stats- Should you check it? Yes. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise (such as if you're using an item overhaul, you'll probably want to only check that overhaul).
- What does it do? Some mods change items in order to fix bugs or to rebalance them. This ensures that these changes are kept even if another mod doesn't use the same changes.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other. Some mods may instruct you on which items should be checked.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Stats':
- Potion/Poison weight, value
- Ammo weight value, damage, speed, enchantment points
- Alchemical Apparatus weight, value, quality
- Armor weight, value, health, strength
- Book weight, value, enchantment points
- Clothing weight, value, enchantment points
- Ingredient weight, value
- Key weight, value
- Light weight, value, duration
- Misc weight, value
- Sigil Stone weight, value, uses
- Weapon weight, value, health, damage, speed, reach, enchantment points
- Potion/Poison weight, value
Globals- Should you check it? Depends. Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Sets various global values for you.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Tweak Actors- Should you check it? Depends. Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Makes various changes to actors for you.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Tweak Assorted- Should you check it? Depends. The following options are recommended for all users: Bow Reach Fix, DarNified Books if you use DarN's UI, and Nvidia Fog Fix (even if you don't have an Nvidia graphics card). Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Makes various misc changes for you.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Tweak Clothes- Should you check it? Depends. Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Makes various changes to clothing for you.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Tweak Names- Should you check it? Depends. Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Mostly modifies names to make them sort "better" in game. Lore Friendly Names is the exception and simply replaces one word for another for consistency.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Tweak Settings- Should you check it? Depends. The following options are recommended for all users: UOP Vampire Aging and Face Fix.esp. Each option is entirely up to you and you may use or not use whatever option you want.
- What does it do? Sets various game setting values for you.
- When does the user need it? If you want to try one of the listed options. Each option is documented in Bash.
Cobl Catalogs- Should you check it? If you use COBL, yes. Otherwise, no.
- What does it do? It updates the in game COBL catalogs to include all ingredients and effects added by your mods.
- When does the user need it? If you use COBL and want the in game catalogs to be accurate.
Cobl Exhaustion- Should you check it? If you use COBL and use its Exhaustion feature, yes. Otherwise, no.
- What does it do? It updates greater powers added by other mods that are listed in the selected csv files so that they're compatible with COBL's Exhaustion feature.
- When does the user need it? If you use COBL and its Exhaustion feature.
Contents Checker- Should you check it? Yes.
- What does it do? It checks for some errors in your active mods.
- When does the user need it? Always. Unless you know for certain that your actives mods are safe (because you ran this option previously and haven't changed your mods).
Leveled Lists- Should you check it? Yes.
- What does it do? It merges changes to leveled lists so that mods play nicely with each other.
- When does the user need it? Always. Advanced users may want it disabled, or may want to take it off automatic.
Morph Factions- Should you check it? If you use COBL and Wrye Morph, yes. Otherwise, no.
- What does it do? It updates factions so that they are more likely to work with Wrye Morph.
- When does the user need it? If you use COBL and Wrye Morph. Then again, you should only be using Wrye Morph if you're an advanced user, so you probably aren't reading this.
Power Exhaustion- Should you check it? No. It is only available for backwards compatibility.
- What does it do? It updates greater powers added by other mods so that they're compatible with Wrye's deprecated Power Exhaustion mod.
- When does the user need it? Never. Update to COBL Exhaustion already.
Race Records- Should you check it? Yes. Unlike all other options, even if there are no mods on the right, it should still be selected. All mods should probably be checked unless you are told otherwise.
- What does it do? Some mods make changes to races and want those changes to be preserved even if another mod changes the same race. This ensures that those changes are kept. It also checks for and fixes various errors as described in the patch window.
- When does the user need it? Normally always. Advanced users may prefer to keep changes from one mod and not the other. Some mods may instruct you on which items should be checked.
- When does a modder need it? If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept:
- Race hairs you need to tag the mod with 'Hair'.
- Race male height, weight, tail (model path, bound radius, modt), upper body texture path, lower body texture path, hand texture path, foot texture path, tail texture path you need to tag the mod with 'Body-M'.
- Race female height, weight, tail (model path, bound radius, modt), upper body texture path, lower body texture path, hand texture path, foot texture path, tail texture path you need to tag the mod with 'Body-F'.
- Race male voice you need to tag the mod with 'Voice-M'.
- Race female voice you need to tag the mod with 'Voice-F'.
- Race teeth lower (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or teeth upper (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Teeth'.
- Race mouth (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or tongue (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Mouth'.
- Race male ears (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or female ears (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Ears'.
- Race head (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), Face-Gen Symmetric, Face-Gen Asymmetric, Face-Gen Texture Symmetry, or snam you need to tag the mod with 'R.Head'.
- Race male attributes (strength, speed, etc) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Attributes-M'.
- Race female attributes (strength, speed, etc) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Attributes-F'.
- Race skills, skill modifiers you need to tag the mod with 'R.Skills'.
- Race description you need to tag the mod with 'R.Description'.
- Race factions (add/remove/change relation modifier) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Relations'.
- Race spells (adding) you need to tag the mod with 'R.AddSpells'.
- Race spells (removing or removing some and adding others) you need to tag the mod with 'R.ChangeSpells'. Don't use 'R.AddSpells' and 'R.ChangeSpells' at the same time.
- Race eyes (adding,removing) you need to tag the mod with 'Eyes'.
- Race hairs you need to tag the mod with 'Hair'.
SEWorld Tests- Should you check it? Yes (assuming you aren't using a really old patch).
- What does it do? It fixes any quests that aren't suspended while your character is in the Shivering Isles.
- When does the user need it? Always (assuming you aren't using a really old patch). If you don't have the Shivering Isles expansion, this won't do you any good, but it also won't hurt you. So it's safer to just leave it enabled.
- What are all the symptoms? Be sure to include what you did (step-by-step is helpful), what you expected, and what happened.