So, for the most part, ive posted these here to try and get some pointers from you guy son how i can improve my art style, general tips and tricks, and ideas, if possible. if it helps, im using the latest version of gimp.
Right, so, here is my first one. its of a frost atronach in an icey breeze. i based it off the one in the recent G4 gameplay demonstration. this is one of the ones that svcks. The only par tof it im happy with is the ice texturing on the body.
This one is my personal favorite. cause to my eyes, it looks much better then my usual work. my only real complaint with this one, is the legs are a bit too chubby.
Here is one of a dragon In flight. I used a cartoon effect on it, as well as a canvas to make it look a it like it was painted.
And here is my most recent one. Of a nor don a cliff doing battle with a dragon... i deem this one the other one that svcks, because allot of the time, the colors go over the borderlines.
Your thoughts?