I like the LP morrowind things and this one seems pretty nice.
Your voice is pretty calm to listen to as well, so thats a plus.
Quick question i have tho:
You use morrowind MGE 3.8.2 for the graphics, but what else graphics wise??
No texture overhauls?
Shaders, skies etc?
Keep up the good work mate.
Morrowind Overhaul, look it up, its a collection of mods combined to make it look better, a lot of things have been replaced!
Just watched the first video.
Two or three points of constructive criticism/suggestions/encouragement:
1) If you could record at a higher resolution, it would be good. I can't read the dialog or character stats at 480p
2) It's good that I can hear the Morrowind soundtrack. That was an issue I had with Gix's LP. But in your case you're not speaking loud enough to get over the sound track with your commentary. Also seems that you have a tendency to mumble as if just thinking out loud to yourself. Between that, and the fact that your accent is different from mine (American here), I'm only getting about 30% of your commentary.
3) It seems your playstyle is more of a "do the tasks/beat the game" than a "roleplay." This is clearly a personal preference, but I think it would be more enjoyable to hear you discuss what your character is thinking and the rationale behind his actions.
4) When you pull up the stats menu, assuming I could read it, you might consider leaving it up a bit longer so that viewers can take in your overall character build...
I hope that wasn't overly negative. I'd hate to be too critical of your effort, since I've yet to get off my duff and attempt an LP.
But you did as for suggestions...

(OK, Iied, it was 4 points.)

youtube3 is the one messing up the resolution, it is convinced that im only uploading a 480p vid, when its actualy 1080p -.-'
I do mumble a lot :/ its what I do when im thinking :L Im english, tricky to speak in the american way :/
I will get into developing the character, but im trying to actually beat the game after years of trying :L
When i get a bit later on in the game, i may start to show it off

Yeah, second that, can you post info on your game build and platform. Options too...
I think you said you were using Overhaul. How do you have it set up?
Could you put up the FPS counters?
I'm working with Overhaul now and trying to get acceptable framerates out of it, so would be interesting to compare..
Thanks for taking the time...
im getting 30-40FPS, i used the reccomended settings in the overhaul install guide
got a i5 processor, and a GTX560TI graphics card!