» Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:46 pm
To those asking about the supposed performance improvements: I saw this file when it first went up and there was a bit about possibly improving performance in it, along with an explanation, though I don't know enough about how Oblivion's engine works to know if it's BS or not, I suspect OBGE modders would know...
Basically it claimed that playing in windowed mode forced a lower quality or simple mode for a handful of graphics settings that either are not available to change normally, or that it overrides certain values just by virtue of being in windowed mode. So this would presumably be a performance increase at the cost of some unknown graphical detail.
Seeing as the author was quite vague about it in the first place, and has since removed the claim, it seems unlikely.
Edit: Also, I think the "fix" here is for the time delay on ALT+TAB switches from non-windowed mode, and support for non-standard resolutions in fullscreen (for those who are not .ini file capable).
FYI, though, it does what it says it does and comes up as completely safe and clean on all my virus scans.