Create character, get lead to a public execution station, execution is interrupted (by a dragon or Esbren) and Esbren hauls your sorry butt outta town, gives you some supplies in addition to whatever you manage to pick up in the tutorial "fleeing for your life" and tells you to go meet him at x in/at/near y and tells you that you are the dragonborn. You meet up with him, do some research in towns and ruins and such, meet a cult, have to go to new base, kill off the cult, find some vital information, raise some sort of army and nab a McGuffin and kill the avatar of Aludin. Then you get some sort of sub-par equipment as a reward that doesn't do much but look good.
Cool story bro.
Show's how much you know. It's already been confirmed that you are being lead to your execution which is then interupted by some kind of ethereals or spirit type things, who then save and and bring you to Esbern. Your so generic that sure, plenty of that could happen. Whats the point of this thread?
I could also give it a try: Your being lead to your execution. Somehow it's stopped. Later you find out that you're dragonborn. You then have to do some stuff. Then it ends.
Perfect, right?